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[미국특허] Active particle-enhanced membrane and methods for making and using the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-053/22
  • B01D-071/06
  • B01D-053/02
출원번호 US-0801647 (2007-05-09)
등록번호 US-8945287 (2015-02-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Haggquist, Gregory W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Cocona, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Neugeboren O'Dowd PC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 124


The present disclosure relates to active particle-enhanced membrane and methods for making and using the same. In some embodiments, a breathable membrane includes a base material solution and active particles. The active particles incorporated in the membrane may improve or add various desirable pro


1. A water-proof breathable membrane comprising: a substantially liquid-impermeable cured base material solution comprising a first thickness;a plurality of active particles in contact with the substantially liquid-impermeable cured base material solution, wherein the plurality of active particles,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (124) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cummings Theodore P. ; Hasse Margaret H., Absorbent article comprising touch-sensitive fragrance members.
  2. Tanzer Richard W. (Neenah WI) Bruemmer Mary A. (Neenah WI) Gossens Anthonette A. (Neenah WI), Absorbent article containing an anhydrous deodorant.
  3. Tanzer Richard W. (Neenah WI) Bruemmer Mary A. (Neenah WI) Gossens Anthonette A. (Neenah WI), Absorbent article containing an anhydrous deodorant.
  4. Tanzer, Richard W.; Bruemmer, Mary A.; Gossens, Anthonette A., Absorbent article containing an anhydrous deodorant.
  5. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Absorbent articles containing binder carrying high bulk fibers.
  6. Maggs Frederick A. P. (Wiltshire GB2), Activated carbon.
  7. Bair Thomas I. (Wilmington DE), Activated carbon-containing fibrids.
  8. Callahan ; Jr. Joseph P. (St. Paul MN) Enanoza Rudyard M. (Woodbury MN) Weigel Mark D. (Vadnais Heights MN), Adhesive beads.
  9. Fukuura Masaki,JPX ; Okada Teruhiro,JPX ; Takamoto Shohichi,JPX ; Nishimura Shushi,JPX, Adsorbent article with dust collection function.
  10. Ito Takafumi,JPX ; Matsumoto Yasuo,JPX ; Hiraki Jun,JPX, Antimicrobial resin composition and antimicrobial resin molded article comprising same.
  11. Bridge Frank (Bolton EN) Singh Tej Kuldip (Baildon EN), Apparatus for producing fibrous webs.
  12. Rooyakkers John Anthony ; Fell David Arthur ; Halloran Thomas Joel ; Niemi Paul Martin ; Olsen Martin Karl ; Schueler ; Jr. Kenneth Raymond ; Tippey Darold Dean, Apparatus for the uniform deposition of particulate material in a substrate.
  13. Doree Richard H. (St. Paul MN) Ugro ; Jr. Josef V. (Mahtomedi MN), Article containing microencapsulated materials.
  14. Doree Richard H. (St. Paul MN) Ugro ; Jr. Josef V. (Mahtomedi MN), Article containing microencapsulated materials.
  15. Doree Richard H. (St. Paul MN) Ugro ; Jr. Josef V. (Mahtomedi MN), Article containing microencapsulated materials.
  16. Trinh Toan ; Phan Dean Van, Articles containing small particle size cyclodextrin for odor control.
  17. Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Federal Way WA) Neogi Amar N. (Seattle WA) Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Hodgson Kevin T. (Seattle WA) Halabisky Donald D. (Tacoma WA) Marsh David G. (Federal Way WA) Brunnen, Binder coated discontinuous fibers with adhered particulate materials.
  18. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57A D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Blended yarn containing active carbon staple fibers, and fabric woven therefrom.
  19. Driskill Kathleen R. (Townsend DE) Henn Robert L. (Wilmington DE), Breathable flexible laminates adhered by a breathable adhesive.
  20. Mitchell Robert W. (Lawndale CA) Leeds Donald H. (Rolling Hills CA) Baldelli Gary (San Pedro CA), Carbon composite article and method of making same.
  21. Rohrbach Ronald ; Unger Peter ; Bause Daniel ; Xue Lixin ; Jones Gordon ; Dondero Russell, Chemical reagent package and method of operation effective at removing a wide range of odors.
  22. Lech Stanley, Chewable soft gelatin-encapsulated pharmaceutical adsorbates.
  23. James Gregory Gillick ; Cecil Bennett, Jr., Coated multi-filament reinforcing carbon yarn.
  24. Batlaw Raj ; Miley John W., Colorant having isocyanate substituent.
  25. Fraioli Anthony V. (Hawthorn Woods IL) Schertz William W. (Batavia IL), Composite desiccant structure.
  26. Yamaguchi Yasuhide,JPX ; Nakano Masahiko,JPX ; Suzuoka Kenji,JPX, Composite material carrying zinc oxide fine particles adhered thereto and method for preparing same.
