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[미국특허] Strap-tensioning device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B66F-003/00
  • B60P-007/08
출원번호 US-0503676 (2010-07-21)
등록번호 US-8915485 (2014-12-23)
우선권정보 FR-09 58340 (2009-11-25)
국제출원번호 PCT/FR2010/051534 (2010-07-21)
§371/§102 date 20120424 (20120424)
국제공개번호 WO2011/064477 (2011-06-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Joubert, Xavier
  • Joubert, Thierry
출원인 / 주소
  • Joubert Productions
대리인 / 주소
    Jordan IP Law, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 33


A strap-tensioning device includes a base that receives a rotatable drum rigidly connected to toothed wheels, and configured to engage a holding pawl; tensioning lever rotatably mounted by hinging onto the drum, and provided with a pawl for driving the toothed wheels; an unlocking pawl configured to


1. A strap-tensioning device comprising: a base;a strap rigidly connected to a first end of the base;a drum mounted for rotation to a second end of the base, the drum configured to receive an end of the strap;wheels to which the drum is rigidly connected;a first pawl configured to slide in the base

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33)

  1. Chou, Yeh-Chien, Auxiliary member for ratchet buckle.
  2. Hu, Yu Fang, Belt reel assembly for fastening goods on a truck.
  3. Hanson,Burton Warren, Bi-directional load securing ratchet method and apparatus.
  4. Wang, Bei, Binding machine.
  5. Huang,Han Ching, Buckle.
  6. Huang, Han-Ching, Buckle device.
  7. Lin,Chia Sheng, Cable tension device having a tension adjustable function.
  8. Chang,Wen Cheng, Cable tightening device having anti-theft function.
  9. Chang, Wen-Cheng, Cable tightening device with a base having a lower cost of fabrication.
  10. Chang, Vincent, Cargo bracing device.
  11. Madachy,Frank Joseph; Yoder,John Scott, Cargo tightener and strap collector.
  12. Madachy, Frank Joseph; Yoder, John Scott, Cargo tightener and strap collector with improved release mechanism.
  13. Smetz Reinhard (Baldingen DEX) Speich Helmut (Httlingen DEX), Connecting device for components and for tensioning and/or control devices with belts.
  14. Sunesson Sigvard B. (Angered SEX), Device arranged to tighten and to lock slings or load-fastening belts.
  15. Norrby Henry,SEX, Device for the application of a tensioning force in a strap.
  16. Huang,Han Ching, Fastener for straps.
  17. Lu,Jung Wen, Hand-pulled device for winding binding strap.
  18. Chen, Weiguo, Lockable ratchet buckle.
  19. Huang Han-Ching (No. 12 ; Avenue 111 ; Lane 437 ; Jeng Hsin Road Taichung TWX), Operating arm for strapping mechanism.
  20. Landy, Richard, Ratchet and cam buckle tensioning assembly and method for using same.
  21. Chen, Weiguo, Ratchet buckle with excess strap retention arm and double layered arm.
  22. Cummings David S. (Princeton MA), Ratchet tie-down.
  23. Huck, Jeffrey D., Retractable tie down device.
  24. Chen,Weiguo, Retractable tie-down with rotation brake.
  25. Huang,Han Ching, Strap tenser.
  26. Degen, Klemens, Strap tensioner and associated gripping jaws.
  27. Chi-San Huang TW, Strap tightener.
  28. Huang, Han-Ching, Strap-tightening device.
  29. Huang Han-Ching (No. 12 Avenue 111 ; Lane 437 ; Jeng Hsin Road Taichung TWX), Strapping mechanism having a safety device.
  30. Gleinser,Gerhard, Tension ratchet with a belt magazine, and belt magazine.
  31. Huang, Han-Ching, Tensioning apparatus.
  32. Huang, Han-Ching, Tensioning apparatus for strap.
  33. Kmper Hans-Werner (Wrselen DEX), Tensioning ratchet for a lashing strap.

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