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Flash processing a solvent deasphalting feed 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C10C-001/04
출원번호 US-0905802 (2010-10-15)
등록번호 US-8728300 (2014-05-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Iqbal, Rashid
  • Eng, Odette
출원인 / 주소
  • Kellogg Brown & Root LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Machetta, Gary M.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 28


Systems and methods for deasphalting a hydrocarbon are provided. A hydrocarbon can be heated to a first temperature and pressurized to a first pressure. The pressurized hydrocarbon can be depressurized to separate at least a portion of the hydrocarbon to provide a vaporized hydrocarbon mixture and a


1. A method for deasphalting a hydrocarbon comprising: heating a hydrocarbon comprising about 100 ppmw to about 1,000 ppmw heavy metals to a first temperature of about 50° C. to about 600° C.;pressurizing the hydrocarbon comprising about 100 ppmw to about 1,000 ppmw heavy metals to a first pressure

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28)

  1. Varadaraj Ramesh ; Wales William Edward, Additive enhanced solvent deasphalting process (law759).
  2. Friday J. Robert ; Rettger Philip B. ; Goldstein Randall S., Apparatus for upgrading hydrocarbon feeds containing sulfur, metals, and asphaltenes.
  3. Iqbal, Rashid; Anshumali; Floyd, Raymond H., Bitumen production-upgrade with common or different solvents.
  4. Yan Tsoung Y. (Philadelphia PA), Coprocessing of residual oil and coal.
  5. Leta, Daniel P.; Rogers, Lisa M.; Miranda, Merryl J.; Aldous, Keith K.; Cundy, Stephen M.; Lee, MaryKathryn; Corcoran, Edward W., Deasphalter unit throughput increase via resid membrane feed preparation.
  6. Wallace Paul S. ; Johnson Kay Anderson, Filtration of feed to integration of solvent deasphalting and gasification.
  7. Boyer, Christophe; Koudil, Abdelhakim; Gauthier, Thiery, Gas/liquid separation in a hydrocarbon conversion process.
  8. , Heavy oil and bitumen upgrading.
  9. Schucker, Robert C., Heavy oil upgrading process.
  10. Gosling, Christopher D., Integrated fluid catalytic cracking process.
  11. Lankton Steven P. (Wheeling IL) Kalnes Tom N. (La Grange IL) James ; Jr. Robert B. (Northbrook IL), Integrated process for the production of distillate hydrocarbon.
  12. Kalnes Tom N. (La Grange IL) Lankton Steven P. (Wheeling IL) James ; Jr. Robert B. (Northbrook IL), Integrated process for the production of high quality lube oil blending stock.
  13. Audeh Costandi A. (Princeton) Rankel Lillian A. (Princeton NJ), Integrated process for whole crude deasphalting and asphaltene upgrading.
  14. Gillis Daniel B., Integrated vacuum residue hydrotreating with carbon rejection.
  15. Kim, Myung-Jun; Yoon, Dae-Seog; Choi, Chang-Hyo; Choi, June-Tae; Kwak, Jong-Won; Park, Sung-Kil, Method for removing sludge in crude oil tank and recovering oil therefrom.
  16. Crane Steven D. ; Beer Gary L. ; Blacker Harrison F.,VEX, Method for transporting a heavy crude oil produced via a wellbore from a subterranean formation to a market location and converting it into a distillate product stream using a solvent deasphalting pr.
  17. Bronicki,Yoram, Method of and apparatus for processing heavy hydrocarbon feeds.
  18. Rettger, Philip; Goldstein, Randall; Arnold, Jim, Method of and apparatus for upgrading and gasifying heavy hydrocarbon feeds.
  19. Zaki, Nael Naguib; Kilpatrick, Peter Kelley; Carbonell, Ruben Guillermo, Methods of deresinating crude oils using carbon dioxide.
  20. Sughrue ; II Edward L. (Bartlesville OK) Tooley Patricia A. (Bartlesville OK) Bertus Brent J. (Bartlesville OK) Grayson Bille S. (Bartlesville OK), Process for converting heavy hydrocarbon oil.
  21. Montanari, Romolo; Marchionna, Mario; Rosi, Sergio; Panariti, Nicoletta; Delbianco, Alberto, Process for the conversion of heavy charges such as heavy crude oils and distillation residues.
  22. Inooka Masayoshi (Kanagawa JPX), Processing heavy hydrocarbon oils.
  23. Gorbaty,Martin L.; Siskin,Michael; Jacobson,Mitchell, Residuum conversion process.
  24. Venanzio Di Tullio CA, Separation of tars, oils and inorganic constituents from oil bearing sands or shales.
  25. Funk Edward W. (Summit NJ) May Walter G. (Summit NJ) Pirkle ; Jr. James C. (Westfield NJ), Solvent extraction process for tar sands.
  26. Audeh Costandi A. (Princeton NJ) Yan Tsoung Y. (Philadelphia PA), Supercritical selective extraction of hydrocarbons from asphaltic petroleum oils.
  27. Chirinos Maria L. (Caracas VEX) Grosso Jorge L. (Miranda VEX) Layrisse Ignacio (Miranda VEX) Stockwell Alan (Knaphill GBX), Treatment of viscous crude oils.
  28. Chirinos Maria L. (Caracas VEX) Grosso Jorge L. (Miranda VEX) Layrisse Ignacio (Miranda VEX) Stockwell Alan (Surrey GB2), Treatment of viscous crude oils.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Koseoglu, Omer Refa, Integrated multi-stage solvent deasphalting and delayed coking process to produce high quality coke.
  2. Koseoglu, Omer Refa, Process for producing high quality coke in delayed coker utilizing mixed solvent deasphalting.
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