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[미국특허] Packaging 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-03
출원번호 US-0446118 (2013-02-20)
등록번호 US-D701757 (2014-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Andre, Bartley K.
  • Coster, Daniel J.
  • De Iuliis, Daniele
  • Howarth, Richard P.
  • Ive, Jonathan P.
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Kerr, Duncan Robert
  • Nishibori, Shin
  • Rohrbach, Matthew Dean
  • Russell-Clarke, Peter
  • Satzger, Douglas B.
  • Seid, Calvin Q.
  • Stringer, Christopher J.
  • Whang, Eugene Antony
  • Zörkendörfer, Rico
출원인 / 주소
  • Apple Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 72


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for packaging, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (72) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jones William Charles (3 Ida La. East Sandwich MA 02537), Article packaging kit, and method.
  2. Jones William Charles, Article suspension package, system and method.
  3. Davis Garrison,Vanessa G., Audiovisual accessory organizing apparatus.
  4. Lenmark ; Sr. Voigt O. (St. Louis Park MN) Koentopp William A. (St. Paul MN), Biological sample transport container.
  5. Peart,Roger; Eick,Dale; Vladika,Brett; Melnyk,Steven G.; Nelson,Joshua J., Cash box/security case.
  6. Bacon,Thomas M.; Merriman,Raime; Leftwich,Robert Blake, Clear window packaging assembly and method.
  7. Bakus Steven L. (Vernon Hills IL), Combined packaging and mixing container.
  8. Gregory Sheila (13532 Wynant Dr. Westminister CA 92683), Container.
  9. Perfect ; Alan J., Container and utility tray.
  10. Hicks Stewart W. (423 Linda Dr. San Antonio TX 78216), Container with overlapping flap closure and nesting spacer.
  11. Pacelli ; Jr. Joseph C. (Greenwich CT), Cosmetic kit.
  12. Hay ; David Stewart ; Bennett ; Alfred Weston, Covered container for mail or the like.
  13. Baker Jeffrey J., Display container for a collectible item.
  14. Kennedy, Jr., Robert J.; Smith, II, Kendall S.; Brown, Gregory N., Display package.
  15. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; St, Ear phone and ear phone holder.
  16. Shook ; Robert L. ; Sirak ; Howard D., Executive food carrying case.
  17. Kaplinsky Leonid, Fishing case.
  18. Freeman, Roger, Flatware box with tabs.
  19. Klupt Carle D. (Baltimore MD), Food carton.
  20. Cuccio Allen (Boulder CO) Hagerman John (Menlo Park CA), HDD carrying case.
  21. Kaczeus ; Sr. Steven L. ; Kaczeus ; Jr. Steven L. ; Kim Timothy, High impact-resistant data storage subsystem.
  22. Chang Robert W. H. (Roseville MN) Relyea Keith E. (St. Joseph Township ; St. Croix County WI), Lipstick sampling device.
  23. Feather King, Magnet enclosure with display.
  24. Paul W. Szczepanski ; David J. Monks, Optical component packaging.
  25. Szczepanski Paul W. ; Monks David J., Optical component packaging.
  26. Amos, Gregory Y.; Kikkert, Robert L.; Miller, Carl G.; Longest, Jr., H. Cary; Sousa, Ryan J.; Garthaffner, Travis M., Package.
  27. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Package.
  28. Andre,Bartley K.; Coster,Daniel J.; De Iuliis,Daniele; Howarth,Richard P.; Ive,Jonathan P.; Jobs,Steve; Kerr,Duncan Robert; Nishibori,Shin; Rohrbach,Matthew Dean; Satzger,Douglas B.; Seid,Calvin Q.; Stringer,Christopher J.; Whang,Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer,Rico, Package.
  29. Andre,Bartley K.; Coster,Daniel J.; De Iuliis,Daniele; Howarth,Richard P.; Ive,Jonathan P.; Jobs,Steve; Kerr,Duncan Robert; Nishibori,Shin; Rohrbach,Matthew Dean; Satzger,Douglas B.; Seid,Calvin Q.; Stringer,Christopher J.; Whang,Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer,Rico, Package.
  30. Andre,Bartley K.; Coster,Daniel J.; De Iuliis,Daniele; Howarth,Richard P.; Ive,Jonathan P.; Jobs,Steve; Kerr,Duncan Robert; Nishibori,Shin; Rohrbach,Matthew Dean; Satzger,Douglas B.; Seid,Calvin Q.; Stringer,Christopher J.; Whang,Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer,Rico, Package.
  31. Andre,Bartley K.; Coster,Daniel J.; De Iuliis,Daniele; Howarth,Richard P.; Ive,Jonathan P.; Jobs,Steve; Kerr,Duncan Robert; Nishibori,Shin; Rohrbach,Matthew Dean; Satzger,Douglas B.; Seid,Calvin Q.; Stringer,Christopher J.; Whang,Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer,Rico, Package.
  32. Andre,Bartley K.; Coster,Daniel J.; De Iuliis,Daniele; Howarth,Richard P.; Ive,Jonathan P.; Jobs,Steve; Kerr,Duncan Robert; Nishibori,Shin; Rohrbach,Matthew Dean; Satzger,Douglas B.; Seid,Calvin Q.; Stringer,Christopher J.; Whang,Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer,Rico, Package.
  33. Smith,Barry; Pham,Xuan Minh; Longest,Cary; Miller,Carl G.; Evans,James D., Package.
  34. Evamy David L. (Goring-by-Sea GB2), Package having detent-engaged cushioning lining.
  35. Lalouette, Marc, Package structure for soft mounting direct connect storage device.
  36. Heuer William H. (Arlington Heights IL) Matsuda Hari (Evanston IL), Packaged camera assembly.
  37. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Seid, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  38. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Seid, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  39. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Seid, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  40. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Seid, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  41. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  42. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico, Packaging.
