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[미국특허] Method and system for controlling the distribution of multimedia broadcast service 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04L-012/28
  • H04W-004/04
  • H04W-072/00
  • H04L-012/18
  • H04W-004/24
  • H04W-004/06
  • H04W-016/10
  • H04W-072/04
  • H04W-028/04
  • H04W-074/00
  • H04W-028/06
  • H04W-024/02
  • H04W-052/34
  • H04W-076/00
  • H04W-028/16
  • H04W-048/16
출원번호 US-0974574 (2010-12-21)
등록번호 US-8958373 (2015-02-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Terry, Stephen E.
출원인 / 주소
  • InterDigital Technology Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Volpe and Koenig, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 56


A wireless multi-cell communication system and method of controlling the distribution of multimedia broadcast services (MBMS) are disclosed. The system includes at least one network, e.g., a Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN), which distributes the MBMS to one or more wireless receiv


1. A method, performed by a wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU), the method comprising: receiving a first multimedia broadcast/multicast service (MBMS) transmission from a first cell;storing the first MBMS transmission;receiving a second MBMS transmission from a second cell, wherein the second MBM

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hunzinger,Jason F.; Khalona,Ramon A., ARQ parameter retransmission control for variable data rate channels.
  2. Lin Isabel Y., Apparatus and method for using multiple communication paths in a wireless LAN.
  3. Nakamura,Mitsuyuki, Apparatus and method of scheduling channel allocation in dynamic TDMA frame.
  4. Eyuboglu, M. Vedat; Kim, Dae-Young, Broadcasting and multicasting in wireless communication.
  5. Terry,Stephen E., Channel switching for support of multimedia broadcast and multicast services.
  6. Brouwer, Frank, Channel-type switching based on cell load.
  7. Malmlof, Jim, Channel-type switching control.
  8. Andersson, Christoffer; Soderberg, Johan, Channel-type switching from a common channel to a dedicated channel based on common channel load.
  9. Lee, Young Dae; Chun, Sung Duck; Yi, Seung June, Communication of point to multipoint service information in wireless communication system.
  10. Xiong, Yijun; Vandenhoute, Marc L. J.; Cankaya, Hakki C., Control architecture in optical burst-switched networks.
  11. Leon, David; Curcio, Igor Danilo Diego, Data repair enhancements for multicast/broadcast data distribution.
  12. Tönjes, Ralf; Keller, Ralf; Lohmar, Thorsten; Hundscheidt, Frank, Group hopping and channel zapping during transmission of multicast applications.
  13. Saito, Hiroji; Nagaoka, Tatsuji; Matsuura, Tomoko; Wakaizumi, Mariko, Information system, mobile communication terminal, and information method.
  14. Albert Mark ; Holt ; II Robert Edward ; Menditto Louis Frank ; Nguyen Tu Van ; Stagg Arthur James, Input/output channel interface which automatically deallocates failed subchannel and re-segments data block for transmi.
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  16. Agashe, Parag A.; Quick, Jr., Roy Franklin; Wang, Jun; Hsu, Raymond T., Method and apparatus for broadcast services in a communication system.
  17. Terry, Stephen E., Method and apparatus for controlling the distribution of multimedia broadcast services.
  18. Leung,Nikolai K. N.; Parekh,Nileshkumar J.; Hsu,Raymond T.; Chen,An Mei, Method and apparatus for data packet transport in a wireless communication system using an internet protocol.
  19. Young C. David ; Stevens James A. ; Krueger Roy W. ; Becker Michael S., Method and apparatus for managing communication resources using an adaptive broadcast cycle (ABC).
  20. Haartsen, Jacobus, Method and apparatus for managing traffic flows.
  21. Rozanski Walt (Hurst TX) Rohani Kamyar (Vista CA), Method and apparatus for mobile assisted handoff in a communication system.
  22. Pulito,Brian; Johnson,Mark; Cline,Brian; Durham,Jeff; Kressin,Mark; Lochbaum,Andrew, Method and apparatus for providing full duplex and multipoint IP audio streaming.
  23. Purkayastha, Debashish; Shaheen, Kamel M., Method and apparatus for reporting WLAN capabilities of a dual mode GPRS/WLAN or UMTS/WLAN WTRU.
  24. Hsu,Raymond T., Method and apparatus for selecting a packet data serving node for multi-cast/broadcast services.
  25. Chow Jacky S., Method and apparatus for superframe bit allocation.
