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[미국특허] Aircraft nacelle air intake incorporating optimized ice-treatment hot air injection means 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-015/02
출원번호 US-0515882 (2010-12-14)
등록번호 US-8757547 (2014-06-24)
우선권정보 FR-09 59162 (2009-12-18)
국제출원번호 PCT/FR2010/052710 (2010-12-14)
§371/§102 date 20120614 (20120614)
국제공개번호 WO2011/073565 (2011-06-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Porte, Alain
  • Hormiere, Arnaud
  • Dega, Alain
출원인 / 주소
  • Airbus Operations S.A.S.
대리인 / 주소
    Young & Thompson
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 32


An aircraft nacelle air intake includes a duct extending around the circumference of the air intake and elements (24) for the localized injection of hot air into the duct to make the hot air circulate in the duct along its circumference, characterized in that the injection elements (24) include a co


1. An air intake of an aircraft nacelle, comprising: an inlet lip connected to a front frame, thereby forming a channel, wherein the channel extends around a circumference of said inlet lip;at least one localized injector located within the channel and configured to provide circulation of hot air in

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (32) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Alain Porte FR; Stephane Viala FR; Olivier Barbara FR, Air inlet cowl for a jet engine equipped with de-icing means.
  2. Andre, Robert; Porte, Alain, Air inlet cowl for a jet engine, provided with deicing means.
  3. Paul Laugt FR, Aircraft airfoil leading edge member equipped with a de-icing device.
  4. Cook Leonard J. (Canoga Park CA) Rosenthal Herman A. (San Diego CA), Aircraft anti-icing plenum.
  5. DuPont, Henry Morgan, Airfoil anti-icing assembly and method.
  6. Parente Charles A., Combined acoustic and anti-ice engine inlet liner.
  7. Porte Alain,FRX, Deicing device for a jet engine air inlet cowl.
  8. Alain Porte FR; Stephane Viala FR, Device for discharging hot air for a jet engine air inlet cowl, with a deicing circuit.
  9. Porte Alain,FRX, Device for removing hot air for a jet engine air inlet cowl with a de-icing circuit.
  10. Cole Derek (Bangor GB5), Duct for hot air.
  11. Cole Derek (Bangor GB5) Arnold Michael J. (Bangor GB5), Duct for hot air.
  12. Porte Alain,FRX, Hot air diffuser for a jet engine air inlet cowl with de-icing circuit.
  13. Vest Michael S., Hot air injection for swirling rotational anti-icing system.
  14. Al-Khalil Kamel M. ; Ferguson Thomas F. W., Hybrid ice protection system for use on roughness-sensitive airfoils.
  15. Linton, Alan, Ice protection system.
  16. Kobayashi Takashi,JPX ; Banno Michihiko,JPX ; Amaoka Kazuaki,JPX, Leading edge structure of aircraft airfoil and method of fabricating the same.
  17. Rocklin, Mark; Karvountzi, Georgia C.; Hummel, Daniel S., Method and apparatus for aircraft anti-icing.
  18. Breer, Marlin D.; Olsen, Ronald F.; Kunze, Jr., Robert K.; Riedel, Brian L., Method and apparatus for aircraft inlet ice protection.
  19. Marlin D. Breer ; Ronald F. Olsen ; Robert K. Kunze, Jr. ; Brian L. Riedel, Method and apparatus for aircraft inlet ice protection.
  20. Marlin D. Breer ; Ronald F. Olsen ; Robert K. Kunze, Jr. ; Brian L. Riedel, Method and apparatus for aircraft inlet ice protection.
  21. Kawabe Shun,JPX ; Sato Keiichi,JPX ; Yamashita Daiya,JPX ; Nakayama Haruo,JPX ; Shiraishi Koji,JPX ; Matsumoto Keizo,JPX, Method of maufacturing a leading edge structure for aircraft.
  22. Pike Walter E. ; Shafer Jan C., Multipiece, slidable duct assembly for aircraft anit-icing conduit systems.
  23. Sternberger, Joe E., Nacelle inlet thermal anti-icing spray duct support system.
  24. Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Passive control of hot air injection for swirling rotational type anti-icing system.
  25. Porte, Alain; Pascal, Nathalie; Chene, Gilles; Montetagaud, Fabienne, Process for de-icing an air intake cowling of a reaction motor and device for practicing the same.
  26. Porte, Alain, Process for de-icing by forced circulation of a fluid, an air intake cowling of a reaction motor and device for practicing the same.
  27. Pike Walter E. ; Shafer Jan C., Slidable duct assembly for aircraft anti-icing conduit systems.
  28. Rosenthal Herman A. (San Diego CA), Swirl anti-ice system.
  29. Rosenthal Herman Allen, Swirl anti-ice system.
  30. Zanarelli, Marie-Luce; Porte, Alain, System for deicing the leading edge of a nose inlet cowl turbine engine.
  31. Arnold Michael J. (Bangor GB5) Cole Derek (Bangor GB5), Thermal anti-icing of aircraft structures.
  32. McLaren Douglas (Seattle WA) Orr William W. (Mercer Island WA), Thermal anti-icing system for aircraft.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Saito, Isao; Ishiguro, Tatsuo; Abe, Shigeki; Tanaka, Hideaki; Takasu, Toru; Atsumi, Motohiro; Nakanishi, Masakazu; Kamogari, Minoru, Aircraft ice protection system and aircraft provided with the same.
  2. Mackin, Steve; Fisher, Robert Earl, Systems and methods for preventing ice formation on portions of an aircraft.

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