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Golf club holder 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-055/00
출원번호 US-0199306 (2011-08-25)
등록번호 US-8657128 (2014-02-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Coyne, Matthew David
  • Landi, Michael Charles
출원인 / 주소
  • Coyne, Matthew David
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 35


An improved golf club holder having a base, tubular casings, and pins. The base has a plurality of openings. The tubular casings are attached to the underside of the base at each plurality of openings. A golfer can insert a golf club into an opening in the base and allow the club to move down throug


1. An apparatus embedded in the ground for holding golf clubs, said apparatus comprising: a base located at or below ground level and having a plurality of openings extending through the base from a topside to an underside to allow insertion of a butt of a golf club into one of the plurality of open

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (35)

  1. Hale, Franklin C.; Austin, James W., Auxiliary golf club holder.
  2. Young Michael R. (9110 E. Country Walk Wichita KS 67206), Carrier for golf clubs or the like.
  3. Young Michael R. (c/o Bristol Compressors ; 649 Industrial Park Rd. Bristol VA 24201), Carrier for golf clubs or the like.
  4. Shanks Darrell V. (1806 S. Fairlawn Evansville IN 47714) Shanks Sandra S. (1806 S. Fairlawn Evansville IN 47714), Combination golf and miscellaneous carrying device.
  5. Mark L. Wingate, Display rack for golf clubs.
  6. Wu, Chen Hao, Dual swing hinge structure.
  7. Bogar Earl M. (P.O. Box 4152 Houston TX 77210), Fishing rod holder.
  8. Hollister Ralph O. (2634 49th Ave. Court Greeley CO 80631) Sanders Ernest E. (1313 10th St. Greeley CO 80631), Free-standing golf club and golf ball carrier.
  9. Hall, Jeffrey; Hebert, Paul, Golf accessory having multiple functions.
  10. Ingraham Clifford R. (937 Teal Dr. Fort Collins CO 80521), Golf bag with golf club separators.
  11. Rood,Clair T., Golf club and towel holder.
  12. Townsend, Jr., Charles E., Golf club carrier.
  13. Brewer, Samuel; Bugliari, Jeff, Golf club handgrip elevation apparatus.
  14. Chappell,William J., Golf club holder.
  15. Lawrence, Richard, Golf club holder.
  16. LeMoine,William D., Golf club holder.
  17. Massetti Joseph (132 Radigan Ave. Staten Island NY 10309), Golf club holder.
  18. Williams Ron (506 E. Happy Valley St. Cave City KY 42127), Golf club organizer assembly.
  19. Ruff, Thomas L., Golf club rest.
  20. Klein, Roger Allen, Golf club shaft support.
  21. Thomas, Sr., Robert Allen, Golf club support.
  22. Valiante,Nicholas, Golf club support apparatus.
  23. Glennon Edward V., Golf club support card.
  24. Franke James A., Golf club support device.
  25. Comrie, Ronald, Golf club supporting accessory.
  26. Sugarek,Steven L; Sugarek,C. Alan, Holder for grips and handles.
  27. Chang Chin-Lan,TWX, Individual gold club holder for golf bag.
  28. Richard E. Kwiecienski, Light-in-weight golf club holder.
  29. Young, Michael R., Lightweight carrier for golf clubs.
  30. Boberg William J. (15127 Woodland Monroe MI 48161), Prop for a handgrip of a golf club.
  31. Cash David B. (900 Bellview St. Winston-Salem NC 27103), Rake storage device.
  32. Wilson, II, Jonathan E., Self standing golf club support.
  33. Bailey, Vance, Tube holder for golf putter.
  34. Warren J. Christensen ; Jeffrey Christensen ; Kip M. Colton ; Stephen Matthew Haws ; Michelle Elaine Lau ; Janet Heidemarie Lehnardt ; Kevin David Staples ; Alaa Abu-Obeid ; Len Pugh, Underground rake storage apparatus and method.
  35. Bukovac John P. (128 Pershing Cir. Latrobe PA 15650), Ventilated golf club holder.
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