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[미국특허] Apparatus and method for electrosurgical suction 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61M-001/00
  • A61B-018/04
출원번호 US-0021606 (2011-02-04)
등록번호 US-8845616 (2014-09-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Minskoff, Noah Mark
  • Terry, Nathan Andrew
출원인 / 주소
  • Integrated Surgical LLC
대리인 / 주소
    The Neudeck Law Firm, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 66


A suction apparatus evacuates the surgical smoke. For example, the suction apparatus may be arranged adjacent to an electrocautery electrode, which may generate smoke during operation, for evacuating smoke from a surgical site. The suction apparatus may have a ring manifold having an inner perimeter


1. A suction apparatus for use with a surgical instrument that generates smoke comprising: a ring manifold having a lumen extending substantially around the ring manifold, the ring manifold having an inner perimeter adapted to releasably receive a surgical instrument, the ring manifold having an out

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (66)

  1. Elliott Martin P. (14 Linda Isle Newport Beach CA 92660), Aspiration tip for a cautery handpiece.
  2. Cosmescu Ioan, Automatic fluid control system for use in open and laparoscopic laser surgery and electrosurgery and method therefor.
  3. Berman Mark ; Picha George J. ; Austin Gary ; Heipp Shawn ; Picha ; III George J. ; Nock Richard T., Cauterization smoke evacuator.
  4. Beale Mark (111 Old Hickory Blvd. No. 170 Nashville TN 37221), Disposable electrical surgical suction tube and instrument.
  5. Kaufman David I. (743 College Ct. Los Altos CA 94022), Disposable electrocautery/cutting instrument with integral continuous smoke evacuation.
  6. Durden ; III John G. (Auburn GA), Disposable electrosurgical cautery having optional suction control feature.
  7. Gill Earnest T. (3300 NW. 19th St. Oklahoma City OK 73107), Electrical surgical probe.
  8. Russo Ronald D. (Barrington RI) Darsie Sam W. (Boulder CO) Curado Len (East Greenwich RI), Electro-surgical scalpel.
  9. Cosmescu Ioan, Electro-surgical unit pencil apparatus having a removable shroud.
  10. Corace Russell A. (Grand Rapids MI) VanderJagt Frederick W. (Grand Rapids MI) Gronsman Steven M. (Grand Rapids MI), Electrocautery handle.
  11. Rosenbaum Joseph (23101 Sherman Pl. Canoga Park CA 91307), Electrocautery surgical scalpel.
  12. Rexroth Frederick W. (Dunedin FL) Bays F. Barry (Seminole FL), Electrolyte purging electrode tip.
  13. Walker William S. (229 E. D Ave. Kalamazoo MI 49004), Electrosurgery instrument.
  14. Delahuerga Louis (Louisville CO) Stoddard Robert B. (Boulder CO) Klicek Michael S. (Boulder CO), Electrosurgical apparatus.
  15. Allen,Charles; Sartor,Joe Don, Electrosurgical electrode shroud.
  16. Braxton Charles R. (Boulder CO) Puszman Alan Z. (Lyons CO) Johnk William A. (Boulder CO), Electrosurgical handle.
  17. Pike ; Harold L., Electrosurgical handle.
  18. Burek Paul P. (Aurora CO), Electrosurgical handpiece.
  19. Jon C. Garito ; Alan G. Ellman, Electrosurgical handpiece.
  20. Ben-Simhon Haim (78 - 280 McClellan Road Nepean ; Ontario ; K2H 8P8 CAX), Electrosurgical instrument.
  21. Ben-Simhon Haim (78-280 Mc Clelland Road Nepean ; Ontario CAX K2L 8P8), Electrosurgical instrument.
  22. Johnson Gerald W. (17070 Red Oak ; Ste. 301 Houston TX 77090), Electrosurgical instrument.
  23. Van Noord Andrew J. (1434 Hillsboro Ave. ; SE. Grand Rapids MI 49506), Electrosurgical knife.
  24. Geary Peter Donald ; Chang Jia Jung,TWX, Electrosurgical pencil.
  25. Ineson, Leonard, Electrosurgical pencil.
  26. Turner Alexander (Ithaca NY) Lewis Bradley W. (Spencer NY) De Oliveira Egidio L. (Monroe NY) Scoville John R. (Monroe NY), Electrosurgical pencil.
  27. Roberts Jeffrey B. ; Pauley Gerald L., Electrosurgical pencil with push button actuators.
  28. Monson Donald R. (West St. Paul MN) Adamek Daniel E. (Roseville MN), Electrosurgical smoke evacuator.
  29. Beane Richard M. (Hingham MA), Electrosurgical suction coagulator.
  30. Brown Robert H.,CAX ITX BC V2S 3N9, Electrosurgical tool with suction and cautery.
  31. Weber ; Jr. Jaroy (Woodside CA) Kloeckl Terrance L. (San Francisco CA) Cast Michael A. (Palo Alto CA) Watkins ; III Frank T. (Menlo Park CA), Extendable electrocautery surgery apparatus and method.
  32. Flom James R. ; Vaska Matthias ; Miller Scott ; Bolduc Lee R., Fluid-evacuating electrosurgical device.