  27. Clarke Steven R. (Waverly PA) Price John B. (Lubbock TX) Sallavanti Robert A. (Dalton PA) Zawislak Stephen P. (Philadelphia PA), Composite yarn and method for making the same.
  28. Woodhall Edward W. (Los Altos CA) Swidler Ronald (Palo Alto CA), Compositions and methods for the temporary protection of activated surfaces.
  29. Tsuei Alexander C., Curable water-based coating compositions and cured products thereof.
  30. Sun, Tong; Lindsay, Jeffrey D., Cyclodextrins covalently bound to polysaccharides.
  31. Mitsugu Matsumoto JP; Akira Shimizu JP; Seiichi Nishijima JP, Deodorant rayon fibers and method for producing the same.
  32. Goller Glen J. (West Springfield MA) Petraglia Vincent J. (Vernon CT) Salonia Joseph R. (Middletown CT), Dry mix method for making an electrochemical cell electrode.
  33. Gardiner Robert A. (Maplewood MN), Durably hydrophilic, thermoplastic fiber and fabric made from said fiber.
  34. Kostelnik, Robert J.; Wambach, Allen D., Electrically conductive poly(butylene terephthalate) moldings and compositions therefor.
  35. Ellis Vincent S. (Pontypool GB2) Mieszkis Kazimierz W. (Pontypool GB2), Electrically-conductive fibres.
  36. Williams, Karla E., Fibrous articles having odor adsorption ability and method of making same.
  37. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Fibrous product for binding particles.
  38. Groeger H. Gunter (Charlotte NC) Serad George A. (Charlotte NC) Felton Clinton D. (Charlotte NC), Fibrous structures containing particulate and including microfiber web.
  39. Kasmark ; Jr. James W. (Mt. Clemens MI) Brown ; deceased Joseph B. (late of Clinton Township ; Macomb County MI by Mary Louise Brown ; Administratix), Filter and method of making same.
  40. Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material.
  41. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernst (Hohnstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Filter sheet material and method of making same.
  42. Ashcraft Charles R. (Winston-Salem NC) Wong Milly M. L. (Winston-Salem NC), Flavor burst structure and method of making the same.
  43. Hobbs Karin (Gefrees DEX) Hoffmann Regina (Muenchberg DEX) Smolik Klaus (Gefrees DEX), Flexible material including active particles, process for the production thereof, and protective clothing made therefrom.
  44. Aldridge William J. ; Kadilak Darcy A. ; Markowitz James P., Floor drain odor control device.
  45. Temperante John A. ; Klun Thomas P. ; Gasper Alton J., Fluorochemical and hydrocarbon surfactant blends as hydrophilic additives to thermoplastic polymers.
  46. Charbonneau Jack W. (Somerset WI) Pendergrass ; Jr. Daniel B. (Mendota Heights MN), Fragrance delivery compositions having low amounts of volatile organic compounds.
  47. Lauchenauer Alfred E. (Horn CHX), Heat activatable multi-component sheet material & process for making same.
  48. Kagechi Shunsaku (Osaka JPX) Kusamoto Nobuo (Tokyo JPX) Kawamura Yasuji (Ichihara JPX), Highly moisture-absorptive fiber.
  49. Gaddis Paul (Renton WA) Kayihan Ferhan (Tacoma WA) Bernards Jeanne (Edmonds WA) Hayden David (Minneapolis MN) Levenspiel Octave (Corvallis OR), Hopper blender system and method for coating fibers.
  50. Colman Charles W. ; Marmon Samuel E. ; Ning Xin ; McDowall Debra J. ; Creagan Christopher C., Internal and topical treatment system for nonwoven materials.
  51. Cobb ; III James D. ; Rolen Jack L. ; Mehl Nathan A., Liquid dispersion comprising dibenzylidene sorbitol acetals ethoxylated nonionic surfactants.
  52. Morin, Brian G.; Mehl, Nathan A.; Parks, William S., Low-shrink polypropylene fibers.
  53. Edwards ; Donald William ; Gorondy ; Emery John ; Van Roggen ; Arend, Magnetic printing process and apparatus.
  54. Beardsley Kris A. ; Lise Jonathan M. ; Niccum Brent D. ; Sanders ; Jr. Rufus C., Method and apparatus for manufacturing abrasive articles.
  55. Argyle Mark D. ; Propp William Alan, Method and apparatus for the application of textile treatment compositions to textile materials.
  56. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Method for binding particles to fibers using reactivatable binders.
