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Method and system for interference suppression using information from non-listened base stations 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04B-001/00
  • H04B-015/00
  • H04B-001/7107
  • H04W-036/18
출원번호 US-0615110 (2012-09-13)
등록번호 US-8942634 (2015-01-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hahm, Mark
  • Luo, Wei
출원인 / 주소
  • Broadcom Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 23


Aspects of a method and system for interference suppression using information from non-listened base stations are provided. A wireless communication device may be operable to receive a raw signal comprising one or more desired signals from one or more serving base transceiver stations (BTSs) and com


1. A wireless communication device, comprising: a receiver configured to receive a signal including a plurality of multipath component signals that correspond to a plurality of source-specific signals from at least one listened base transceiver station (BTS) and at least one non-listened BTS;an inte

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23)

  1. Tomasin, Stefano; Pfister, Henry David; Hou, Jilei; Smee, John Edward, Adaptation of transmit subchannel gains in a system with interference cancellation.
  2. Moshavi,Shimon; Yellin,Daniel, Apparatus and method of canceling interference.
  3. Shattil, Steve, Carrier interferometry coding with applications to cellular and local area networks.
  4. Smee, John Edward; Pfister, Henry David; Hou, Jilei; Tomasin, Stefano, Channel estimation for interference cancellation.
  5. Darwood, Peter B., Communication unit and method for interference mitigation.
  6. Wallace, Mark S.; Walton, Jay Rodney; Howard, Steven J., Efficient computation of spatial filter matrices for steering transmit diversity in a MIMO communication system.
  7. Srinivasan, Murari; Butala, Amit; Mukherjee, Sayandev, Identifying and controlling interference from wireless terminals.
  8. Shim, Byonghyo; Abrishamkar, Farrokh; Kang, Inyup, Iterative detection and cancellation for wireless communication.
  9. Hou, Jilei; Pfister, Henry David; Smee, John Edward; Tomasin, Stefano, Joint interference cancellation of pilot, overhead and traffic channels.
  10. Reial, Andres, Method and apparatus for interference suppression in a wireless communication receiver.
  11. Olson,Eric S.; Narayan,Anand P.; Jain,Prashant; Thomas,John K., Method and apparatus for interference suppression with efficient matrix inversion in a DS-CDMA system.
  12. Jonsson, Elias, Method and apparatus for received signal quality estimation.
  13. Willenegger,Serge; Malladi,Durga P.; Blanz,Josef J., Method and apparatus for reducing inter-channel interference in a wireless communication system.
  14. Hahm, Mark; Luo, Wei, Method and system for interference suppression using information from non-listened base stations.
  15. Lamba, Gagandeep Singh; Guess, Tommy; McCloud, Michael; Narayan, Anand P, Methods for estimation and interference cancellation for signal processing.
  16. Willenegger, Serge; Chen, Tao; Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Wei, Yongbin, Multi-media broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) in a wireless communication system.
  17. Abrishamkar, Farrokh; Sikri, Divaydeep; Challa, Raghu N.; Canpolat, Bahadir, Multi-stage interference suppression.
  18. Butala, Amit, Reducing interference with a multiple format channel in a communication system.
  19. Shattil, Steve, Software adaptable high performance multicarrier transmission protocol.
  20. Mostafa,Ayman A., Systems and methods for interference cancellation in a radio receiver system.
  21. Pfister, Henry David; Hou, Jilei; Smee, John Edward; Tomasin, Stefano, Traffic interference cancellation.
  22. McCloud, Michael L; Nagarajan, Vijay, Variable interference cancellation technology for CDMA systems.
  23. Chitrapu, Prabhakar R.; Aghili, Behrouz; Rudolf, Marian; Dick, Stephen G., Voice and data communication services using orthogonal sub-channels.
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