  33. Rau,Michael; Schniebs,Udo, Handle for a medical instrument.
  34. Cunningham James Steven ; Duffin Terry Matthew ; Harvilla Dennis John, Instrument for suction electrosurgery.
  35. Williams, Rodger W.; Atwood, Charles W., Irrigation/aspiration handpiece.
  36. Schifano Michael (2364 Mohawk Glenview IL 60025), Means for removing smoke from an operative site.
  37. Leon C. LaHaye, Multi-function surgical instrument for facilitating ophthalmic laser surgery.
  38. Haenggi Thomas J. (Long Beach CA), Multifunction electrocautery tool.
  39. Cosmescu, Ioan, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method therefor.
  40. Ioan Cosmescu, Multifunctional telescopic monopolar/bipolar surgical device and method therefor.
  41. Peng,Shuyou; Su,Ying, Multiplefunction surgical dissector.
  42. Reschke,Arlan James, Pistol grip electrosurgical pencil with manual aspirator/irrigator and methods of using the same.
  43. Deng Wenjie, Powered handpiece for performing endoscopic surgical procedures.
  44. Cosmescu Ioan, Removable shroud for receiving a pencil used in electro-surgery.
  45. Cosmescu Ioan, Removable shroud for use with electrosurgery.
  46. Majlessi Heshmat (233 Purchase St. Rye NY 10580), Retractable electro-suction device.
  47. DeSisto Stephen R. ; Walter Robert G., Self-evacuating electrocautery device.
  48. DeSisto,Stephen R., Self-evacuating electrocautery device.
  49. Hirschfeld Jack J. (244 Walton Heath Dr. Atlantis FL 33462), Smoke aspirating electrosurgical device.
  50. Monson Donald R. (West St. Paul MN), Smoke evacuator for an electrocautery scalpel.
  51. Monson Donald R. (West St. Paul MN), Smoke evacuator for an electrocautery scalpel.
  52. Shapira Nadiv (4745 Ogletown-Stanton Rd. Newark DE 19713), Smoke evacuator for smoke generating devices.
  53. Olsen Eugene (2100 Meredian Park Blvd. Concord CA 94520), Suction attachment for electrosurgical instruments or the like.
  54. Kuriloff Daniel B. (424 W. End Ave. Suite 11D New York NY 10024) Einhorn Robert K. (5109 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15213), Suction cautery dissector.
  55. Sartor, Joe Don, Suction coagulator with dissecting probe.
  56. Wells B. Keith ; Furnish Gregory R., Suction tip for an electrocautery apparatus.
  57. Hewell ; III Todd S. (4 Stonewood Dr. St. Charles IL 60174), Suction-assisted electrocautery unit.
  58. Patton Douglas M. (Irvine CA) Ewing Steven T. (South Pasadena CA), Surgical handpiece shell.
  59. Taylor Charles S. ; Shennib Hani,CAX ; Morejohn Michael V., Surgical instrument for facilitating the detachment of an artery and the like.
  60. Malis,Jerry L.; Groch,Anthony John; Acorcey,Robert A., Surgical instrument handle.
  61. Reynolds Valdon G. (Bountiful UT) Sorenson James L. (Salt Lake City UT) Reynolds Gordon S. (Bountiful UT), Surgical probe and smoke eliminator.
  62. Desai Ashvin (2338 Walsh Ave. Santa Clara CA 95051), Surgical tool.
  63. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 N. 22 St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Telescopic surgical device and method therefor.
  64. Johnson Gerald W. (17115 Red Oak ; Ste. #211 Houston TX 77090), Vacuum hood attachment for electrosurgical instruments.
  65. Cosmescu Ioan (14449 No. 22nd St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Vortex hand piece shroud for automatic smoke evacuator system for a surgical laser apparatus and method therefor.
  66. Shapira Nadiv (5249 LaJolla Hermosa Ave. LaJolla CA 92037) Wright John T. M. (10831 Oehlmann Ave. Conifer CO 80433), Vortex smoke remover for electrosurgical devices.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Jackson, James; Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques, Suction device for surgical instruments.
  2. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Jackson, James; Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques, Suction device for surgical instruments.
  3. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Jackson, James; Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques, Suction device for surgical instruments.
  4. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Jackson, James; Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques, Suction device for surgical instruments.
  5. Minskoff, Noah Mark; Jackson, James; Leeflang, Elisabeth Jacques, Suction device for surgical instruments.

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