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[미국특허] Systems and methods for controlling flows with pulsed discharges 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-023/04
출원번호 US-0523761 (2012-06-14)
등록번호 US-8727286 (2014-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Silkey, Joseph S.
  • Smereczniak, Philip
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 53


Systems and methods for controlling air vehicle boundary layer airflow are disclosed. Representative methods can include applying electrical energy bursts and/or other energy bursts in nanosecond pulses in the boundary layer along a surface of an air vehicle. In a particular embodiment, electrical e


1. An apparatus for controlling air vehicle airflow, comprising: an airflow surface;a two-dimensional array of individually addressable actuators positioned at the airflow surface, with individual actuators coupled to a power source to deliver energy into boundary layer flow adjacent to the airflow

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (53)

  1. Maestrello Lucio (Newport News VA), Active control of boundary layer transition and turbulence.
  2. Bonutti, Peter M., Active drag and thrust modulation system and methods.
  3. Raskob ; Jr. Anthony William, Active turbulence control technique for drag reduction.
  4. Osborne, Bradley Alan; Wilson, Christopher Daniel, Airfoil trailing edge plasma flow control apparatus and method.
  5. Ball William H. (Mercer Island WA) Syberg Jan (Kent WA), Apparatus for re-energizing boundary layer air.
  6. Herr Jan E. (6250½Stanley Ave. San Diego CA 92115), Apparatus for transmitting electric current by concentric channels of ionized gas.
  7. Kurunczi,Peter Frank, Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma device to clean and sterilize the surfaces of probes, cannulas, pin tools, pipettes and spray heads.
  8. Kurunczi,Peter Frank, Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma device to clean and sterilize the surfaces of probes, cannulas, pin tools, pipettes and spray heads.
  9. Bunch Kyle J. (391 E. Woodlake Dr. Murray UT 84107) Cain William N. (138 P St. ; #1 Salt Lake City UT 84103) Grow Richard W. (4311 S. Spruce Cir. Holladay UT 84117), Ballistic electron, solid state cathode.
  10. Rethorst Scott Carson (South Pasadena CA), Compression energy transformation system for a supersonic wing.
  11. Mangiarotty Rudolph A. (Seattle WA), Control of laminar flow in fluids by means of acoustic energy.
  12. Smereczniak, Philip, Directed energy off-body heating for supersonic vehicle shockwave and sonic boom control.
  13. Schoenbach Karl H. (Norfolk VA) Byszewski Wojciech W. (Boston MA) Peterkin Frank E. (Norfolk VA) Dharamsi Amin N. (Virginia Beach VA), Discharge device having cathode with micro hollow array.
  14. Schoenbach, Karl H.; Byszewski, Wojciech W.; Peterkin, Frank E.; Dharami, Amin N., Discharge device having cathode with micro hollow array.
  15. Edelman Seymour (9115 Glenridge Rd. Silver Spring MD 20910), Drag modification piezoelectric panels.
  16. Van de Walle Christian Gilbert, Dual polarization quantum well laser in the 200 to 600 nanometers range.
  17. Nosenchuck, Daniel M.; Brown, Garry L., Electromagnetic device and method for boundary layer control.
  18. Krastel Norman W., Gas or fluid de-organizers for moving objects.
  19. Chen, Jyh-Hong Eric; Lin, Tyau-Jeen, Hollow cathode array for plasma generation.
  20. Jillette Penn, Hydro-therapeutic stimulator.
  21. Hagseth, Paul E.; McClure, Paul D., Inlet electromagnetic flow control.
  22. Saeks Richard E ; Kunhardt Erich E ; Carlton Lindley A ; Pap Robert M, Ion doping apparatus and method for aerodynamic flow control.
  23. Maitland Arthur (Fife GB6) Weatherup Clifford R. (Chelmsford GB2) Strudwick Ian A. (Chelmsford GB2), Laser apparatus having cathode bore directing electron beam onto anode.
