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Magnetic actuator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01F-007/00
출원번호 US-0864650 (2009-01-26)
등록번호 US-8803644 (2014-08-12)
우선권정보 NL-2001216 (2008-01-25)
국제출원번호 PCT/NL2009/050037 (2009-01-26)
§371/§102 date 20101130 (20101130)
국제공개번호 WO2009/093907 (2009-07-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dams, Johannes Adrianus Antonius Theodorus
출원인 / 주소
  • J. Dams Beheer B.V.
대리인 / 주소
    Karich, Eric
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 22


A magnetic actuator has a static part and a dynamic part concentrically arranged therein. The static part comprises two permanent magnets and the dynamic part comprises two further permanent magnets. The magnet is oppositely oriented to the further magnets. The magnets are tuned to each other in suc


1. A magnetic actuator comprising: a first part and a second part concentrically arranged therein, which parts are axially mutually movable, one of the parts being static and the other part being dynamic and in which the first part comprises at least one permanent magnet, whose polarity is in the ax

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Olsen,Don B.; Allaire,Paul E.; Wood,Houston G.; Kipp,Ronald; Jiang,Wei; Lin,Zongli; Li,Guoxin, Axial-flow blood pump with magnetically suspended, radially and axially stabilized impeller.
  2. Epley John M. (6371 SE. Yamhill Portland OR 97215), Direct contact hearing aid apparatus.
  3. Frandsen Jorgen (Winnipeg CAX), Dual coil/dual magnet actuator.
  4. Drevet,Jean Baptiste, Electromagnetic machine with a deformable membrane.
  5. Luetzow Robert H. (Huntington IN), High torque rotary solenoid.
  6. Ikuo Ohya JP, Iron core and electromagnetic driving mechanism employing the same.
  7. Ohya, Ikuo, Iron core and electromagnetic driving mechanism employing the same.
  8. Iannello Victor ; Willis ; Jr. Richard M., Light weight, high performance radial actuator for magnetic bearing systems.
  9. Ito, Kenichi; Nakayama, Tadahiro, Linear actuator and apparatus utilizing the same.
  10. Yukihiro Okada JP, Linear actuator with movable magnets.
  11. Frandsen Jorgen (Winnipeg CAX), Linear actuator with staggered flat coils.
  12. Cook Stephen John,GBX ; Clark Richard Edward,GBX, Linear magnetic actuator.
  13. Pratt, Thomas M.; McClelland, Scott Douglas; Stevens, Craig L.; Hopkins, Kerry, Magnetically coupled linear servo-drive mechanism.
  14. Morcos Anthony C. (Oceanside CA), Moving coil actuator utilizing flux-focused interleaved magnetic circuit.
  15. Hirabayashi Yasuyuki (Tokyo JPX) Oyama Takatoshi (Tokyo JPX) Sohno Hiroyuki (Tokyo JPX) Saito Sigeo (Tokyo JPX), Moving magnet-type actuator.
  16. Ueda, Minoru; Kaneda, Shoichi; Ohno, Etsuo, Multifunctional actuator and mobile terminal.
  17. Mohler, David B., Permanent magnet brushless torque latching actuator.
  18. Studer Philip A. (10313 Ridgemoore Dr. Silver Spring MD 20901), Spring neutralized magnetic vibration isolator.
  19. Vranish,John M., Stepping flexures.
  20. Hoppie Lyle O., System and method for regenerative electromagnetic engine valve actuation.
  21. Sakai, Nobuyasu, Vibration actuator having an elastic member between a suspension plate and a magnetic circuit device.
  22. Shimakawa Shinichi,JPX ; Fujiwara Noriyuki,JPX ; Nagaike Masaru,JPX ; Inukai Shinichiro,JPX ; Matsunami Takao,JPX, Vibration generating apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Kohlhafer, Dennis John, Electromagnetic opposing field actuators.
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