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[미국특허] Composite spark plug 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01T-013/22
  • H01T-013/34
  • H01T-013/40
  • H01T-021/02
출원번호 US-0747714 (2007-05-11)
등록번호 US-8922102 (2014-12-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Camilli, Louis S.
출원인 / 주소
  • Enerpulse, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Myers, Jeffrey D.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 33


A composite ignition device includes a positive electrode having a tip formed thereon that is bonded to a first insulator to form a firing cone assembly. A second insulator having a negative capacitive element embedded therein is attached to the firing cone assembly. A positive capacitive element is


1. A composite ignition device for an internal combustion engine, comprising: a positive electrode comprising a tip;a coating of conductive ink bonded to said positive electrode;a first insulator comprising a ceramic cone;a spark gap comprising: a J-shaped negative electrode comprising a tip;said ce

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nelson, Daniel S.; Hillman, David J.; McIntire, John, Absolute pressure sensor.
  2. Arrigoni David M. (Los Gatos CA), Apparatus for preventing noise generation in an electrical digitizer due to generation of optical signals.
  3. Tribble Daniel Lee ; Garrett Michael Earl ; Ingham Robert Scott ; Timko Timothy George, Application of precious metal to spark plug electrode.
  4. Griswold James E. (Albuquerque NM) Corio Ronald P. (Albuquerque NM) Pate Ronald C. (Albuquerque NM), Combustion ignitor.
  5. Camilli Louis S., Current peaking sparkplug.
  6. Ballentine Richard E. (Anderson IN) Daniels Ray J. (Anderson IN) Welsh ; Jr. Thomas E. (Anderson IN) Haisley Richard L. (Muncie IN), Distributor cap.
  7. Ward Michael A. V. (Lexington MA), Enhanced flame ignition for hydrocarbon fuels.
  8. Gotisar Ted (Pacifica CA) Jensen Ronald J. (Pacifica CA), High energy ignitor power circuit.
  9. Camilli, Louis S., High power discharge fuel ignitor.
  10. Buerle Adalbert (Kornwestheim DEX) Barthelm Ludwig (Kornwestheim DEX) Benedikt Walter (Kornwestheim DEX) Herden Werner (Gerlingen DEX) Holl Walter (Stuttgart DEX) Liebing Gerhard (Stuttgart DEX) Schm, Ignition plug for internal combustion engines.
  11. Richeson William E. (Fort Wayne IN), Low radio interference spark plug.
  12. Lykowski, James D., Metallic insulator coating for high capacity spark plug.
  13. Stimson Grant L. (Davison MI), Metallized glass seal resistor composition.
  14. Makoto Sugimoto JP; Yutaka Tanaka JP, Method of producing a spark plug.
  15. Kokubu Akio,JPX ; Yoshida Kazumasa,JPX ; Matsubara Yoshihiro,JPX ; Yamaguchi Makoto,JPX, Semi-creeping discharge type spark plug.
  16. Fu, Bo, Silver ink for forming electrodes.
  17. Englehardt Clyde R. (Sylvania OH), Spark plug.
  18. Ishikawa, Masahiro, Spark plug.
  19. McDougal John A. (14388 Harbor Island Detroit MI 48215), Spark plug.
  20. Nemeth Joseph (Harsens Island MI) McMahon Clifford C. (Windsor OH CAX) Tribble Daniel L. (Maumee OH), Spark plug.
  21. Matsubara Yoshihiro,JPX ; Yoshida Kazumasa,JPX ; Kokubo Akio,JPX ; Suzuki Akira,JPX ; Yamaguchi Makoto,JPX, Spark plug and an internal combustion engine igniting system using the same.
  22. McDougal John A. (14388 Harbor Island Detroit MI 48215), Spark plug and method.
  23. Lentz ; Lawrence R., Spark plug design having two electrically isolated center electrodes.
  24. Herden, Werner; Pollner, Rudolf; Brinz, Thomas; Eisele, Ulrich; Niegel, Andreas, Spark plug for an internal combustion engine.
  25. Watanabe Kiyohiko (Chiryu JPX) Igashira Toshihiko (Toyokawa JPX) Miyoshi Takeo (Toyota JPX) Yamashita Masahiro (Toyota JPX) Hosoi Hiroshi (Toyota JPX) Takagi Noboru (Toyota JPX), Spark plug for internal combustion engines.
  26. McMurray,Mark S.; Geer,Lawrence W.; Nohl,Thomas R., Spark plug having a multi-tiered center wire assembly.
  27. Lahens Albert, Spark plug having a plurality of vertical ground electrodes and a vertical cylindrical shaped center electrode in paral.
  28. Kawamura Kazumi (Nagoya JPX), Spark plug including a ground electrode, a center electrode, and a resistor.
  29. Herden Werner (Gerlingen DEX) Bloss Werner (Winterbach DEX), Spark plug with capacitor spark discharge.
  30. Shimizu Toshikazu,JPX ; Kawashima Yasushi,JPX, Spark plug with specific measured parameters.
  31. Corbach ; Rainer ; Steinke ; Leo ; Benedikt ; Walter ; Jurinke ; Rudolf, Spark plug, particularly for internal combustion engines having composite center electrode.
  32. Straub Stephen W. (Easley SC), Surface gap igniter.
  33. Matsumura Shuzo (Nagoya JPX) Suzuki Takahiro (Nagoya JPX), Surface gap type igniter plug.

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