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[미국특허] Container caps and systems 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B67D-003/00
출원번호 US-0558134 (2012-07-25)
등록번호 US-8561857 (2013-10-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • DeMarco, Jenny
  • Lamie, John
출원인 / 주소
  • Mark Kay Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 178


Caps and container systems suited to dispensing products like cosmetics. Some of the caps include two portions that can be coupled together and that include a dispensing system that has at least two open positions and at least one closed position.


1. A cap comprising: a top portion comprising a top portion bottom surface and a top portion top surface, wherein a single off-centered opening extends from the top portion bottom surface through the top portion top surface; anda bottom portion comprising a bottom portion bottom surface and a bottom

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (178)

  1. Gach Peter P. (Evansville IN), Adjustable dispensing closure.
  2. Mittleman Herbert (Deerfield IL) Boland Gordon P. (Zurich IL), Administration set including burette with pivotable air valve.
  3. Shin, Jai, Apparatus for metered dispensing of particulate materials.
  4. Gueret Jean-Louis (Paris FRX), Assembly for dispensing at least one liquid product or a product in the form of a cream.
  5. Gueret Jean-Louis (Paris FRX), Assembly for dispensing at least one liquid product or a product in the form of a cream.
  6. Barnes Gretchen ; Tal Elisha,ILX, Beverage cup lid.
  7. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL), Biased hinge cap.
  8. Alguire, Ann Elizabeth; Turchi, Mario A.; Poindexter, Michael; Adee, Patrick G., Bottle.
  9. Hughes ; Jr. William F. (Hingham MA) Kleinrath Robert F. (Hanover MA), Bottle cap.
  10. Wong, Tommy Chi-Kin, Bottle cap.
  11. DeMarco,Jenny; Lamie,John, Cap.
  12. Bennett Robert A. (170 Sturbridge Rd. Easton CT 06612), Cap for containers.
  13. Bennett Robert A. (Easton CT), Cap for containers.
  14. Nozawa Takamitsu (Suginami JPX) Tasaki Takaharu (Koto JPX), Cap structure with elastic turnover cover.
  15. Thomas Glenn E., Cartridge cap.
  16. Rohr Robert D. (Eagle WI) Imbery ; Jr. Leo R. (Mukwonago WI) Daniels Richard J. (Caledonia WI), Child resistant closure with recessed latch.
  17. Gach Peter P. (Evansville IN), Child resistant dispensing closure.
  18. Gach Peter P. (Evansville IN) Montgomery Gary V. (Evansville IN), Child resistant dispensing closure.
  19. Hierzer, Valentin; Pellenz, Juergen, Child-resistant closure.
  20. Sledge Larry C. (Midlothian VA) Filipczak Gordon J. (Edina MN), Child-resistant dispensing closure.
  21. Barnes, Robert Cregg; Fisher, Scott Lee; Scott, Donald Allan; Jochem, David John, Circular dispensing container.
  22. Bolen ; Jr. Robert J. (10 Gwynn Ct. Closter NJ 07624) Bolen Thomas R. (64 Wheeler Ave. Westwood NJ 07675), Closure.
  23. Ekkert Len, Closure.
  24. Fleming Gregory J. (Glen Rock NJ) Bachelder Cheryl A. (Winston-Salem NC) Collerd Joseph F. (Winston-Salem NC) Yonker Ronald W. (Winston-Salem NC), Closure.
  25. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  26. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  27. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  28. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  29. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  30. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  31. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  32. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  33. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  34. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  35. Hierzer, Valentin; Gaiser, Rick, Closure.
  36. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  37. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  38. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  39. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  40. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  41. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  42. Hierzer,Valentin; Gaiser,Rick, Closure.
  43. Neveras George J. (Kendall NJ) McKinney James C. (Cranbury NJ), Closure.
  44. Norris, Joseph T.; Crawford, John C., Closure.
  45. Smith,Kelly A.; Hickok,Alan P., Closure.
  46. Shea, Gregory T.; Ballantyne, Ernest R., Closure and valve for liquid container.
  47. Uwe Hahmann DE; Christian Sauerwald DE; Klaus Heilmann DE; Gerhard Breith DE; Steffen Fritzsche DE; Igor Raiko DE, Closure element.
  48. Bixler Cynthia C. (Chillicothe OH), Closure for a beverage can.
  49. Von Schuckmann Alfred E. F. (Kevelaer DEX), Closure for container.
  50. Adams, Brian M.; Ma, Mike Xiaoli, Closure having rotatable spout and axially movable stem.
  51. Wilson Woodrow S. (Johnston RI) Hazard Robert E. (Kingstown RI), Closure with hinged lid and cam and spring elements holding lid open or closed.
