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[미국특허] Fuel nozzle passive purge cap flow 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-001/00
  • F02G-003/00
  • F23R-003/28
출원번호 US-0985010 (2011-01-05)
등록번호 US-8991188 (2015-03-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bailey, Donald Mark
  • Rohrssen, Robert
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 31


A cooling circuit for a fuel nozzle in a gas turbine includes an end cap cavity receiving passive purge flow from a compressor of the turbine, and fuel nozzle swozzles disposed in a swozzle shroud that impart swirl to incoming fuel and air. Purge slots are formed in the swozzle shroud and through th


1. A cooling circuit for a fuel nozzle in a gas turbine, comprising: an annulus receiving compressor discharge air;a quat cap including a fuel passage through which quat fuel is injected toward the fuel nozzle;an air passage formed in the quat cap and receiving the compressor discharge air from the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Faucher Joseph E. (East Hartford CT) Wright Richard R. (Willimantic CT) Pane ; Jr. Francis C. (South Windsor CT) Kwoka David (Windsor CT), Anti-coke fuel nozzle.
  2. Dye,David Forrest; Ackerman,John Frederick; Gupta,Bhupendra Kumar; Pinson,Jennifer Ann; Pothier,Brian Thomas; Reynolds,Anthony Wayne, Coating system and process and apparatus for depositing a coating system.
  3. Martz Lyle F. (Verona PA), Combined cycle electric power plant and a gas turbine and afterburner having coordinated fuel transfer.
  4. Crawley, Bradley Donald; Fossum, James, Combustion liner cap assembly for combustion dynamics reduction.
  5. Rohrssen, Robert Joseph; Charters, Erich Daniel; Khan, Abdul Rafey; Melton, Patrick Benedict; Vanselow, John Drake, Combustor assembly for a turbomachine.
  6. Patel, Bhawan Bhai; Sampath, Parthasarathy; Fish, Jason Araan, Combustor liner V-band design.
  7. Taylor Colin ; O'Brien Patrick Lee, Compressor bleed pressure storage for controlled fuel nozzle purging of a turbine power generating system.
  8. Stuttaford, Peter; Jennings, Stephen T.; McMahon, Ryan; Rizkalla, Hany; Cires, Alfredo, Dual fuel fin mixer secondary fuel nozzle.
  9. Futa, Jr., Paul W.; Rice, David W.; Nieter, Thomas A., Flow divider & purge air system for a gas turbine engine.
  10. Matthews John A. (Melrose CT) Washburn David A. (South Glastonbury CT) Sarli Vito J. (Manchester CT), Fuel nozzle guide and seal for a gas turbine engine.
  11. Stuttaford,Peter; Jennings,Stephen T.; McMahon,Ryan; Mack,Brian R., Fully premixed secondary fuel nozzle with dual fuel capability.
  12. Stuttaford, Peter; Jennings, Stephen T.; McMahon, Ryan; Mack, Brian R., Fully premixed secondary fuel nozzle with improved stability and dual fuel capability.
  13. Corbett Nicholas C. (Solihull GB2) Lines Norman (Rugby GB2) Steward Lynn I. T. (Coventry GB2), Gas generators.
  14. Corbett Nicholas C.,GB2 ; Lines Norman P.,GB2 ; Steward Lynn I. T.,GB2, Gas generators having dual fuel injector purge means.
  15. Mandai Shigemi,JPX ; Gora Tetsuo,JPX ; Nishida Koichi,JPX ; Ota Masataka,JPX ; Fukue Ichiro,JPX ; Akamatsu Shinji,JPX ; Tanimura Satoshi,JPX ; Haruta Hideki,JPX ; Takasaki Tomohisa,JPX ; Tachibana Te, Gas turbine combustion system and combustor ignition method therefor.
  16. Nakamoto Yukimasa,JPX, Gas turbine fuel system comprising fuel oil distribution control system, fuel oil purge system, purging air supply system and fuel nozzle wash system.
  17. Yukimasa Nakamoto JP, Gas turbine fuel system comprising fuel oil distribution control system, fuel oil purge system, purging air supply system and fuel nozzle wash system.
  18. Yukimasa Nakamoto JP, Gas turbine fuel system comprising fuel oil distribution control system, fuel oil purge system, purging air supply system and fuel nozzle wash system.
  19. Yukimasa Nakamoto JP, Gas turbine fuel system comprising fuel oil distribution control system, fuel oil purge system, purging air supply system and fuel nozzle wash system.
  20. Sood Virendra M. (Encinitas CA) Faulkner Robie L. (Santee CA), Injection nozzle tip cooling.
  21. Klaass Reinhard M. (Phoenix AZ) Minshall Bert J. (Scottsdale AZ) Suriano Francis J. (Scottsdale AZ) Caan William (Scottsdale AZ), Integrated power unit.
  22. Traver Robert S. ; Iasillo Robert J. ; Kaplan Howard J. ; Drazba John E., Liquid fuel and water injection purge system for a gas turbine.
  23. Mick, Warren James; Reddy, Urmila Chennuru; Iasillo, Robert Joseph, Liquid fuel nozzle apparatus with passive protective purge.
  24. Iasillo,Robert J.; Mick,Warren James, Liquid fuel nozzle apparatus with passive water injection purge.
  25. Schirmer Robert M. (Bartlesville OK) Alquist Henry E. (Savannah GA), Method and apparatus for burning high nitrogen-high sulfur fuels.
  26. Lovett Jeffery A. (Scotia NY), Multi-stage fuel nozzle for reducing combustion instabilities in low NOX gas turbines.
  27. Dickinson, Norman L., Pollution-free low temperature slurry combustion process utilizing the super-critical state.
  28. Yukimasa Nakamoto JP, Purging air supply system for a gas turbine.
  29. Eichelberger, Donald Paul; Farese, David John; Cohen, Joseph Perry; Colwell, Richard Layton, Self-contained mobile fueling station.
  30. Eichelberger,Donald Paul; Farese,David John; Cohen,Joseph Perry; Colwell,Richard Layton, Self-contained mobile fueling station.
  31. Corbett Nicholas C. (Solihull GB2) Lines Norman P. (Rugby GB2) Steward Lynn I. T. (Coventry GB2), Steam injection system for a combustion turbine gas generator.

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