  43. Andre, Bartley K.; Russell Clarke, Peter; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, legal representative, Vincent Keane; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zorkendorfer, Rico; Seid, Calvin Q., Packaging.
  44. Neuwirth Sigmund A. (30 St. George\s Rd. ; Golders Green London NW11 OLR GB2), Packaging container for a dental instrument.
  45. Lynn Elmer C. (405 Kimberly Lane Des Moines IA 50317) Slaughter ; Jr. Leonard (1828 Walnut Ave. Kansas City MO 64108), Packaging container or the like.
  46. Trigger David,FRX, Packaging for patches.
  47. Sugden, Kevin Roy; Bagai, Hitesh Chandraprakash; Wood, Todd Andrew; Oesterreich, Ralph Leonard, Packaging insert.
  48. Ridgeway Devin C. ; Wynn Terry N. ; Greene Kevin P. ; Marshall Jacqueline, Packaging structure.
  49. Hudson ; Jr. Isaac J. (Bayboro ; Pamlico County NC 28515), Packaging tray or the like.
  50. Koike,Motomu, Packing article, a method of packing and a partition member.
  51. Horne William O. (Whittier CA), Palette for attachment to a steering wheel.
  52. Osborn,Warren R.; Dunford,Bryan P., Polymeric plastic insert for a gift card container.
  53. Luray Howard L. (15730 Beach Dr. NE. Seattle WA 98155), Protective packages.
  54. Luray Howard L. (15730 Beach Dr. Northeast Seattle WA 98155), Protective packaging.
  55. Hansen, Victor D.; Vos, Kristie L.; Raimer, George E.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L.; Eckert, Elliott R., Reclosable package.
  56. Ridgeway Devin C., Retention package.
  57. Dunsky Joel L. (665 Beacon St. Boston MA 02215), Root canal equipment packaging.
  58. Dolan Colleen H. (Chicago IL) Behrman Arnold R. (Morganville NJ) Seelig Barry G. (Tuxedo Park NY), Sample packet newspaper insert.
  59. Sanders ; Jr. C. W., Shipping and storage container for laptop computers.
  60. Smith Jeffrey A. (Plainfield NJ) Aronowitz Herbert (Cranford NJ), Shipping package.
  61. Luray Howard L. (15730 Beach Dr. NE. Seattle WA 98155), Shock absorbing shipping package.
  62. Zapf Otto (Theresenstrasse 28 61462 Konigstein DEX), Side panel.
  63. Rutledge Gary L., Storage container with transparent body and opaque lid.
  64. Ridgeway Devin C., Suspension and retention packaging structures and methods for forming same.
  65. Roesel,Stephan; Hammerschmidt,Christof, Suspension and retention packaging structures and methods for forming same.
  66. Lofgren, Lewis C.; Adams-Kraus, Carmen Leigh, Suspension packages and systems, cushioning panels, and methods of using same.
  67. McDonald,John; Comerford,Frank; Comerford,Myles, Suspension packaging system.
  68. Collins, Timothy, Tobacco box.
  69. Rutledge Gary L., Transparent storage container with lid.
  70. Bouldstridge Balari Teresa (Palsu ; 16 Barcelona ESX 08023 ), Tray.
  71. Ventola Jack (Topsfield MA) Russell Bowden (Hamilton MA), Tray for packaging of food products.
  72. Kobari Hiroaki (Tokyo NJ JPX) Shigeta Toyohiko (Hackensack NJ) Wakuyama Takashi (Tokyo JPX), Watch box.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Taniho, Kiichi; Saeki, Yuka; Kitagawa, Yasuhiko; Nishizawa, Akihiro, Accessory for a smartphone camera.
  2. Hutcheson, Jr., David F.; Huddleston, Timothy L., Foam insert for fishing dye box.
  3. Torchin, Evan; Boring, Brian; Christman, Helene; Pugh, Paul; Boam, Eric; Fries, Breyna, Package.
  4. Torchin, Evan; Boring, Brian; Christman, Helene; Pugh, Paul; Boam, Eric; Fries, Breyna, Package.
  5. Torchin, Evan; Boring, Brian; Christman, Helene; Pugh, Paul; Boam, Eric; Fries, Breyna, Package.
  6. Andre, Bartley K.; Coster, Daniel J.; De Iuliis, Daniele; Howarth, Richard P.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Jobs, Steve; Kerr, Duncan Robert; Nishibori, Shin; Rohrbach, Matthew Dean; Russell-Clarke, Peter; Satzger, Douglas B.; Seid, Calvin Q.; Stringer, Christopher J.; Whang, Eugene Antony; Zörkendörfer, Rico, Packaging.
  7. Handstein, Peter, Packaging.
  8. Song, Yoo-Shin; Kwon, Seong-Min; Kim, Eun-Kyung; Ahn, Se-Yong, Packaging box.
  9. Brunner, Robert D.; Boyd, Robert; Fields, Eric D.; Jansen, Bart; Kuh, Christopher; Thain, Hamish S.; Weimer, Kenneth Robert, Packaging with electronic device.
  10. Brunner, Robert D.; Boyd, Robert; Fields, Eric D.; Jansen, Bart; Kuh, Christopher; Thain, Hamish S.; Weimer, Kenneth Robert, Packaging with electronic device.
  11. Kim, Yu-Sun; Kim, Tae-Hun, Packing box.
  12. Tseng, Chien-Feng, Protecting enclosure for portable electronic device.
  13. Hale, David, Target robot chassis.

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