  24. Roth John Reece, Method and apparatus for cleaning surfaces with a glow discharge plasma at one atmosphere of pressure.
  25. Roth John Reece (Knoxville TN), Method and apparatus for covering bodies with a uniform glow discharge plasma and applications thereof.
  26. Tsunoda Stanley I. ; Bohanon Thomas M. ; Horner Mervyn H. ; Woolf Lawrence D., Method and apparatus for fabricating panels used for the active control of surface drag.
  27. Keefe Laurence R., Method and apparatus for reducing the drag of flows over surfaces.
  28. Daso, Endwell O.; Pritchett, II, Victor E.; Wang, Ten-See; Farr, Rebecca Ann, Method and system for control of upstream flowfields of vehicle in supersonic or hypersonic atmospheric flight.
  29. Miller, Paul A.; Aragon, Ben P., Method for generating surface plasma.
  30. Schneider ; Stanley ; Spitzer ; Richard, Method for the generation of frequency-transferred electromagnetic waves.
  31. Patel, Mehul; Corke, Tom, Method of controlling aircraft, missiles, munitions and ground vehicles with plasma actuators.
  32. Corke, Thomas C.; Spivey, Richard, Methods and apparatus for reducing drag via a plasma actuator.
  33. Meng James C. S., Micro-electrode and magnet array for microturbulence control.
  34. Nosenchuck Daniel M. (Mercerville NJ) Brown Garry L. (Princeton NJ), Multiple electromagnetic tiles for boundary layer control.
  35. Lloyd Daniel L. (Mason OH) Madlener Richard J. (Cincinnati OH), Noise attenuating supersonic nozzle.
  36. Domzalski David B. ; Hassan Ahmed A. ; Kennedy Dennis K., Oscillating air jets on aerodynamic surfaces.
  37. McClure, Paul D.; Chase, Charles J., Over-wing traveling-wave axial flow plasma accelerator.
  38. Sherman Daniel M. ; Wilkinson Stephen P. ; Roth J. Reece, Paraelectric gas flow accelerator.
  39. Jacob, Jamey D., Plasma actuator.
  40. Schwimley, Scott L.; Drouin, Jr., Donald V., Plasma actuator system and method for use with a weapons bay on a high speed mobile platform.
  41. Wood, Tommie L.; Corke, Thomas C.; Post, Martiqua, Plasma actuators for drag reduction on wings, nacelles and/or fuselage of vertical take-off and landing aircraft.
  42. Scholl Richard A. ; Christie David J., Pulsed direct current power supply configurations for generating plasmas.
  43. Minick, Alan B., Rotary wing system with ion field flow control.
  44. Silfvast William T. (Holmdel NJ) Szeto Leo H. (Howell NJ) Wood ; II Obert R. (New York NY), Segmented plasma excitation-recombination light source.
  45. Kremeyer, Kevin, Shock wave modification method, apparatus, and system.
  46. Enloe,Carl L.; McLaughlin,Thomas E.; Jumper,Eric J.; Corke,Thomas C., Single dielectric barrier aerodynamic plasma actuation.
  47. Nosenchuck Daniel M., Staggered actuation of electromagnetic tiles for boundary layer control.
  48. Malmuth, Norman; Fedorov, Alexander, Surface plasma discharge for controlling leading edge contamination and crossflow instabilities for laminar flow.
  49. Tsunoda Stanley I., System and method for controlling the flow of a conductive fluid over a surface.
  50. Blackburn Ronald F. ; Warmkessel Barry M. ; Kawamoto Sonja M., System for increasing the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic efficiency of a vehicle in motion.
  51. Miles, Richard B.; Macheret, Sergey O.; Shneider, Mikhail; Likhanskii, Alexandre; Silkey, Joseph Steven, Systems and methods for controlling flows with electrical pulses.
  52. Scott,Simon J; Johnson,Graham A; Thornton,Edward, Turbulent flow drag reduction.
  53. Scott,Simon J; Johnson,Graham A; Thornton,Edward, Turbulent flow drag reduction.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Silkey, Joseph Steven; Suiter, David James; Osborne, Bradley Alan, Laminated plasma actuator.
  2. Nordin, Pontus; Strindberg, Göte, Plasma-enhanced active laminar flow actuator system.
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