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[미국특허] Systems and methods for selective hydrogen transport and measurement 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C25B-009/00
  • C25B-001/02
  • C25B-015/02
출원번호 US-0262220 (2010-03-31)
등록번호 US-8568582 (2013-10-29)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2010/029477 (2010-03-31)
§371/§102 date 20110929 (20110929)
국제공개번호 WO2010/114924 (2010-10-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glatzmaier, Gregory C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    White, Paul J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 9


Systems and methods for selectively removing hydrogen gas from a hydrogen-containing fluid volume are disclosed. An exemplary system includes a proton exchange membrane (PEM) selectively permeable to hydrogen by exclusively conducting hydrogen ions. The system also includes metal deposited as layers


1. A method for selectively removing hydrogen gas from a hydrogen-containing fluid volume, comprising: providing a proton exchange membrane (PEM) selectively permeable to hydrogen by exclusively conducting hydrogen ions;providing metal deposited as layers onto opposite sides or faces of the PEM to f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Labaton Isaac J. (Jerusalem ILX), Device and method for removing gaseous impurities from a sealed vacuum.
  2. Meissner, Alan P.; Parkhill, Richard G., Evaporative hydrophilic surface for a heat exchanger, method of making the same and composition therefor.
  3. Stana Regis R. (Lakeland FL), Extractant solvent restoration in the process for recovery of uranium from phosphoric acid.
  4. Barkai, Menashe; Klapwald, Shmuel; Schwartzman, Yoel; Mandelberg, Eli; Ezer, Rami, Getter support assembly for a solar energy collector system.
  5. Labaton Isaac J. (5/9 HaTenna Givat Ze\ev ; Jerusalem ILX) Harats Yehuda (53 Hizkiyahu Hamelech Jerusalem ILX), Hydrogen pump.
  6. Takeuchi Hirosato (Tokyo JPX) Mikiya Toshio (Tokyo JPX), Retaining device for an inner tube of an evacuated double-tubing type solar heat collector.
  7. Doevenspeck Robrecht M. L. (Eindhoven NLX) Fransen Jan J. B. (Eindhoven NLX), Solar collector.
  8. Kroontje Wiggert (Eindhoven NLX) Kuus Gijsbert (Eindhoven NLX), Solar collector.
  9. Goodman ; Jr. Maurice (177 E. 80th St. New York NY 10021) Garrigus Mark W. (131 Garrigus Ct. Wolcott CT 06716), Solar energy collector.

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