  57. Sowinski Richard F. (996 Arnold Dr. Martinez CA 94553), Method for filtering benz-a-anthracene from a gas stream.
  58. Sprengling Gerhard R. (Derry Township ; Westmoreland County PA), Method for impregnating resin powder directly into a laminate lay up.
  59. Kock, Ronald W.; Esposito, John A., Method for uniformly distributing discrete particles on a moving porous web.
  60. Tsuei Alexander C. (Woodbury MN) Kogl ; III Lorenz (Stillwater MN) Pendergrass ; Jr. Daniel B. (Mendota Heights MN), Method of encapsulation and microcapsules produced thereby.
  61. Sanders ; Jr. Rufus C., Method of making a foraminous abrasive article.
  62. Kyricos Christopher J. (8 Short St. Cohasset MA 02025), Method of making a vapor and heat exchange element for air conditioning.
  63. Morin, Brian G.; Mehl, Nathan A.; Parks, William S., Methods of making low-shrink polypropylene fibers.
  64. Tsuei Alexander C. (Woodbury MN) Mitra Smarajit (West St. Paul MN), Microcapsules and methods for making same.
  65. Michael Daniel W. (Cincinnati OH), Microcapsules containing hydrophobic liquid core.
  66. Tice, Thomas R.; Mason, David W.; McRae-McFarlane, Amanda; Dahlstromm, Annica; Dillon, Deborah L.; Edens, Ramon, Microcapsules for administration of neuroactive agents.
  67. Duell Bradley L. (St. Paul MN) Pendergrass ; Jr. Daniel B. (St. Paul MN), Microcapsules from polyfunctional aziridines.
  68. Duell Bradley L. (Woodbury MN) Pendergrass ; Jr. Daniel B. (Mendota Heights MN), Microcapsules from polyfunctional aziridines.
  69. Moy Jerry, Microcapsules with reduced shell wall permeability.
  70. Kody, Robert S.; Perez, Mario A.; Klun, Thomas P.; Graham, Paul D.; Haas, Christopher K.; Sura, Ravi K.; Wolk, Diane R.; Prudich, Julie S.; Krepski, Larry R.; Hobbs, Terry R.; Sebastian, John M.; DeR, Microfibrillated articles comprising hydrophillic component.
  71. Barer Sol J. (Fanwood NJ) Besso Michael M. (West Orange NJ), Microporous hollow fibers as protectants against toxic agents.
  72. Shores A. Andrew (212 Carroll Canal Venice CA 90291), Moisture and particle getter for enclosures.
  73. Shores A. Andrew (Venice CA), Moisture getting composition for hermetic microelectronic devices.
  74. Korpman Ralf, Molten adhesive fibers and products made therefrom.
  75. Korpman Ralf (Bridgewater NJ), Molten adhesive fibers and products made therefrom.
  76. Korpman Ralf (Bridgewater NJ), Molten adhesive fibers and products made therefrom.
  77. Rohrbach Ronald P. ; Jones Gordon W. ; Unger Peter D. ; Bause Daniel E. ; Xue Lixin ; Dondero Russell A., Multicomponent depth odor control filter and method of manufacture.
  78. Sun, Tong; Hu, Sheng-Hsin; Edens, Ronald L., Natural fibers treated with acidic odor control/binder systems.
  79. Pflaumer Phillip F. (Cincinnati OH), Nether garment for and method of controlling crotch odors.
  80. Hansen Michael R. (515 N. 149th Seattle WA 98133) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (13910 147th Pl. SE. Renton WA 98059), Non-polymeric organic binders for binding particles to fibers.
  81. Beardsley Kris A. ; Lise Jonathan M. ; Niccum Brent D., Nonwoven abrasive articles.
  82. Toshio Aikawa JP; Noriko Miyaguchi JP; Takashi Tarao JP; Hitoshi Kobayashi JP, Nonwoven fabric containing fine fiber, and a filter material.
  83. Cowsar Donald R. (Birmingham AL), Novel fabric containing microcapsules of chemical decontaminants encapsulated within semipermeable polymers.
  84. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  85. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  86. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  87. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), Odor absorbing clothing.
  88. Vickers Thomas Wayne (Circleville OH), Odor-absorbing clothing article.
  89. Weber Mary G. (Alpharetta GA) Fitting Steven W. (Acworth GA) Weber Robert E. (Marietta GA) Yeo Richard S. (Dunwoody GA), Odor-absorbing web material and medical material packages containing the web material.
  90. Yeo Richard S. (Dunwoody GA) Weber Mary G. (Alpharetta GA) Majors Stephanie R. (Grayson GA) Tanzer Richard W. (Neenah WI), Odor-removing cover for absorbent pads and method of making same.
