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Portable shopping cart with collapsible basket and seating for multiple children 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-003/02
  • B62B-003/10
  • B62B-003/14
  • B62B-007/00
출원번호 US-0584247 (2012-08-13)
등록번호 US-9027941 (2015-05-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Cimino, Lisette
출원인 / 주소
  • Cimino, Lisette
대리인 / 주소
    Global Intellectual Property Agency, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 19


A portable child-carrying shopping cart having a collapsible cart basket. The cart has a seat for two small children and seat belts for keeping children safely seated side-by-side. An extendable snack tray provides children with access to their own snacks and beverages, so that a parent does not hav


1. A portable, child-carrying shopping cart, comprising: a seating portion having a front and rear face, and a plurality of wheels disposed along a bottom portion of said seating portion;a cart portion having a collapsible cart basket with a bottom, and at least one wall defining an interior space,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19)

  1. McKelvey, Richard L., Add-on section for attachment to a cart with a convertible seat.
  2. Long, Drew Ann; Long, David, Carrying cart accommodation for special needs rider.
  3. Mary J. Reiland ; Kenneth H. Reiland, Child carrier accessory attachable to a shopping or luggage cart.
  4. Reiland Mary J. ; Reiland Kenneth H., Child carrier accessory attachable to a shopping or luggage cart.
  5. Reiland Mary J. ; Reiland Kenneth H., Child carrier accessory attachable to a shopping or luggage cart device.
  6. Otterlee, Timothy A.; Hempen, Rodney L., Child carrier having an electronic device.
  7. Giampavolo, Paul; Shelton, Robert, Child support for attachment to shopping cart.
  8. Smith William L., Collapsible shopping cart with removable mesh basket.
  9. Koppes, Dana J.; Fickas, Eric J.; Gioia, Vincent A.; Hays, Rodger; Hill, Joni; Kolada, Paul P.; Martini, Thomas P.; Provencher, Jon M.; Vititoe, Kevin J., Combined shopping cart stroller.
  10. Maher Jay A. (Barrington IL), Convertible stroller.
  11. Sterns, Ronni S.; Sterns, Harvey L.; Sterns, Anthony A.; Nelson, Charles A.; Kilcoyne, James J.; Porter, Jr., Wayne D., Foldable utility cart with lift mechanism.
  12. Johnson Christopher M. ; McCann Ralph, Multiple child seat nestable shopping cart.
  13. Sheinall,Tarrin Jamil; Eckford,Jean E., Pet stroller assembly.
  14. Conrad,Steven S., Seating/storage add-on section with holster for shopping cart.
  15. Doty Raymond A. (32 Maple Ave. Hudson NY 12534), Shopping cart attachments.
  16. McCue, David S.; Hickey, Christopher R.; Burghart, David; Jarrett, Blake; Stevens, Adam P., Shopping cart having a child supporting apparatus.
  17. Ash,Robert W.; Knoll,Mitchell W.; Splain,William D.; Hubbard,Larry S., Shopping vehicle.
  18. Chen Scott,TWX, Supportive walker with safety features.
  19. Espejo,Gilbert Bobby, Transportable shopping cart.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. McGee, Elizabeth, Cart basket locking assembly.
  2. Dehmer, Rachel, Infant seat support.
  3. Clark, Johnny, Stroller.
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