  52. Getsy, Stephen B., Closure with selectable dispensing orifices.
  53. Mengeu, Gary L., Closure with selectable dispensing orifices.
  54. Fuchs Timothy J. (Perrysburg OH), Closure with snap-type hinge cap.
  55. Fuchs Timothy James, Closure with snap-type hinge cap.
  56. Adachi Kazuhiko,JPX ; Uneno Yuji,JPX, Combined bottle and cap.
  57. Kudo, Aoshi; Suzuki, Akiko, Combined bottle and cap.
  58. Lee,Kendrew; Lee,Noel, Confection container.
  59. Goettner Michael K., Container.
  60. Mongeon,Murphy; Maskell,William John; Bridgman,Amy, Container and a cap.
  61. Conway,Simon M.; Gerulski,Kristopher W.; Perez,Daniel; Zeilinger,Todd A., Container body with dispensing cap.
  62. DeMarco, Jenny, Container cap.
  63. Moffitt Robert C. (Laguna Hills CA), Container cap.
  64. Larguia ; Sr. Constancio,ARX, Container cap with interlocked safety closure.
  65. Bainton Donald J. (Greenwich CT), Container closure.
  66. Yourist, Sheldon, Container closure.
  67. Croyle ; Jack V., Container closure or the like.
  68. Goncalves Agnes,FRX, Container dispenser capsule with off-center aperture, and its method of manufacture.
  69. Daniello Jennifer J. (P.O. Box 14824 N. Palm Beach FL 33408-0824), Container lid with quantity measures.
  70. Toth,Mary; Verdura,Javier; Pirie,Craig; Sterling,Daniel Peter; Moses,Erik Joseph; Michaelian,Peter; Gross,Richard A.; Lay,Dieter F., Container with cap.
  71. Kersten Jens-Heinrich (Kamen-Heeren DEX) Schmitz Detlef (Lunen DEX), Deformable container for delivering liquid.
  72. Thomson Susan A ; Bendio Jeffrey L, Device for dispensing granular material.
  73. Lien-Fang Chu TW, Device for obtaining contents in a container at desired quantity.
  74. Guillot Christian,FRX, Device for stoppering a container and for dispensing the product which it contains.
  75. McClean, Craig E., Disk-top fluid dispensing package.
  76. Safian, John W.; Johnston, Richard R., Disk-top fluid dispensing package.
  77. Lamb, John David; Bunce, Martin Christopher; Peacop, Alexander James; Cummings, Bruce; Davis, William John, Dispenser.
  78. Craig E. McClean ; Robert E. Harman, Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  79. McClean Craig E. ; Harman Robert E., Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  80. McClean, Craig E.; Harman, Robert E., Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  81. McClean, Craig E.; Harman, Robert E., Dispenser package for fluent products and method of manufacture.
  82. Deflander Joseph F. (Wespelaar BEX), Dispensing bottle.
  83. Deflander Joseph F. (Wespelaar BEX), Dispensing bottle.
  84. Heinol Alois R. (Bensenville IL), Dispensing cap.
  85. Herald,Coy M.; Kamath,Ramesh; Haubein,Kenneth D., Dispensing cap.
  86. Bolen ; Jr. Robert J. (10 Gwynn Ct. Closter NJ 07624) Bolen Thomas R. (64 Wheeler Ave. Westwood NJ 07675), Dispensing closure.
  87. Bolen ; Jr. Robert J. (10 Gwynne Ct. Closter NJ 07624) Bolen Thomas R. (64 Wheeler Ave. Westwood NJ 07675), Dispensing closure.
  88. vanKerkhoven John (Wausau WI), Dispensing closure.
  89. Hazard Robert E. (Kingstown RI) Wilson Woodrow S. (Johnston RI), Dispensing closure employing living hinge.
  90. Hazard Robert E. (North Kingstown RI), Dispensing closure employing living hinge with cams to momentarily deform hinge and recesses to accept cams.
  91. Seager Richard H. (Mystic CT), Dispensing closure for a container.
  92. Mueller Bruce M. (Brookfield WI) Daniels Richard J. (Caledonia WI) Elliott John (Waukegan IL), Dispensing closure with a twist sleeve and two internal passages.