  91. Seth, Jayshree; Katagiri, Hiroto; Sakurai, Hiroshi, Oil absorbent wipe with rapid visual indication.
  92. Lopatin George (Newton MA) Coplan Myron J. (Natick MA) Walton ; Jr. James P. (Newton MA), Open-celled microporous sorbent-loaded textile fibers and films and methods of fabricating same.
  93. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Particle binders for high bulk fibers.
  94. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Particle binders for high bulk fibers.
  95. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Particle binders that enhance fiber densification.
  96. Calhoun, Allison Anne; Shurling, Dickey S.; Skelhorn, David A.; Ansari, Deeba Marjan, Particulate carbonates and their preparation and use in thermoplastic film compositions.
  97. Raymond Senkus ; Chung I. Young ; Leonard W. Barrett ; Ying-Yuh Lu, Permeable shaped structures of active particulate bonded with PSA polymer microparticulate.
  98. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Park David W. (Puyallup WA), Polyethylene glycol as a binder material for fibers.
  99. Todd, Donald Eugene; Brown, David Alan, Process for chemically bonding an odor-encapsulating agent to textiles and textiles formed by the process.
  100. Edie Danny D. (Clemson SC) Klett James W. (Seneca SC), Process for coating carbon fibers with pitch and composites made therefrom.
  101. Bart Goeman BE, Process for extruding fibers.
  102. Hoge William H. (Flemington NJ), Process for producing highly porous thermoplastic films.
  103. Pike Richard Daniel, Process of making multicomponent fibers containing a nucleating agent.
  104. Hillrichs Eilhard,DEX ; Sander Ulrich,DEX, Process of preparing solutions of alkali peroxide and percarbonate.
  105. Singh Tej K. (West Yorkshire GBX), Production of particulate solid-bearing low density air-permeable sheet materials.
  106. Chen Jui-Hsiang (Hsinchu TWX) Kang Hung-Chou (Hsinchu TWX) Kang Chin-Jiuh (Hsinchu TWX) Wu Yuan-Der (San Chong City TWX) Laiw Ru-Fong (Hsinchu TWX), Pultrusion process for long fiber-reinforced nylon composites.
  107. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Renton WA), Reactivatable binders for binding particles to fibers.
  108. Jick John J. (P.O. Box 3716 Beverly Hills CA 90212), Regenerative desiccant bundle.
  110. Hasse Margaret H. (Cincinnati OH), Sanitary napkin with perfume-bearing microcapsule adhesive.
  111. Kurt C. Carlson ; Roger L. Langer, Solid phase extraction membrane.
  112. Leach Jack (Greensboro NC) Davis Delbert A. (Kernersville NC), Sorbent internally ribbed carbon-containing material and protective garment fabricated therefrom.
  113. Nohr Ronald S. (Roswell GA) MacDonald J. Gavin (Decatur GA), Stabilized siloxane-containing melt-extrudable thermoplastic compositions.
  114. Sengupta Ashok,CAX ; Nielsen Kent E.,CAX ; Barinshteyn Galina,CAX ; Li Kai ; Banovetz John P., Suspensions of microcapsules containing biologically active ingredients and adhesive microspheres.
  115. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), System and method for odor absorption.
  116. Lopatin, George; Coplan, Myron J.; Walton, Jr., James P., Thermally plastifiable compositions for microporous sorbent structure.
  117. Laridon, Erik; Haas, Geoffrey; Dankel, Robert, Thermoplastic articles exhibiting high surface-available silver.
  118. Stalter Joseph F. (Mogadore OH) Felten Gilbert A. (Kehlen LUX), Tire building machine drum.
  119. Guistina Robert A. ; Tyagi Dinesh, Toner compositions containing activated carbons.
  120. Kyricos Christopher J. (8 Short St. Cohasset MA 02025), Vapor exchange medium.
  121. Spijkers Jozef Christiaan Wilhelmus,NLX ; Van De Ven Henricus Joannes Maria,NLX, Water vapor permeable and waterproof polyester membrane pigmented with carbon particles.
  122. Hansen Michael R. (Seattle WA) Young ; Sr. Richard H. (Federal Way WA), Wet laid fiber sheet manufacturing with reactivatable binders for binding particles to fibers.
  123. Rohrbach Ronald ; Xue Lixin ; Bause Daniel ; Unger Peter ; Dondero Russell ; Jones Gordon, Wicking fiber with solid particulates for a high surface area odor removing filter and method of making.
  124. von Blcher Hubert (Freytagstrasse 45 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) von Blcher Hasso (Sohnstrasse 58 D-4000 Dsseldorf DEX) de Ruiter Ernest (Hhenstrasse 57a D-5090 Leverkusen 3 DEX), Yarn having specific properties.

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