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[미국특허] Compressor with cyclone and internal oil reservoir 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01C-001/02
  • F01C-001/063
  • F03C-002/00
  • F03C-004/00
  • F04C-002/00
  • F04C-018/00
  • F01C-021/04
  • F01C-021/06
  • F04C-015/00
  • F04C-027/02
  • F04C-029/02
  • F04C-029/04
  • F04C-018/02
출원번호 US-0908494 (2010-10-20)
등록번호 US-8944790 (2015-02-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ma, YoungChan
출원인 / 주소
  • Thermo King Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 24


A rotary compressor including a housing that defines an inlet, a low pressure chamber, an outlet, and a high pressure chamber defining a high pressure lubricant sump. A drive shaft passes through the housing and a compression element is coupled to the drive shaft between the low pressure chamber and


1. A rotary compressor comprising: a housing defining an inlet in communication with a low pressure chamber and an outlet in communication with a high pressure chamber defining a high pressure lubricant sump;a drive shaft at least partially passing through the housing;a compression element coupled t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Joo, Young Se; Han, Na Ra, Backflow preventing apparatus for compressor.
  2. Utter Robert E. ; Haller David K., Bearing lubrication system for a scroll compressor.
  3. Beagle Wayne P. (Kirkville NY), Check valve for scroll compressor.
  4. Yamamoto, Satoshi; Kajiwara, Mikio; Kishikawa, Mitsuhiko; Yamaji, Hiroyuki; Arai, Mie; Murakami, Yasuhiro, Compression mechanism and scroll compressor including the same.
  5. Gennami, Hiroyuki; Kimura, Kazuya; Suitou, Ken; Kuroki, Kazuhiro; Taketani, Akihiko, Electronic compressor having a reservoir chamber and an oil return passage for connecting the reservoir chamber with a suction chamber.
  6. Yoo, Byung-Kil; Cho, Nam-Kyu; Shin, Dong-Koo; Cho, Yang-Hee; Park, Hyo-Keun; Kim, Cheol Hwan, Hermetic compressor and refrigeration cycle device having the same.
  7. Ukai Tetuzou (Aichi JPX), Horizontal hermetic compressor having an oil reservoir.
  8. Osumimoto, Hiroki; Nozawa, Shigekazu; Urashin, Masayuki; Hida, Takeshi; Kameya, Hirotaka; Watanabe, Atsushi, Screw compressor.
  9. Weatherston Roger C. ; Feathers Kenneth L. ; Fogt James F. ; Caillat Jean-Luc, Scroll compressor.
  10. Sekigami Kazuo (Tochigi JPX) Oshima Kenichi (Tochigi JPX) Takebayashi Masahiro (Tsuchiura JPX), Scroll compressor and air conditioner using the same.
  11. Ignatiev Kirill M. ; Fogt James F. ; Feathers Kenneth L., Scroll compressor for natural gas.
  12. Tsubono,Isamu; Takebayashi,Masahiro; Hayase,Isao; Inaba,Koichi; Sekiguchi,Koichi; Oshima,Kenichi; Shimada,Atsushi; Akizawa,Takehiro, Scroll compressor having a back-pressure chamber control valve.
  13. Kimura,Kazuya; Shimizu,Izuru; Tarao,Susumu; Hishinuma,Yumin, Scroll compressor having a supply passage connecting the back pressure chamber to discharge pressure region and passing a clearance at a sliding portion.
  14. Koide,Tatsuya; Suitou,Ken; Kimura,Kazuya; Kii,Norimichi, Scroll compressor having an oil reservoir surrounding the discharge chamber and an oil separator in the rear housing.
  15. Zili Sun, Scroll compressor with lubrication directed to drive flat surfaces.
  16. Fujio Katuharu (Shiga JPX), Scroll compressor with lubrication passages to the main bearing, revolving bearing, back-pressure chamber and compressio.
  17. Milliff, Tracy L.; Hugenroth, Jason; Oo, Chong Yeow, Scroll compressor with oil reservoir associated with motor protector.
  18. Nakajima Nobuyuki (Konan JPX) Ishikawa Masakuni (Konan JPX) Kiso Norikatsu (Konan JPX) Takagi Nobukazu (Konan JPX) Kazahaya Yukio (Konan JPX) Kuchiki Seiji (Ohra JPX), Scroll type compressor.
  19. Murayama Akira (Shimizu JPX) Fukuishi Tadashi (Shimizu JPX) Kuroda Sigeaki (Shimizu JPX) Koyama Toshiaki (Shimizu JPX) Ochiai Tadao (Fujieda JPX) Hirai Toshio (Shimizu JPX) Sado Shintaro (Shimizu JPX, Scroll type compressor and refrigeration cycle using the same.
  20. Shibamoto, Yoshitaka; Kato, Katsumi, Scroll type fluid machine.
  21. Yamamoto Shuichi (Otsu JPX) Aiba Osamu (Kusatsu JPX) Yamamura Michio (Kusatsu JPX), Scroll-type compressor with discharge opening above the lubricant reservoir.
  22. Sun Zili ; Hill Joe T. ; Young Michael R., Sealed compressor mounted between horizontal and vertical.
  23. Sun, Zili, Self-regulating oil reservoir for scroll compressor.
  24. Ikeda Hayato,JPX ; Yokoi Masanobu,JPX ; Michiyuki Hiromi,JPX ; Kawamura Hisato,JPX ; Satoh Hirofumi,JPX ; Shintoku Noriyuki,JPX, Swash plate type refrigerant compressor with improved internal lubricating system.

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