  93. Skillin,Clifford W.; Johnson,Joseph F., Dispensing closure with stop wall for positive alignment on container.
  94. Elchert, Rodney A., Dispensing closure, package and method of manufacture.
  95. Haggerty, Anne Elizabeth; Gibb, Jeffrey Shawn; Nicosia, Davide Sergio, Dispensing container.
  96. Lang Frank J. (Henderson NV) Chadfield Robert (Bradenton FL), Dispensing container for cosmetic product.
  97. Vette Manfred,DEX, Dispensing container with a sliding valve and a tamper-proof device.
  98. von R?nn,Thomas; Clemens,Birgit, Dispensing device.
  99. Stillinger, Scott H., Dispensing devices.
  100. Baudin Gilles,FRX ; De Nervo Stanislas,JPX ; Albisetti Nicolas,FRX, Dispensing head and unit for a product with a liquid-to-viscous consistency comprising a flow reducer, and method of manufacturing same.
  101. Poulos James F. (4025 Easley Rd. Golden CO 80403), Dispensing lid or cap.
  102. Wright David M. (Evansville IN), Dispensing package.
  103. Englert, Christopher; Huesmann, Kirstin; Kerr, Donald, Dispensing package with lockable closure.
  104. Miller Ronee (P.O. Box 1353 New York NY 10021) Freed Anna (New York NY), Dispensing top for pill case.
  105. Sprick, William D.; Clodfelter, Christopher B., Double shell dispenser.
  106. Aljadi,Salma E., Dual chamber nursery bottle.
  107. Frisch,Ruchama, Dual chamber nursing bottle.
  108. Morton Jay (Miami Beach FL), Easy-open and reclosable container.
  109. Kreiseder Walter J. (Barrington IL) Vogel Allen J. (Schaumburg IL), End closure with tamper evident element.
  110. Nelson, Alfred Charles; Brown, Derek Allen, Faucet spray head with volume control.
  111. Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL), Flexible dispensing closure having a slitted resilient outlet valve and a flanged vent valve.
  112. Knickerbocker, Michael G., Flip-top closure with child resistant packaging system.
  113. Vovan, Terry, Food display container cover.
  114. Kao, Wen Li, Gardening spraying nozzle.
  115. Stull Gene (1 Winston Farm La. Far Hills NJ 07931), Hand-held dispenser with twist-to-open cap.
  116. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL), Hinged dispensing closure.
  117. Thomas Glenn E. (Glen Ellyn IL), Indicating cap.
  118. Bresler,Lewis, Lid for a cup.
  119. Ohashi, Naoki, Lid structure of reagent container.
  120. Brooks R. Markert ; Christopher J. Young, Lid with a slidable dispensing spout.
  121. Wennerstrom, Joel W.; Martin, Douglas S., Liquid dispensing closure.
  122. Gambello Vincent J. (90 Prospect Ave. ; Apt. 3-D Hackensack NJ 07601), Locking removable cap and method of assembly and installation thereof.
  123. John Elliott, Locking tamper-evident dispensing closure.
  124. Harley-Wilmot Sandria C., Measured quantity liquid dispenser.
  125. Williams, Jeffrey S., Measuring and dispensing apparatus.
  126. McClean, Craig E.; Harman, Robert E., Method of making a container and closure.
  127. Miranda Renato (Sao Paulo BRX), Monoblock plastic tube.
  128. Martin Clyde J. (Cincinnati OH) Duncan Gail F. (Dayton OH), Multi-functional, enviornmentally-oriented, tamper-evident container closure.
  129. Martin Clyde J. (Cincinnati OH) Duncan Gail F. (Dayton OH), Multi-functional, environmentally-oriented, tamper-evident container closure.
  130. Iba Wayne S. ; Grau Laurie C., Multiple flow volume dispensing cap.
  131. Eppenbach Lawrence C. (419 Kennedy St. Juneau AK 99801), Multiple function closure.
  132. Wagner Eugene (c/o Dental Concepts ; 9 N. Goodwin Ave. Elmsford NY 10523), Multiple reservoir nursing bottle, valve assembly and method.
  133. Cox Malcolm A. (Sutton Coldfield GBX) Lloyd Matthew J. (Wednesbury GBX), Non-refillable container closure.
  134. Thomas Michael D. (Arab AL), One-piece check valve for use in a fluid dispenser.
  135. Mengeu Gary L. (Wheeling WV) Dutt Herbert V. (Sarasota FL), One-piece container closure with lid held open for dispensing.
  136. Bush Randall G. (Evansville IN) Montgomery Gary V. (Evansville IN), One-piece dispensing closure with lid hold-open feature.
