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Compliance monitor and method for a medical device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-024/00
출원번호 US-0369994 (2006-03-08)
등록번호 US-8771149 (2014-07-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rahman, Tariq
  • Shaffer, Thomas H.
  • Bowen, J. Richard
출원인 / 주소
  • The Nemours Foundation
대리인 / 주소
    Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 24


An orthodontic compliance monitor includes a sensor that senses when an orthodontic appliance is properly positioned and a processor that processes an output of the sensor and generates compliance data. A memory device stores compliance data and the processor generates the compliance data based on a


1. An orthodontic compliance monitor, comprising: a sensor that senses when an orthodontic appliance is positioned in the mouth for use;a processor that processes an output of said sensor and generates compliance data based on a compliance protocol; anda memory device that stores the compliance data

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Stinton Vincent D. (Brighton CO), Adaptable electric monitoring and identification system.
  2. Carroll Gary T. (Boulder CO) Pilmanis George J. (Boulder CO) Stinton Vincent D. (Littleton CO), Adaptable electronic monitoring and identification system.
  3. Reinbold, Kirk A.; Goldman, Robert J., Apparatus for isometric exercise.
  4. Robbins, Jo Anne; Bomsztyk, Elan D.; Heppner, Angela L.; Koranda, Christine L.; Kroner, Aaron R.; Kuchenreuther, Jon M.; Meister, David M.; Staerkel, Bryan S., Apparatus for measuring tongue/hard palate contact pressure.
  5. Frohn Hermann-Josef (Am Rmerlager 4 D-5300 Bonn 1 DEX), Apparatus for use in maxillary orthopaedics.
  6. Kelly, Jr., Paul B.; Schoendorfer, Donald W.; Simmons, Jeffrey L., Attitude indicator and activity monitoring device.
  7. Stark, John G.; Dempster, Shawn B., Communication system for an instrumented orthopedic restraining device and method therefor.
  8. Danyo J. Joseph (960 Upland Rd. York PA 17403) Hammaker Clark S. (1364 Springhouse Rd. Middletown PA 17057) Hammaker Todd M. (3 Woodlawn Ter. Hollidaysburg PA 16648) Hammaker Mark K. (154 Montgomery , Exercise compliance apparatus and method.
  9. Gibbs Charles H. ; Keeling ; deceased Stephen ; Dean Glenn S. ; Bar-Zion Yossi ; Plumley ; Jr. Hoyt Howard, Force recording orthodontic appliance.
  10. Levine Robert A., Internal monitoring and behavior control system.
  11. Levine Robert A., Internal monitoring and behavior control system.
  12. Heck,Janise E., Intra-oral cavity surgical device.
  13. Lattner Stefanie ; Starr Eric W. ; Scarberry Eugene N. ; Mechlenburg Douglas M., Intraoral electromuscular stimulation device and method.
  14. McAuley John M. (Concord NH) Field Joseph (Hudson NH), Monitoring tag with removal detection.
  15. Klitsgaard, Niels Christian; .O slashed.stby, Carlos; Lund, Peter; Christiansen, Bo, Object detection system.
  16. Seay William J. (6325 Barberry Hill Dr. Gainesville GA 30506) Jacobsen Alex (3605 Dover Ct. Birmingham AL 35223), Orthodontia analytical system.
  17. Ramsay Douglas S. ; Soma Mani ; Prall Chris ; Barrett George A., Orthodontics headgear compliance monitor.
  18. Stark, John G.; Oyen, Duane P., Orthoses.
  19. Knierim Rupert W. (6106 Top \O Knox Dr. Knoxville TN 37918), Reminder and enforcer apparatus.
  20. Kuo, Youti, Saliva-monitoring biosensor electrical toothbrush.
  21. Angela M. Krahner ; Daniel S. Pflaster ; Charles A. Bastyr ; Marjorie Ann Rowland, System and method for implementing rehabilitation protocols for an orthopedic restraining device.
  22. Abolfathi, Amir; Chen, Jennifer C.; Li, Chunhua; Tricca, Robert E.; Wu, Benjamin M., Systems and methods for dental appliance compliance indication.
  23. Ivanov Andre,CAX ; Lowe Alan Arthur,CAX, Time monitoring appliance.
  24. Kuemmel Dietmar (Aalen DEX) Knoerzer Gerhard (Aalen DEX) Wurst Juergen (Mutlangen DEX), Wearing time measuring device for a removable medical apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Kopelman, Avi; Sambu, Shiva; Sterental, Rene M.; Kuo, Eric; de Alencar Casa, Mauricio, Arch expanding appliance.
  2. Hennig, Don B.; VanElverdinghe, Jeffry L.; Curtin, Joseph P., Intra-extra oral shock-sensing and indicating systems and other shock-sensing and indicating systems.
  3. Elbaz, Gilad; Lampert, Erez; Atiya, Yossef; Kopelman, Avi; Saphier, Ofer; Moshe, Maayan; Ayal, Shai, Intraoral scanner with dental diagnostics capabilities.
  4. Borovinskih, Artem; Derakhshan, Mitra; Koppers, Carina; Meyer, Eric; Tolstaya, Ekaterina; Brailov, Yury, Photograph-based assessment of dental treatments and procedures.
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