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[미국특허] Shipping fixture and method for transporting rotor blades 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60P-003/40
출원번호 US-0397767 (2012-02-16)
등록번호 US-8602700 (2013-12-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Johnson, Stephen Bertram
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Dority & Manning, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 11


A shipping fixture and method for transporting a rotor blade are disclosed. The shipping fixture is configured for stacking thereon of an adjacent shipping fixture. The shipping fixture includes a first frame comprising a first support member and a first nesting feature. The first frame is further c


1. A shipping fixture for transporting a rotor blade, the shipping fixture configured for stacking thereon of an adjacent shipping fixture, the shipping fixture comprising: a first frame comprising a plurality of support members and a first nesting feature, the first frame further configured for sta

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Broderick, Daniel A; Moya Garcia, Juan; Lofranco, Lou M, Blade transportation.
  2. Kootstra, Dirk-Jan, Method and apparatus for containing, storing and/or transporting curved wind turbine rotor blades.
  3. Jensen,J��rgen E., Method for the transport of a long windmill wing and a vehicle for the transport thereof.
  4. Kootstra, Dirk-Jan; Baker, Eric Arthur; Davis, John P., Methods and systems for transporting wind turbine components.
  5. Kitagawa Katsuhiko (Matsusaka JPX) Yamada Miki (Matsusaka JPX), Pallet for holding glass plates in standing posture.
  6. Riddell, Scott Gabell, System and method for arranging wind turbine blades.
  7. Grabau,Peter; Andersen,Lars Fuglsang, Transition zone in wind turbine blade.
  8. Jørgensen, Henning; Hansen, Jens Jessen, Transport system for transportation of a spar.
  9. Grabau, Peter, Transporting and storing curved wind turbine blades.
  10. Landrum, Scott C.; King, T. Christopher, Wind turbine blade transportation system and method.
  11. Landrum, Scott C.; King, T. Christopher, Wind turbine blade transportation system and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bitsch, Michael Brix; Knudsen, Peter; Pedersen, David Stien; Talebnasab, Reza; Uhrenholt, Jesper, Blade holding apparatus.
  2. Botwright, Adrian, Component handling, in particular wind turbine component handling.
  3. Van Der Zee, Jacobus, Method and system for transporting and storing at least two wind turbine blades.
  4. Van Der Zee, Jacobus; Nielsen, Anders; Skipper-Mortensen, Kenth, Method and system for transporting and storing at least two wind turbine blades.
  5. Neumann, Ulrich Werner; Pfeiffer, Gaylon Mitchell; Costain, Kevin; Willman, Stephanie, Method for suspending a rotor blade from a hub of a wind turbine.
  6. Holloway, Brent Hamilton; Neumann, Ulrich Werner; Pfeiffer, Gaylon Mitchell; Johnson, Michael R.; Hach, Forrest Christopher; Costain, Kevin, Methods and systems for removing and/or installing wind turbine rotor blades.
  7. Neumann, Ulrich Werner; Holloway, Brent Hamilton; Willman, Stephanie; Foster, Michael Cade, Methods and systems for removing and/or installing wind turbine rotor blades.
  8. Thomsen, Peter Frans, Stacking wind turbine blades for sea transport.
  9. Neumann, Ulrich Werner, System and method for manufacturing wind turbine rotor blades for simplified installation and removal.
  10. Neumann, Ulrich Werner; Holloway, Brent Hamilton; Pfeiffer, Gaylon Mitchell; Johnson, Michael R.; Hach, Forrest Christopher; Costain, Kevin; Willman, Stephanie, System and method for removing and/or installing a rotor blade of a wind turbine.
  11. Neumann, Ulrich Werner; Davis, Adam S.; Pfeiffer, Gaylon Mitchell; Johnson, Michael R.; Hach, Forrest Christopher; Costain, Kevin; Willman, Stephanie; Wilmot, Theodore Steven, System and method for replacing a pitch bearing.
  12. Ressel, Dirk; Lülker, Frank; Janke, Mirko, Transport vehicle for rotor blades and/or tower segments of wind power plants and transport rack for a transport vehicle.
  13. Frederiksen, Henrik, Transportation and storage system for wind turbine blades.
  14. Frederiksen, Henrik, Transportation and storage system for wind turbine blades.
  15. Landrum, Scott C.; King, T. Christopher, Wind turbine blade double pivot transportation system and method.
  16. Landrum, Scott C.; King, T. Christopher, Wind turbine blade railroad transportation system and method.
  17. Landrum, Scott C.; King, T. Christopher, Wind turbine blade railroad transportation with two axis translation.

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