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[미국특허] Posture improving garment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A41D-001/00
  • A61F-005/02
  • A61F-005/01
출원번호 US-0545790 (2012-07-10)
등록번호 US-9050179 (2015-06-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brown, Timothy W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Intelliskin USA, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 33


The garment is adapted to be worn by a wearer. The garment includes a main body portion. The main body portion is configured to be worn over at least a portion of the wearer's body. The main body portion includes first and second portions each defining a longitudinal axis and configured to extend to


1. A garment adapted to be worn by a wearer, the garment comprising: a main body portion, wherein the main body portion is configured to be worn over at least a portion of the wearer's body, wherein the main body portion includes first and second portions each defining a longitudinal axis and config

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chambers David H. (2890 Griffin Rd. ; Ste. #4 Fort Lauderdale FL 33004), Adjustable arm sling.
  2. Ishida,Nobuo; Hada,Shinji, Article of clothing with effects of back pain exercise.
  3. Kawasaki, Reiko; Shinagawa, Yoshihisa, Bottom garment.
  4. Oyama, Makoto; Nakagawa, Yoshiaki, Crotch-possessing garment.
  5. Ozbey Ahmet M. (3010 Mount Pleasant St. NW. Washington DC 20009), Derriere exerciser.
  6. Orloff, Glennis J., Devices for use during physical activity.
  7. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  8. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  9. Moore Derrick F. (1909 Winona Dr. Plano TX 75074), Exercise pants and exercise band assembly.
  10. Green,Michael D., Exercise suit.
  11. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Lakeview Terrace CA), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  12. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Ter. Lakeview Terrace CA 92353), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  13. Grim Tracy E. (3010 W. Boston Ct. Broken Arrow OK 74012) O\Donnell Kevin R. (282 W. Sidlee St. Thousand Oaks CA 91360) Bobroff Alec D. (12865 Glen Brae Dr. Saratoga CA 95070) Holt Mark D. (12570 Sunn, Formed resilient orthopaedic device.
  14. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  15. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  16. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  17. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  18. Freeman, Brad; Castillo, Danny; Jimenez, Ricardo; Frank, Billy; Castillo, Dave; Wilson, Mark, Joint brace with rapid-release securement members.
  19. Chen Chih-Cherng,TWX, Knee and elbow protector.
  20. Nelson Ronald E. (100 S. Main St. Cambridge MN 55008), Knee brace.
  21. Labour Donald (82 Wellsmere Rd. Roslindale MA 02167) Cannon James R. (22 Karen Dr. Randolph MA 02368) Klugman Alfred (187 Woodward St. Newton MA 02168), Knee brace for preventing lateral displacement of the patella.
  22. Springs Michael A., Knee brace having differential flexibility posterior and anterior panels.
  23. Albert ; William J., Knee brace with kneecap-encircling flexible resilient pad.
  24. Applegate Leslie T. (Cincinnati OH), Knee brace with resilient pad surrounding patella.
  25. Hull, William L., Knee-pad device.
  26. Dickerson Jeffrey P. (Warsaw IN) Charlton Scott (Silver Lake IN), Musculoskeletal knee support.
  27. Simmons,Richard Royle; Fulkerson,John P.; Martin,John Patrick; Kazmierczak,Andy, Patellofemoral brace.
  28. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improvement device and method of use.
  29. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  30. Duran,Stella, Reinforced undergarment.
  31. Grim Tracy E. ; Bobroff Alec D. ; Bourne John Morgan ; Iglesias Joseph Michael, Resilient orthopaedic support with independently stretchable layers.
  32. Fujii,Takako; Oyama,Makoto, Tights-type leg support garment.
  33. Crawford George H. (Dellwood MN) Smith ; II Howell K. (Grant Township ; Washington County MN), Visco-elastic material comprising a polymeric foam impregnated with an acrylic resin.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cohan, Adam K., Hip apparatus.

활용도 분석정보


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