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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-01
출원번호 US-0416190 (2012-03-20)
등록번호 US-D703541 (2014-04-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yourist, Sheldon E.
  • Schlies, Anthony J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Graham Packaging Company, L.P.
대리인 / 주소
    Baker Botts L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 48


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a container, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (48) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Iodice, Jerry G., Adult personal care bottle with integral handles.
  2. Iodice, Austin A., Baby bottle.
  3. van Westreenen, Sven, Beer bottle.
  4. Nelson, Brent S.; Krouse, Rebecca R., Beverage container.
  5. Ota Akiho (Koto JPX) Ishii Hiroichi (Koto JPX), Biaxial-orientation blow-molded bottle-shaped container having opposed recesses and grooves for stable gripping and anti.
  6. Ota Akiho (Koto JPX) Sugiura Hiroaki (Koto JPX) Ishii Hiroichi (Koto JPX), Biaxial-orientation blow-molded bottle-shaped container with laterally extending grip ribs.
  7. Valyi Emery I. (Katonah NY), Blow molded plastic containers including a handgrip and method for obtaining same.
  8. Alberghini Alfred C. (Dunwoody GA) Lynn Stephen R. (Douglasville GA), Bottle.
  9. Bastidos Hugo (6510 Elmquist Whittier CA 90601), Bottle.
  10. Briggs Milton (York PA), Bottle.
  11. Haney Jack E. (Norcross GA) Mager Sue A. (Lilburn GA) Mikolaitis William B. (Lilburn GA), Bottle.
  12. Jacobs Andre (Meise BEX) May Richard (Brussel BEX) Vandebroek Marcel (Grimbergen BEX) Sporen Frieda (Houthalen BEX), Bottle.
  13. Kerr Jayne K. (Toledo OH), Bottle.
  14. Kinslow ; Jr. William G. (Saline MI) Rizzo Michael J. (Louisville KY), Bottle.
  15. Kraft, Richard; Lembke, Bryan J., Bottle.
  16. LaBombarbe Christopher C. ; Strasser Walter J., Bottle.
  17. Lower Christopher (Surrey GB2), Bottle.
  18. Pena Emiliano L. (Barrio de la Estacion Fuenmayor ; Logrono ESX), Bottle.
  19. Rica,Didier, Bottle.
  20. Webster, Michael; Caroen, Adrian; Geens, Patrik; Van Doninck, Marc; Wouters, Luc, Bottle.
  21. Wurster, Michael; Steih, Richard J.; Labombarbe, Christopher, Bottle.
  22. Alberghini Alfred C. (Dunwoody GA) Lynn Stephen R. (Douglasville GA), Bottle with non-everting hand grip.
  23. Saito, Hiromichi; Iizuka, Takao, Bottle-type plastic container with recessed grip having at least two steps.
  24. Saito, Hiromichi; Iizuka, Takao, Bottle-type plastic container with reinforced vacuum absorption panel in grip region.
  25. Austin A. Iodice, Combination baby bottle and toddler cup.
  26. Iodice Jerry G. (Mahopac NY), Combined bottle and cap.
  27. Wilson Tracie ; Lathrop Gregory Alan, Combined bottle and cap.
  28. Larkin Robert G. (Richmond TX) Beaver Ted L. (Roselle IL), Container.
  29. Silvers Kerry W. (Chelsea MI) Entrup Richard P. (Tecumseh MI) Svik Douglas (Beverly Hills MI), Container.
  30. Penny,Michael E.; Nievierowski,John A.; Jarman,Jonathan P., Container with non-everting handgrip.
  31. Wainberg Peter,CAX, Dispensing container.
  32. Semersky Frank E. (Toledo OH) Tobias John W. (Lancaster PA), Grip panel structure for high-speed hot-fillable blow-molded container.
  33. Gower Brian D. (Canton MI) Kulp James G. (Dexter MI) Lang Dean M. (Brighton MI) Schroeck William (Belleville MI) Taylor Howard E. (Farmington Hills MI), Hand grip bottle.
  34. Miura, Masaki, Handy bottle and process for manufacturing same.
  35. Brown Randall S. (Adrian MI) Zabinko Len (Ann Arbor MI) Nielson Veigh (Ann Arbor MI) Pinter George (South Lyon MI) Spina Dennis (Onsted MI), Hot fill plastic container with vacuum collapse pinch grip indentations.
  36. Lane Michael T. ; Blystone Mark O. ; Brown Christopher A., Hot-fillable blow molded container with pinch-grip vacuum panels.
  37. Iodice Austin (New Canaan CT) Iodice John G. (Katonah NY) Iodice Jerry G. (Mahopac NY) Iodice Jeannine M. (Mahopac NY), Liquid dispensing cup for toddlers.
  38. Belcher Samuel L. (Cincinnati OH), Method of making a hollow polyethylene terephthalate blow molded article with an integral external projection such as a.
  39. Futral, Daniel M.; Tyree, Brian D.; Vaughn, Michael L., Plastic bottle.
  40. Larson Craig A. (Westfield Court OH) Darr Richard C. (Seville OH), Plastic bottle.
  41. Hunter, Travis A.; Pritchett, Jr., Raymond A., Plastic container.
  42. Young William C., Plastic container.
  43. Yourist, Sheldon E., Plastic container.
  44. Cox John A. (Bethel Park PA), Plastic container for liquids.
  45. Kamineni,Satya, Portion of container.
  46. Valyi Emery I., Process for obtaining blow molded plastic containers.
  47. Mikolaitis William B. (Lilburn GA) Cornell Stephen W. (Roswell GA), Synthetic resin bottle with handgrips.
  48. Mumford Stephen E. (Longwood FL) Kosinski Andrew J. (Winter Springs FL), System for controlling combustion in a gas combustion-type turbine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Guerin, Stephen R.; Yourist, Sheldon E., Bottle.
  2. Guerin, Stephen R.; Yourist, Sheldon E., Bottle.
  3. Zweifel, James A.; Fortune, John; Keegan, Danielle; Yuan, Jay Z.; Zhang, Xinzhong, Bottle.
  4. Zweifel, James A.; Fortune, John; Keegan, Danielle; Yuan, Jay Z.; Zhang, Xinzhong, Bottle.
  5. Zweifel, James A.; Fortune, John; Keegan, Danielle; Yuan, Jay Z.; Zhang, Xinzhong, Bottle.
  6. Matsuo, Yoshinori; Usami, Teturou; Uesugi, Daisuke, Bottle container of a pinch-grip type, and movable inserts of a blow mold used to mold such a bottle container.
  7. Matsuo, Yoshinori; Usami, Teturou; Uesugi, Daisuke, Bottle container of a pinch-grip type, and movable inserts of a blow mold used to mold such a bottle container.
  8. Papé, Bryan, Growler with lid.
  9. Glaser, John T.; Rodriguez, Jack A., Product container having narrowed waist portion.

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