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Automated seat and/or lid assembly for a toilet 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47K-013/10
  • A47K-013/30
출원번호 US-0053427 (2013-10-14)
등록번호 US-8910320 (2014-12-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stauber, Joseph L.
  • Vierkant, III, Erich C.
  • Kaule, Brian M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Kohler Co.
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 49


The present invention is an automated seat and/or lid assembly for a toilet. The invention includes switch automation, wherein movement of a bowl attachment is initiated via a switch, and manual-urging automation, wherein movement of a bowl attachment is initiated via manual urging by a user. An aut


1. A toilet seat assembly, comprising: a bowl attachment configured to be coupled to a toilet and pivot relative to a bowl of the toilet;a logic controller;one or more motors that are operable to pivot the bowl attachment, the logic controller controlling whether the one or more motors pivot the bow

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (49)

  1. Matthews ; William C. ; Matthews ; Eunice C., Adjustable toilet.
  2. Austin Paul G. (649 N. Kellogg Ave. Santa Barbara CA 93111), Adjustable toilet seat.
  3. Sadegh Ali M. ; Chaskel Meisels ; Lebovits George I., Apparatus for automatic washing, sanitizing and drying toilet seats.
  4. Kawai Shinji (Aichi JPX) Nonomura Mitsugu (Aichi JPX) Yamaguchi Yuji (Aichi JPX) Tanaka Seiji (Aichi JPX) Takamata Akira (Aichi JPX), Apparatus for detecting seated condition for toilet seat.
  5. Smeal, Bryan; Summers, Chris, Apparatus for lowering toilet seat.
  6. Mullen Michelle D., Apparatus for raising and automatically lowering a toilet seat.
  7. Veal Bennie N. (6621 Park Valley Dr. Clarkston MI 48348), Auto flush for tank toilet.
  8. Lin, Yen-Chun, Automated induction toilet bowl seat lift system.
  9. Jones Darryl A., Automated toilet seat lowering device.
  10. Wiklund Ken (29 Ruskin Row Winnipeg ; Manitoba ; R3M 2R9 CAX) Seniuk Tim (5715 Roblin Blvd. Winnipeg ; Manitoba ; R3G 1M2 CAX), Automatic closure mechanism for a toilet seat.
  11. Liu Yu-Hsing (No.7-3 ; Alley 15 ; Lane 667 ; Chung Shan Road ; Sec. 2 ; Chung Ho Taipei Hsien CT) Chiu Fon-Wen (11TH Floor ; No. 220 ; Sung Chiang Road Taipei CT), Automatic lid-lifting and flushing device for water closet.
  12. Glew,Daniel John, Automatic toilet.
  13. Ballard Calvin, Automatic toilet cover and seat lifting and lowering device.
  14. Genesse Bryan V. (Granada Hills CA), Automatic toilet lid closer.
  15. Pendlebury James L. (36 Carr Dr Barrie ; Ont CAX L4N 6M9), Automatic toilet seat and lid lowering device.
  16. Jones Clifford D., Automatic toilet seat closing device.
  17. Veal Bennie N. (27336 Aberdeen Southfield MI 48076), Automatic toilet seat device.
  18. Hibbs, Walter G., Automatic toilet seat lowering apparatus.
  19. Mercier William H. (264 Lichtfield Ave. Elmont NY 11003) Mercier Roger R. (Oakridge Dr. Brooklyn CT 06234), Automatic toilet seat lowering hinge assembly.
  20. Hayashi,Ryosuke; Terada,Yoshiro; Miyamoto,Hiroomi; Hashidume,Kenji, Automatic toilet seat or toilet cover lifting and lowering device.
  21. Lin Hsien C. (No. 6 ; Liang-Chow St. Taipei TWX), Automatically lifting device for toilet seat.
  22. Uhl James R. (Scharf & Frazee Ave. ; Box 59 Vergas MN 56587), Commode seat lift apparatus.
  23. Ward Keith J. (3351 E. 4th St. Tulsa OK 74110), Device for opening and closing toilet seat.
  24. Feinberg, Richard B.; Hendzel, Stanley, Flushing activator and toilet seat and lid lifting and closing mechanism.
  25. Kumarasurier Jey (39113 Sundale Dr. Fremont CA 94538), Foot actuated double acting lever for lifting a toilet seat.
  26. Gaston Jeff C., Foot actuated, anti-slamming, toilet seat raising and lowering device.
  27. Baumoel, Joseph, Hands free system for lifting and lowering a toilet seat.
  28. Suzuki Koichi (Chiryu JPX) Yoshihara Mikio (Kariya JPX) Kawai Shinji (Toyota JPX) Mori Katsuhiro (Toyota JPX), Heated toilet seat.
  29. Kobayashi Keiichi (Kitakyushu JPX) Moriwaki Masazumi (Kitakyushu JPX) Kadomatsu Sigenari (Yokohama JPX) Fujie Yuji (Yokohama JPX) Kawamoto Masanobu (Yokohama JPX), Mechanism for opening and closing toilet seat and cover.
  30. Bradford,William R.; Bryan,John F., Mounting for a seat position actuated toilet bowl light.
  31. Jones David L. (Houston TX) Drenner ; Jr. George L. (Sugar Land TX), Powered toilet seat lift.
  32. Mohammed, Gaffar, Powered toilet seat positioner.
  33. Paredes Candelario (6608 Briarhaven Dr. Dallas TX 75240), Seat and cover assembly for a toilet bowl.
  34. Suzuki Naokazu,JPX, Semi-automatic closing device for seat lid of toilet bowl.
  35. Sim Jae K. (5021 Crescent Dr. Anaheim CA 92807), Toilet assembly.
  36. Sim Jae K. (5021 Crescent Dr. Anaheim CA 92807), Toilet assembly having a combined automatic ventilation and flushing system.
  37. Sim Jae K., Toilet assembly having an automatic ventilation system.
  38. Sim Jae K., Toilet assembly having automatic flushing system.
  39. Birsel Ayse (Kita-Kyushu JPX) Hiraga Noriko (Kita-Kyushu JPX) Tani Junichi (Kita-Kyushu JPX) Nagato Kenichi (Kita-Kyushu JPX) Watanabe Koichi (Kita-Kyushu JPX) Shinohara Kuniaki (Kita-Kyushu JPX), Toilet attachment with easily detachable seat.
  40. Nishikawa, Kazunori; Yamada, Hiroshi, Toilet cover opening/closing device.
  41. Parsons, Natan E.; Guler, Fatih; Herbert, Kay; Mo, Xiaoxiong; Hadley, David, Toilet flusher for water tanks with novel valves and dispensers.
  42. Convoy Terence Paul,GBX, Toilet seat.
  43. Tager Benny L. (Rte. 5 ; Box 7013 Quinlan TX 75474), Toilet seat closing device.
  44. Modeste, Sr.,David M.; Modeste, Jr.,David M., Toilet seat heating device.
  45. Richards Edward L., Toilet seat lift.
  46. Crocker James E. (Rte. 3 ; Box 80 Windsor VA 23487), Toilet seat lifter.
  47. Avila, Rodrigo E., Toilet seat positioning assembly.
  48. Tzang Tzong-Pay (No. 9-2 ; Lane 50 ; Sec. 2 ; Wu-Chang St. Taipei TWX), Toilet seat ring automatic raising structure using magnets.
  49. Baumoel, Joseph, Universally installable hands free toilet seat lifter/lowerer.
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