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[미국특허] Dispenser base 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-07
출원번호 US-0431981 (2012-09-12)
등록번호 US-D710699 (2014-08-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Phelps, Jeffrey
출원인 / 주소
  • Phelps, Jeffrey
대리인 / 주소
    The Eclipse Group LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 36


초록이 없습니다.


I claim the ornamental design for a dispenser base, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (36) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Roesser, Allison Meredith, Accessory for beverage container.
  2. Weldon, John T., Ball display apparatus.
  3. Barth John M. (Saline MI), Base cup for a plastic container.
  4. Takei Koji (629 N. Bundy Dr. Los Angeles CA 90049), Bottle or container holder for holding the bottle or container in an inverted position.
  5. William E. Post ; Larry L. Lanham, Bottom of stand up bag.
  6. Knutson Lawrence M. (Prior Lake MN), Bowl.
  7. Knutson Lawrence M. (Prior Lake MN), Bowl.
  8. Rhoades,Dean L., Cap stand.
  9. Mavin,Gerry; Stephenson,Timothy, Closure for container.
  10. Rejkowski, Michael W.; Sexton, Stephen J., Control panel for vehicle heating and air conditioning systems.
  11. Brockington, William T.; Angel, Bruce A., Cylinder stabilizing base.
  12. Phelps, Jeffrey, Dispenser.
  13. Hartmann Jerome (Carlisle IA) Schenken John E. (Des Moines IA) Haas Charles A. (Des Moines IA), Drink container stabilizing device.
  14. Hartman Jerome (Carlisle IA) Schenken John (Des Moines IA) Haas Charles A. (Des Moines IA) Dixon ; Jr. Herbert O. (West Des Moines IA), Drink holder.
  15. Gustafson,John R.; Thorp,Geoffrey D.; Migliore,Michael F., Handle.
  16. Lindsey William J. (P.O. Box 359 Balboa Island CA 92662), Holder for inverted bottles.
  17. Marseglia Brian (7001 Carlton Ave. Falls Church VA 22042), Inverted bottle stand for carbonated beverages.
  18. Bertani Alberto,ITX, Knob.
  19. Conlon Daniel R. (Jenkintown PA), Laboratory flask support.
  20. Conlon Daniel R. (Jenkintown PA), Laboratory flask support.
  21. Ozaki Nobuo (Osaka JPX) Kaneko Yoshimasa (Osaka JPX), Lock nut for bicycle or the like.
  22. Cetera, Carl; Suess, Christon G., Mug cap.
  23. Oliver Scott ; Garman Michael, Nose cone for a tool.
  24. Tropeano, Nicholas Lino, Paint can holder.
  25. Kowk Ronald (2899 Steeles Avenue West ; No. 23 Downsview ; Ontario CAX M3J 3A1), Pedestal for gas cylinder.
  26. Tilden David J. (5412 Ygnacio Dr. Sacramento CA 95842), Pouring cover for paint cans.
  27. Sheets, Philip; Kelley, Paul; Denner, John, Process and device for conveying odd-shaped containers.
  28. Cogswell, Jr.,Earl S.; Cogswell,Donna J., Propane tank transport stabilizer.
  29. Gao,Hua, Ratcheting screwdriver assembly.
  30. Kegg, Daniel J.; Marchant, Kevin K.; Walsh, James M., Ratcheting screwdriver thumb actuator.
  31. Irvin, Aaron, Screw top air freshener.
  32. Moody Douglas H., Screwdriver handle.
  33. Scarlett, Elizabeth; Coutant, Pamela, Stabilizer cup holder.
  34. Schrader Robert S. (Dallas TX) Snyder James L. (Houston TX) Ellenberger James Phillip (Spring TX) Magee James W. (Houston TX) Badley Peter J. (Houston TX) Escobedo Joe A. (Houston TX) Gutierrez Danie, Tapered socket welded coupling.
  35. Schrader Robert S. (Dallas TX) Snyder James L. (Houston TX) Ellenberger James Phillip (Spring TX) Magee James W. (Houston TX) Badley Peter J. (Houston TX) Escobedo Joe A. (Houston TX) Gutierrez Danie, Tapered threaded coupling.
  36. Tupy, Craig A.; Benda, Steven J., Tip resistant beverage container holder.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  2. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  3. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  4. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  5. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  6. Holmes, Larry, Closure.
  7. Harris, Kimberly J.; Jiang, Nathaniel; Prater, Rodney L.; Wolak, Christopher P., Container with base.
  8. Prater, Rodney L.; Wolak, Christopher P.; Jiang, Nathaniel; Harris, Kimberly, Container with base.
  9. Harris, Kimberly J.; Jiang, Nathaniel; Prater, Rodney L.; Wolak, Christopher P., Container with cap and base.
  10. Prater, Rodney L.; Wolak, Christopher P.; Jiang, Nathaniel; Harris, Kimberly, Container with cap and base.
  11. Phipps, Timothy Gayle; Coker, Dale Melton; DeYoung, Daniel Lee; Brown, Ellen, Dispenser cover simulating a shell.
  12. Biewald, Karl Fredrick, Holder for stacked beverage cans.
  13. Ryan, Delvin, Jar topper.
  14. Webster, William; Oliver, Randy M.; Gallant, David, Scent dispenser.
  15. Candelaria, Edward, Twist-off bottle cap with finger notches.
  16. Candelaria, Edward, Twist-off bottle cap with finger notches.

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