  137. Baker, Paul Joseph, Package.
  138. Moore, Peter John, Package for a suncream.
  139. Peter John Moore AU, Package for a suncream.
  140. Gueret, Jean-Louis H., Packaging and dispensing device.
  141. Ramoundos, Nicholas H., Pill bottle with indicator device.
  142. Thomas Michael D. (Elmhurst IL) Ryder Francis E. (Barrington IL), Pill dispenser.
  143. Brun ; Jr. Charles J., Recyclable container and rotatable closure of plastics material.
  144. Tuerk Erich (Langenfeld DEX) Bucheler Herbert (Erkrath DEX), Rotary closure cap for loose-material containers.
  145. Funfstuck Horst (364 W. Payson St. Glendora CA 91740), Rotatable closure and dispensing device for collapsible tubes and/or containers.
  146. Crawford John C. (Lake Mahopac NY) Vogel Steven A. (Clifton NJ), Rotating dispenser top.
  147. Forsyth Michael J. (Stow OH) Mediate Bruno A. (Independence OH) Pecot David E. (Brecksville OH), Rotor-type dispenser.
  148. Liebe,Thomas, Round container lid.
  149. Mooney Michael M. ; Mooney Donna L., Safety dispensing cap.
  150. Giroux Maurice (Tournus FRX) Sivignon Paul (Cuisery FRX) Susini Claude (Tournus FRX), Safety pouring closure.
  151. Hsing Chen (Hsinchu TWX) Li Chang (Hsinchu TWX) Horng-Show Koo (Hsinchu TWX), Safety valve for feeding bottle.
  152. Molo Nicholas J. (Kissimmee FL), Seal with covered vent.
  153. Yukitomo Yuhara JP, Sealable case.
  154. Stradder Robert H. (165 W. End Ave. ; Apt. 10 A New York NY 10023), Sealing and dispensing cap.
  155. Ott Siegfried (Traunstein-Hufschlag DEX) Mayer Franz (Mengkofen DEX), Self-closing cap for the filler neck of the oil pan of an engine.
  156. Copeland Stephan, Self-sealing container.
  157. Jeffrey T. Randall ; Kelly A. Smith ; Susan De Groot, Single axis dual dispensing closure.
  158. Forsyth Michael J. (Stow OH), Single flap container cap.
  159. Forsyth Michael J. (Stow OH) Baxter David C. (Southington OH), Single flap push in closure with over catch.
  160. Hambleton Thomas P. (Pine Bush NY) Triggiani Richard R. (Pine Bush NY), Slideable reclosable plastic lid.
  161. Chalfa ; Jr. Bobby L. (5261 Central Ave. Bonita CA 91902), Sliding valve for single handed fluid dispensing.
  162. Libit Sidney M. (141 Lakeside Terrace Glencoe IL 60022), Snap container closure.
  163. Stull Gene (1 Winston Farm La. Far Hills NJ 07931), Snap-hinge closure cap with full circumferential seal.
  164. Wu, Sheng Li, Sprayer device having buffering structure.
  165. Chih,Gordon, Sprinkling head structure of a sprinkler.
  166. Weinstein Jack (Manchester Township ; Ocean County NJ), Squeeze type dispenser having an axially rotatable top element containing a flow closure and a vent.
  167. Walter John (Evergreen Park IL), Tamper indicator for closure.
  168. Gallo, Jr.,Anthony B.; Lund,Douglas M.; Meade,Gary A.; Palaia,Rocco, Tamper-evident dispenser bottle.
  169. Laveault, Richard A.; Jahan, Rowshan, Tamper-evident locking band for a container closure.
  170. Kinsley John P. (740 Woodland Dr. Crystal Lakes IL 60014), Tamper-indicating device.
  171. Herald,Coy M.; Kamath,Ramesh; Szasz,David A., Tamper-indicating dispensing closure.
  172. Beck James M. (Carol Stream IL), Tethered dispensing closure.
  173. Morrow J. Mark, Twist bottom dispenser.
  174. Bush Randall G. (Evansville IN), Two piece dispensing closure.
  175. Rohr Robert D. (Elgin IL) Kitterman Lawrence R. (Bradenton FL), Two-piece dispensing closure with cantilevered biasing member.
  176. Robbins, Edward S.; Miller, John J.; White, Ronald R., Two-piece measuring dispensing cap.
  177. Maguire Paul R. (4284 Sea View La. Los Angeles CA 90065) Lown John M. (222 La Jolla La. Newport Beach CA 92663), Valved pouring spout.
  178. Albers, Martin; Römer, Frank, Venting valve-type closure for beverage container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Niggel, Brett, Twist closure for opening and closing containers.
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