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[미국특허] Undercutter device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E01B-027/00
  • E01B-027/04
  • E02F-003/14
출원번호 US-0576223 (2009-10-08)
등록번호 US-8904676 (2014-12-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Clasen, Dennis
  • Balderson, Scott
  • Fechter, Harold
출원인 / 주소
  • Dymax, Inc
대리인 / 주소
    Clark, Bruce J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 18


An undercutter attachable to utility machines has a bar with chain having teeth for cutting into rock beds, whereby the chain rotates about the bar. The bar has removable top and bottom portions, which when in place and secured, provide a channel for the chain, and when the top and bottom portions a


1. An undercutter comprised of an elongated bar having a chain guide channel for guiding a continuous chain, first rotatable sprocket means attached to the elongated bar, a continuous chain having attached teeth for cutting and removing material and revolving around the elongated bar and second rota

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18)

  1. Whitaker ; Jr. John B. (Wetumpka AL), Apparatus for removing ballast from beneath a railroad track.
  2. Whitaker ; Jr. John B. (Wetumpka AL), Apparatus for removing ballast from beneath railroad tracks.
  3. Theurer Josef (Vienna ATX) Flser Karl (Linz-Urfahr ATX), Ballast leveling apparatus and method.
  4. Kershaw John K. (Montgomery AL) McCray Philip C. (Montgomery AL), Ballast reconditioning apparatus.
  5. Whitaker ; Jr. John B. (Wetumpka AL), Ballast removing apparatus.
  6. Den Besten Leroy E. (Westlyn Grove Box 344 Valatie NY 12184), Bushing plate cutter.
  7. Theurer Josef (Vienna ATX), Conveyor chain arrangement for ballast cleaning machine.
  8. Stewart John Kenneth (Columbia SC), Crossing undercutter and switch undercutter mounted on tractor-type vehicle.
  9. Unzicker,Mark; Cooper,Mark, Excavation apparatus.
  10. Linder, Charles, Feeder chain wear strip.
  11. Miller ; John R., Method and apparatus for treating ballast.
  12. Shelton Kent Phillip ; Johnson James Lee, Methods of making a chain saw guide bar with high wear resistance strips.
  13. Masse, Ken, Mobile railway track repair apparatus.
  14. Pike,Lawrence Glenn; Pike,Darin Glenn; Holman,Cody Lee, Off-track railroad track undercutter apparatus.
  15. Feliz Jack M. (2110 Southridge Dr. Palm Springs CA 92262), Self-loading dualistic earth excavator with connecting telescopic conveying and dualistic distribution means.
  16. Takahashi Toshio,JPX ; Shibayama Katsutoshi,JPX ; Ikeda Masaaki,JPX, Support rail for a table top chain.
  17. Cotsford Stephen G. (Lexington SC), Undercutter with rotary trencher.
  18. Maisonneuve Hubert (West Columbia SC) VON Beckmann Helmuth (Columbia SC) Sun Joseph C. (Lexington SC), Undercutter with rotary trencher.

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