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Mechanical pitch shifter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G10D-003/00
출원번호 US-0341925 (2011-12-31)
등록번호 US-8642862 (2014-02-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baird, Derrick Lynn
출원인 / 주소
  • Baird, Derrick Lynn
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 20


A mechanical pitch shifter for changing the pitch of a stringed musical instrument is disclosed. The mechanical pitch shifter engages the musical instrument string between the end of operational length and point of string termination. This device comprises a base clamp 1 and thumbscrew 2 to attach t


1. A mechanical pitch shifter, comprising: a base clamp with means for attachment to a musical instrument with strings,a top bar slidably disposed to said base clamp,a cam and cam handle pivotally supported in relation to said base clamp, whereby when said cam handle is urged to a lifted position ca

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Skinn,Neil; Strazzabosco,Frank; Kith,Steve; Stanberg, legal representative,Sharon R.; Johnson,Bryan S., Apparatus and method for self-tuning stringed musical instruments with an accompanying vibrato mechanism.
  2. Sperzel Robert J., Apparatus for changing the tension in a string of a musical instrument.
  3. Oster ; Doran M., Capo.
  4. Spoonts ; III Paul R. A. (5948 Callston La. No. 2030 Fort Worth TX 76112), Capo.
  5. Ward, Michael, Capo device with selective string compression.
  6. Einhorn, Peter J.; Hand, Frederic W., Capo for a stringed instrument.
  7. Nakamoto Terumi (Hamamatsu JPX), Capodastro for a guitar.
  8. Clyburn C. Wayne (Cincinnati OH), Capotasto.
  9. Brown,Dave, D tuner.
  10. Willis, W. Coy, D-tuner for banjo.
  11. West, John Raymond, Method and apparatus for string load reduction and real-time pitch alteration on stringed instruments.
  12. Borisoff David J. (22119 Victory Blvd. Canoga Park CA 91405), Multi-tuner bridge for stringed musical instruments.
  13. Hoglund Steven G. (1501 E. Broadway Monticello MN 55362) Cox Wayne A. (306 E. 4th St. Monticello MN 55362), Quick-setting, variable, chord-forming, partial capo.
  14. Davis,Timothy Shane, String bending device for stringed musical instruments.
  15. Borisoff David J. (7726 Burnet Ave. Van Nuys CA 91405) Borisoff Boris (7726 Burnet Ave. Van Nuys CA 91405), String tuner attachment.
  16. Van Halen,Edward, Stringed instrument with adjustable string tension control.
  17. Hill ; Jr. Richard W. (239 Dillard Dr. Goose Creek SC 29445), Tonal exponent.
  18. Clement Andrew,CAX ITX J0B 2Z0, Tremolo.
  19. D'Arco, Daniel, Tuning stabilizer for stringed instrument.
  20. Collins William D. (Eagle\s Aerie Farm ; Rustic Hills Rte. 4 Ashland City TN 37015) Sundown Jeremiah (Rte. 4 Ashland City TN 37015), Variable chord-forming capotasto.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Campling, Nicholas John, Capo.
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