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[미국특허] Polycarbonate polyol compositions and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08G-064/00
  • C08G-018/44
  • C08G-064/02
  • C08G-064/34
  • C08G-063/02
출원번호 US-0040001 (2013-09-27)
등록번호 US-8921508 (2014-12-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Allen, Scott D.
  • Coates, Geoffrey W.
  • Cherian, Anna E.
  • Simoneau, Chris A.
  • Gridnev, Alexei A.
  • Farmer, Jay J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Novomer, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Choate, Hall & Stewart, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 29


In one aspect, the present disclosure encompasses polymerization systems for the copolymerization of CO2 and epoxides comprising 1) a catalyst including a metal coordination compound having a permanent ligand set and at least one ligand that is a polymerization initiator, and 2) a chain transfer age


1. A poly(propylene carbonate)polyol composition made by a method comprising the step of contacting a reaction mixture comprising propylene oxide and carbon dioxide with a metal complex including a permanent ligand set and at least one ligand that is a polymerization initiator, and a chain transfer

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

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  2. Kruper ; Jr. William J. (Midland MI) Swart Daniel J. (Midland MI), Carbon dioxide oxirane copolymers prepared using double metal cyanide complexes.
  3. Hillebrand, Gerhard; Hirschauer, Andre; Commereuc, Dominique; Olivier-Bourbigou, Helene; Saussine, Lucien, Catalyst based on cobalt and/or rhodium employed in a two-phase medium.
  4. Coates, Geoffrey W.; Getzler, Yutan D. Y. L.; Wolczanski, Peter; Mahadevan, Viswanath, Catalytic carbonylation of three and four membered heterocycles.
  5. Jacobsen Eric N. (Mohamet IL) Zhang Wei (Maple Glen PA) Deng Li (Urbana IL), Chiral catalysts and catalytic epoxidation catalyzed thereby.
  6. Jacobsen Eric N. (Mohamet IL) Zhang Wei (Maple Glen PA) Deng Li (Urbana IL), Chiral catalysts and epoxidation reactions.
  7. Hinz,Werner; Wildeson,Jacob; Dexheimer,Edward M., Complex of a multimetal cyanide compound and methods of forming polyethercarbonate polyols.
  8. Hinz, Werner; Wildeson, Jacob; Dexheimer, Edward Michael; Neff, Raymond, Formation of polymer polyols with a narrow polydispersity using double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts.
  9. Coates,Geoffrey W.; Allen,Scott D.; Cohen,Claire; Peretti,Kathryn; Ajiro,Hiroharu, Isotactic specific catalyst for direct production of highly isotactic poly (propylene oxide) or highly isotactic poly (butylene oxide).
  10. Nguyen, SonBinh T.; Paddock, Robert L.; Chen, Jinhui; Domski, Jr., Gregory J., Metal-ligand complexes and related methods of chemical CO2 fixation.
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  13. Prier Donald G. (Baton Rouge LA), Mixtures of poly(alkylene carbonate) polyols and polymers of ethylenically unsaturated esters.
  14. Schulte,J?rg L.; Schottek,J?rg, Non-metallocene catalyst system.
  15. Fujita,Terunori; Tohi,Yasushi; Mitani,Makoto; Matsui,Shigekazu; Saito,Junji; Nitabaru,Masatoshi; Sugi,Kiyoaki; Makio,Haruyuki; Tsutsui,Toshiyuki, Olefin polymerization catalysts, transition metal compounds, processes for olefin polymerization, and α-olefin/conjugated diene copolymers.
  16. Fujita Terunori,JPX ; Tohi Yasushi,JPX ; Mitani Makoto,JPX ; Matsui Shigekazu,JPX ; Saito Junji,JPX ; Nitabaru Masatoshi,JPX ; Sugi Kiyoaki,JPX ; Makio Haruyuki,JPX ; Tsutsui Toshiyuki,JPX, Olefin polymerization catalysts, transition metal compounds, processes for olefin polymerization, and .alpha.-olefin/conjugated diene copolymers.
  17. Fujita, Terunori; Tohi, Yasushi; Mitani, Makoto; Matsui, Shigekazu; Saito, Junji; Nitabaru, Masatoshi; Sugi, Kiyoaki; Makio, Haruyuki; Tsutsui, Toshiyuki, Olefin polymerization catalysts, transition metal compounds, processes for olefin polymerization, and α-olefin/conjugated diene copolymers.
  18. Allen, Scott D.; Coates, Geoffrey W.; Cherian, Anna E.; Simoneau, Chris A.; Gridnev, Alexei A.; Farmer, Jay J., Polycarbonate polyol compositions and methods.
  19. Coates Geoffrey W. ; Cheng Ming, Polycarbonates made using high activity catalysts.
  20. Coates, Geoffrey W.; Qin, Zengquan; Cohen, Claire Tova, Polycarbonates made using highly selective catalysts.
  21. Coates, Geoffrey W.; Qin, Zengquan; Cohen, Claire Tova, Polycarbonates made using highly selective catalysts.
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  23. Haider, Karl W.; McDaniel, Kenneth G.; Hayes, John E.; Shen, Jianzhong, Polyether carbonate polyols made via double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysis.
  24. Acemoglu Murat,CHX ; Bantle Siegfried,CHX ; Bodmer David,CHX ; Cammisuli Salvatore,CHX ; Hiestand Peter,CHX ; Nimmerfall Fritz,CHX ; Stoll Georg,DEX, Polymeric matrices and their uses in pharmaceutical compositions.
  25. Myers Michael O. (Baton Rouge LA), Process for preparing poly (alkylene carbonates).
  26. Muller, Ulrich; Luinstra, Gerrit; Yaghi, Omar M., Process for producing polyalkylene carbonates.
  27. Kuyper Jan (Amsterdam NLX) Lednor Peter W. (Amsterdam NLX) Pogany George A. (Amsterdam NLX), Process for the preparation of polycarbonates from epoxy compound and carbon dioxide.
  28. Machac, Jr., James R.; Marquis, Edward T.; Klein, Howard P., Process for the production of carbonates that melt at a high temperature.
  29. Jacobsen Eric N. (Boston MA) Leighton James L. (Sommerville MA) Martinez Luis E. (Cambridge MA), Stereoselective ring opening reactions.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

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  6. Allen, Scott D.; Job, Gabriel; Farmer, Jay J., Catalysts and methods for polymer synthesis.
  7. Farmer, Jay J., Catalysts and methods for polymer synthesis.
  8. Farmer, Jay J., Catalysts and methods for polymer synthesis.
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  17. Allen, Scott D.; Coates, Geoffrey W.; Cherian, Anna E.; Simoneau, Chris A.; Gridnev, Alexei A.; Farmer, Jay J., Polycarbonate polyol compositions and methods.
  18. Farmer, Jay J., Polycarbonate polyol compositions and methods.
  19. Farmer, Jay J., Polycarbonate polyol compositions and methods.
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