  26. Kiraly Jozsef, Method and system for implementing an internet radio device for receiving and/or transmitting media information.
  27. Frodigh Magnus,SEX ; Johansson J. Christer,SEX ; Furuskar Anders,SEX, Method and system for link adaptation having a variable update interval.
  28. Koulakiotis,Dimitris; Sarkkinen,Sinikka, Method and system for providing a service.
  29. Sarkkinen, Sinikka; Koulakiotis, Dimitris, Method and system for separating control information and user data from multicast and broadcast services.
  30. Terry, Stephen E., Method and wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) for receiving multimedia broadcast/multicast service.
  31. Hwang,Seung Hoon; Kwon,Hyuck Chan, Method for controlling data transmission in a radio communications system.
  32. Terry, Stephen E.; Miller, James M., Method for distribution of wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) capability between point to point and point to multipoint services.
  33. Yi, Seung-June; Lee, Young-Dae; Lee, So-Young, Method for increasing system capacity by transmitting control Signal for MBMS data by combining RLC and PDCP messages.
  34. Rikkinen Kari,FIX ; Ahmavaara Kalle,FIX ; Rinne Mikko,FIX ; Rinne Mika,FIX, Method for radio resource control.
  35. Yi, Seung June; Lee, Young Dae; Lee, So Young, Method for scheduling transmission of MBMS data in UMTS.
  36. Van Lieshout, Gert Jan; Van Dervelde, Himke; Kim, Soeng-Hun, Method of reducing configuration information in the signaling of radio bearer information for a plurality of multicast/broadcast services.
  37. Mikko Lietsalmi FI; Jaakko Vanttila ; Seppo Alanara JP, Mobile station and network having hierarchical index for cell broadcast service.
  38. Willenegger,Serge; Chen,Tao; Vayanos,Alkinoos Hector; Wei,Yongbin, Multi-media broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) in a wireless communications system.
  39. Lim,Byung Keun, Multicast and broadcast transmission method and apparatus of a CDMA mobile communication network.
  40. Yi, Seung June; Lee, Young Dae; Lee, So Young, Multicast service providing method in mobile communication system.
  41. Xu, Lin; Luoma, Juha Pekka; Sarkkinen, Sinikka; Walsh, Rod, Multicast transmission in a cellular network.
  42. Kwak, Yong Jun; Lee, Hyeon Woo; Seo, Myeong Sook; Park, Joon Goo; Choi, Sung Ho; Kim, Sung Hoon, Paging apparatus and method in a mobile communication system providing multimedia broadcast multicast service.
  43. Vedantham, Ramakrishna; Leon, David; Curcio, Igor; Walsh, Rod, Point-to-point repair request mechanism for point-to-multipoint transmission systems.
  44. Yi, Seung June; Lee, Young Dae; Lee, So Young, Radio communication scheme for providing multimedia broadcast and multicast services (MBMS).
  45. Terry,Stephen E., Receiving point-to-point and point-to-point multipoint multimedia broadcasts/multicast services.
  46. Lee, Young Dae; Yi, Seung June; Chun, Sung Duck, Repairing errors in data of MBMS service.
  47. Doiron Timothy J. ; Dreon Steven T., Simultaneous over the air data download to multiple radios.
  48. Park,Joon Goo; Choi,Sung Ho; Chang,Jin Weon; Lee,Kook Heui; Kim,Soeng Hun; Lee,Ju Ho, Soft handover method for multimedia broadcast/multicast service in a CDMA mobile communication system.
  49. Wager, Stefan Henrik Andreas; Ludwig, Reiner, System and method for implementing a semi reliable retransmission protocol.
  50. Oz,Ran; Strasman,Nery, System and method for providing interactivity for end-users over digital broadcast channels.
  51. Balachandran,Kumar; Ramesh,Rajaram, Systems, methods, and computer program products for providing traffic frequency diversification in a cellular communication system.
  52. Ishida Kaoru,JPX ; Kosugi Hiroaki,JPX ; Enoki Takashi,JPX ; Morinaga Yoichi,JPX ; Aisaka Makoto,JPX, Time division multiple access FDD/TDD dual mode radio and a time division multiple access TDD dual band system.
  53. Dag E:son .ANG.kerberg SE, Utilization of plural multiple access types for mobile telecommunications.
  54. Terry, Stephen E., Wideband code division multiple access user equipment for receiving multimedia broadcast/multicast service.
  55. Rudolf, Marian; Dick, Stephen G., Wireless communication method and apparatus for providing multimedia broadcast services.
  56. Parantainen, Janne J; Jokinen, Harri; Leppisaari, Arto, Wireless telecommunications system using multislot channel allocation for multimedia broadcast/multicast service.

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