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Effect of wet reduction on catalyst stability and methods of maintaining catalyst stability 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07C-005/333
출원번호 US-0489609 (2009-06-23)
등록번호 US-8802912 (2014-08-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Pieper, Jeffery
  • Pan, Wei
  • Rende, Dean
  • Malott, Gary
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Gooding, Arthur E
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 21


The present invention provides a method of increasing stability of a catalyst used in a dehydrogenation process. The method includes storing fresh catalyst in a reduction zone, passing a gas through the reduction zone, introducing hydrocarbons and hydrogen gas into a reactor positioned downstream fr


1. A method of increasing stability of a catalyst used in a dehydrogenation process, the method comprising: storing fresh catalyst in a storage hopper for an average catalyst residence time between 100 and 200 hours;passing a gas through the storage hopper, wherein the gas has a moisture content ran

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Smith,George A.; Anantaneni,Prakasa R.; Ashrawi,Samir S.; Smadi,Raeda M.; Knifton,John F.; Stockton,Melvin, Alkylbenzene detergents with high 2-isomer content.
  2. Sechrist Paul A. ; Robinson Delmar W. ; Schlueter William D., Apparatus for controlling moisture in a catalyst regeneration process.
  3. Chen, Con-Yan, Catalyst regeneration via reduction with hydrogen.
  4. Cantrell, Rick David; Ghenciu, Anca; Campbell, Kenneth Dwight; Minahan, David Michael Anthony; Bhasin, Madan Mohan; Westwood, Alistair Duncan; Nielsen, Kenneth Andrew, Catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons.
  5. McWilliams ; Jr. Frederick G. (Palatine IL), Continuous paraffin dehydrogenation process.
  6. Imai Tamotsu (Mt. Prospect IL) Hung Chi-Wen (San Rafael CA), Dehydrogenation process using a catalytic composition.
  7. Dean E. Rende ; Andrew W. Broerman ; Andrea G. Bozzano ; R. Joe Lawson ; Karl Z. Steigleder ; Masao Takayama JP, Dehydrogenation process using layered catalyst composition.
  8. Rende, Dean E.; Broerman, Andrew W.; Bozzano, Andrea G.; Lawson, R. Joe; Steigleder, Karl Z.; Takayama, Masao, Dehydrogenation process using layered catalyst composition.
  9. Vora Bipin V. (Darien IL) Scott Norman H. (Arlington Heights IL), Hydrocarbon conversion process with radial flow and controlled hydrogen addition.
  10. Greenwood Arthur R. (Niles IL), Hydrogen circulation for moving bed catalyst transfer systems.
  11. Kocal Joseph A. (Gurnee IL), Increasing catalyst life and improving product linearity in the alkylation of aromatics with linear olefins.
  12. Jensen Robert H ; Bricker Jeffrey C. ; Chen Qianjun ; Tatsushima Masaru,JPX ; Kikuchi Kenji,JPX ; Takayama Masao,JPX ; Hara Koji,JPX ; Tsunokuma Isao,JPX ; Serizawa Hiroyuki,JPX, Layered catalyst composition and processes for preparing and using the composition.
  13. Jensen Robert H. ; Bricker Jeffery C. ; Chen Qianjun ; Tatsushima Masaru,JPX ; Kikuchi Kenji,JPX ; Takayama Masao,JPX ; Hara Koji,JPX ; Tsunokuma Isao,JPX ; Serizawa Hiroyuki,JPX, Layered catalyst composition and processes for preparing and using the composition.
  14. Sechrist Paul A. (Des Plaines IL), Method for controlling moisture by coke composition.
  15. Sechrist Paul A. ; Robinson Delmar W. ; Schlueter William D., Method for controlling moisture in a catalyst regeneration process.
  16. Fung Shun C. ; Tauster Samuel J. ; Koo Jay Y., Method of regenerating deactivated catalysts.
  17. Durante Vincent A. ; Resasco Daniel E. ; Walker Darrell W. ; Haller Gary L. ; Coggins Eugene L., Process and catalyst for dehydrogenation of organic compounds.
  18. Nacamuli Gerald J., Process for production of aromatics in parallel reformers with an improved catalyst life and reduced complexity.
  19. Austin, Kyle P.; Szczurek, James A.; Richardson, Larry D.; Kazell, David M.; Ressl, Charles T.; Vetter, Michael J.; Dziabis, Gary A.; Cottrell, Paul R.; Wier, Mary Jo, Reaction and regeneration system.
  20. Paula L. Bogdan ; Qianjun Chen ; Jaime G. Moscoso ; Jeffery C. Bricker, Selective reforming process for the production of aromatics.
  21. Galperin Leonid B. ; Bogdan Paula L. ; Boldingh Edwin Paul, Stable, high-yield reforming catalyst.
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