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Method and kit for expressing protein under regulation of the expression from repeated sequence formed by gene amplification, and transformant 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C12N-015/85
  • C12N-015/87
  • C12N-015/90
  • C12N-015/113
  • C12N-005/16
출원번호 US-0889512 (2007-08-14)
등록번호 US-8771983 (2014-07-08)
우선권정보 JP-2004-334984 (2004-11-18); JP-2005-121431 (2005-04-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Shimizu, Noriaki
출원인 / 주소
  • National University of Corporation Hiroshima University
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 25


A method is disclosed for releasing the transcriptional regulation caused by a repeated sequence in a gene, a kit therefor and so on to thereby establish a system capable of producing a protein in a large amount. At least one embodiment of the method can be achieved by any one or more of the followi


1. A method of expressing a protein from a repeated sequence formed in CHO cells in which gene amplification is induced, the protein having been under expression repression, the method comprising (1) transfecting into the CHO cells (a) a gene structure comprising (i) a first polynucleotide having an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (25)

  1. Chamberlain Jeffrey S. ; Amalfitano Andrea, Adenovirus vectors.
  2. Chamberlain Jeffrey S. ; Hartigan-O'Connor Dennis J., Adenovirus vectors.
  3. Chamberlain Jeffrey S. ; Kumar-Singh Rajendra, Adenovirus vectors.
  4. Chamberlain Jeffrey S. ; Kumar-Singh Rajendra, Adenovirus vectors.
  5. Wahl, Geoffrey M.; Shimizu, Noriaki; Kanda, Teru; Shepard, H. Michael, Compositions and methods for treating cells having double minute DNA.
  6. Otte,Arie Peter; Kruckeberg,Arthur Leo, DNA sequences comprising gene transcription regulatory qualities and methods for detecting and using such DNA sequences.
  7. Amalfitano Andrea ; Chen Yuan Tsong ; Hu Huimin, Deleted adenovirus vectors and methods of making and administering the same.
  8. Amalfitano, Andrea; Chen, Yuan Tsong; Hu, Huimin; Hodges, Bradley Lowell, Deleted adenovirus vectors and methods of making and administering the same.
  9. Amalfitano, Andrea; Chen, Yuan Tsong; Hu, Huimin; Hodges, Bradley Lowell, Deleted adenovirus vectors and methods of making and administering the same.
  10. Fang,Bingliang; Roth,Jack A., Diminishing viral gene expression by promoter replacement.
  11. Mart Ustav EE, Episomal vectors and uses thereof.
  12. Jeffrey S. Chamberlain ; Andrea Amalfitano ; Michael A. Hauser ; Rajendra Kumar-Singh ; Denis J. Hartigan-O'Connor, Helper adenovirus vectors.
  13. Gerald B. Price CA; Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos CA; Torsten O. Nielsen CA; Nandini H. Cossons CA, Human and mammalian data replication origin consensus sequences.
  14. Scheffler Immo E., Mammalian artificial chromosomes and methods of using same.
  15. Reddy, Pranhitha; Rasmussen, Brian D., Methods for producing proteins in cultured cells.
  16. Vogels, Ronald; Bout, Abraham, Packaging systems for human recombinant adenovirus to be used in gene therapy.
  17. Vogels, Ronald; Bout, Abraham, Packaging systems for human recombinant adenovirus to be used in gene therapy.
  18. Vogels,Ronald; Bout,Abraham, Packaging systems for human recombinant adenovirus to be used in gene therapy.
  19. Saha,Deba P., Plasmid system for multigene expression.
  20. Axel Richard (New York NY) Wigler Michael H. (Cold Spring Harbor NY) Silverstein Saul J. (Irvington NY), Processes for inserting DNA into eucaryotic cells and for producing proteinaceous materials.
  21. Newgard Christopher B. ; Halban Philippe,CHX ; Normington Karl D. ; Clark Samuel A. ; Thigpen Anice E. ; Quaade Christian ; Kruse Fred ; McGarry Dennis, Recombinant expression of proteins from secretory cell lines.
  22. Newgard Christopher B. ; Normington Karl D. ; Clark Samuel A. ; Thigpen Anice E. ; Quaade Christian ; Kruse Fred, Recombinant expression of proteins from secretory cell lines.
  23. Yao Feng, Tetracycline repressor regulated mammalian cell transcription and viral replication switch.
  24. Hodgson Clague P., Vectors for gene transfer.
  25. Askari, Frederick K., Viral expression vectors comprising a ribosomal promoter sequence.
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