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[미국특허] Exercise apparatuses and methods of using the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-025/10
  • A43B-003/10
출원번호 US-0865695 (2009-01-30)
등록번호 US-8617033 (2013-12-31)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2009/032748 (2009-01-30)
§371/§102 date 20101129 (20101129)
국제공개번호 WO2009/097589 (2009-08-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stewart, Jeffrey David
출원인 / 주소
  • Stewart, Jeffrey David
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 56


An exercise apparatus includes a pair of step-up apparatuses wearable on feet of a user. Each step-up apparatus is configurable between an expanded configuration and a compressed configuration to simulate a selected motion when the user wearing the pair of step-up apparatuses travels by foot. One of


1. An exercise footwear apparatus, comprising: a self-expanding sole assembly movable between an expanded configuration and a compressed configuration, the sole assembly comprising: a lower sole portion;an upper sole portion movable with respect to the lower sole portion; andan expansion mechanism c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kim, Chang Ho, Air cushion shoe for indoor exercise.
  2. Cheng Peter S. C.,CAX, Air-circulating, shock-absorbing shoe structures.
  3. John Swigart, Article of footwear with a motion control device.
  4. Pitkin Mark R. (22 Pond St. ; Apt. 7 Sharon MA 02067), Athletic shoe.
  5. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  6. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  7. Ganter Paul (Tannenweg 21 D-7808 Waldkirch DEX) Ganter Max (Rosenweg 7 D-7808 Waldkirch DEX), Base for an article of footwear.
  8. Koniuk Wayne A. (324 Divisadero St. San Francisco CA 94117), Boot accessory.
  9. Robinson, Jr., Douglas K.; Lane, III, John F.; Erickson, John J.; Feeney, James M., Dynamic and static cushioning footbed.
  10. Rennex Brian G. (2332 Antiqua Ct. Reston VA 22091), Energy efficient running shoe.
  11. Gilbert Alan Hice, Foot leverage system and method.
  12. Radford, Alfred D., Footwear.
  13. Müller, Karl, Footwear for a dynamic, rolling walking-action.
  14. Gyr Kaj, Footwear having an articulating heel portion.
  15. Bishop Richard Patten, Footwear incorporating piezoelectric spring system.
  16. Edwards, Harry W., Footwear structure with outsole bulges and midsole bladder.
  17. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  18. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  19. Killion, David L.; Killion, Jesse, Full suspension footwear.
  20. Seydel, Roland; Luthi, Simon; Fumi, Richard; Beard, Kevin A.; Kaiser, Ottmar, Ground contacting systems having 3D deformation elements for use in footwear.
  21. Seydel Roland ; Luthi Simon ; Fumi Richard,DEX ; Beard Kevin A.,DEX ; Kaiser Ottmar,DEX, Ground-contacting systems having 3D deformation elements for use in footwear.
  22. Faughn Jim (Bel Air MD) Crowell ; III Harrison P. (Forest Hill MD), Impact absorbing soles for parachutists.
  23. Litchfield,Paul E.; Swales,Geoff, Inflatable support system for an article of footwear.
  24. DiBenedetto,Christian; Oleson,Mark Arthur; Roth,Charles; Thompson,Mark Christopher, Intelligent footwear systems.
  25. Illustrato Vito J. (3202 Bronxwood Ave. Bronx NY 10469), Jog-springs.
  26. Coomer Sven O. (1351 Parrott Dr. San Mateo CA 94402), Orthotically dynamic footwear.
  27. Prieskorn David W. (10446 Summit View Brighton MI 48116), Physiological motion enhancing shoe sole.
  28. Brennan John L. (11000 Westwood Lake Dr. Miami FL 33165), Pneumatic springing shoe.
  29. Elbaz, Avi; Mor, Amit, Proprioceptive and kinesthetic footwear.
  30. Coomer Sven (1136 Terminal Way Suite 208B Reno NV 89502), Prosthesis shoe insert for propulsive conditioning.
  31. Dennison,James M., Releasable athletic shoe sole.
  32. Fowler Donald M. (271 Rock Ave. Golden CO 80401), Resilient midsole component for footwear.
  33. Marrello Hugo (119 Elgin St. Thornhill ; Ontario CAX L3T 1W7), Shock absorbing device.
  34. John Walsh, Shock-absorbing running shoe.
  35. Anderi Wolf (Aurachtal/Falkendorf DEX) Stssi Edgar (Mutschellen CHX), Shoe bottom, in particular for sports shoes.
  36. Lee Yan-Yee,TWX, Shoe equipped with spring for doing jumping exercise.
  37. Muller Roberto (New York NY) Sousa Antonio M. (Taunton MA), Shoe having fluid pressure supporting means.
  38. Munster,Udo, Shoe or athletic shoe.
  39. Ikeda Kiichi (Tsuchiura JPX) Kajita Shuji (Tsukuba JPX) Iwatsuki Tetsu (Tsukuba JPX), Shoe sole for leg apparatus.
  40. Perenich,Stephen, Shoe suspension system.
  41. Cohen Eli (350 Continental Ave. Paramus NJ 07652), Shoe with midsole including deflection inhibiting inserts.
  42. Rudy Marion F. (Northridge CA), Shoes with studded soles.
  43. Jenkins Stuart E. ; Schmidt ; deceased K. Michael ; Le Tuan N., Sole and heel structure with peripheral fluid filled pockets.
  44. Naville Denis (Geneve CHX), Sporting and exercising device having a foot receiving portion and an anticollapse spring portion.
  45. Denis Naville CH, Sporting and exercising device having a spring portion with stringed/clipped shock absorbers.
  46. Lekhtman David (5350 Macdonald Montreal ; Quebec CAX) Lekhtman Gregory (6555 Kildare Cote St. Luc ; Quebec CAX), Sporting and exercising spring shoe.
  47. Lekhtman Gregory (Montreal CAX), Sporting and exercising unit.
  48. Levin Shalom (8/9 Simtat Rodan Haifa 35590 ILX), Sports shoe.
  49. Ritts Gary (2340 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90068), Spring shoe.
  50. Schnell Joachim (Amselweg 7 D-6348 Herborn 4 DEX), Spring-action running and jumping shoe.
  51. Lacorazza,David; Davis,Paul M., Stable footwear that accommodates shear forces.
  52. Lacorazza,David; Davis,Paul M., Stable footwear that accommodates shear forces.
  53. Litchfield, Paul E.; Montross, Matthew J.; Smith, Steven F.; White, J. Spencer; Jessiman, Alexander W., Support and cushioning system for an article of footwear.
  54. Litchfield,Paul E.; Montross,Matthew J.; Smith,Steven F.; White,J. Spencer; Jessiman,Alexander W., Support and cushioning system for an article of footwear.
  55. Hayes Kenneth Scott, Synthetic sand frontal training shoe.
  56. Makikawa Masaaki,JPX ; Tani Norimasa,JPX, Walk simulation apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Butler, Ying Y.; Butler, John W., Compact portable leg exercise machine.
  2. Butler, Ying Y.; Butler, John W., Compact portable leg exercise machine.
  3. Butler, Ying Y.; Butler, John W., Compact portable leg exercise machine.
  4. Stewart, Jeffrey David, Exercise apparatuses and methods of using the same.
  5. Barnes, Elizabeth; Connell, Jeremy L.; Elder, Zachary; Fagergren, Fred; Peters, Gary M., Sole structure for an article of footwear.
  6. Stewart, Jeffrey David, Wearable exercise apparatuses.

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