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[미국특허] In-situ foam core vehicle seating system and method of manufacture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60N-002/64
  • B60N-002/427
  • B60N-002/70
출원번호 US-0463682 (2012-05-03)
등록번호 US-9073462 (2015-07-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Roberts, Richard W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Roberts, Richard W.
대리인 / 주소
    Brooks Kushman P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 46


A seating system for use with a vehicle includes a first seat component having a skin having a thermal bond to an in-situ foam core. The first seat component maximum displacement is less than 160 mm when tested according to a test method in ECE R17 regulation for luggage retention with a 20 times th


1. A seating system for use with a vehicle having a seat with an H point plane, the system comprising: a seat back having a skin having a thermal bond to an in-situ foam core, wherein the first seat component maximum displacement is less than 160 mm when tested according to a test method in an ECE R

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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  2. Brugos, Ricardo, Adjustable manhole cover apparatus.
  3. Sinclair David Brent,CAX, Adjustment riser.
  4. Williams, W. Jerry, Apparatus and method for producing molded hollow article with filling of foamed plastic thermal insulation, and article produced thereby.
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  6. Durning,Timothy A.; Roberts,Lawrence R.; Berke,Neal S., Avoiding cracking and curling in concrete flooring upon which water-based adhesives are employed.
  7. Motoi, Koji; Matsuo, Ryuichi; Muranaka, Takeshi; Murata, Takumi, Composite material and synthetic sleeper using the composite material.
  8. Neefe Charles W. (P.O. Box 429 ; 811 Scurry St. Big Spring TX 79720), Composite railroad cross-tie.
  9. Shea Marc, Composite railroad crosstie.
  10. Roth, Arthur J.; Winters, Patrick H.; Clement, Michael H., Composite structural material and method of making same.
  11. Wilson,Stephen K.; Wahl,David, Construction of a foamed polymeric manhole chimney.
  12. Slaven John P., Durable, energy-absorptive EPP/PUR structural composites.
  13. Freeland Mary E. (Loveland OH), Flexible spacers for use in disposable absorbent articles.
  14. Kirchner-Carl Angelika (Waldstrasse 16 D-8644 Pressig DEX), Furniture structural component.
  15. Kirby David B. (St. Joseph Township ; Berrien County MI) Cur Nihat O. (Royalton Township ; Berrien County MI), Getter system for vacuum insulation panel.
  16. Kirby David B. (St. Joseph Township ; Berrien County MI) Cur Nihat O. (Royalton Township ; Berrien County MI), Getter system for vacuum insulation panel.
  17. Godfrey, Steven A., Hydraulically adjustable manhole ring.
  18. Van Wagoner John D. (8554 Georgetown Pike McLean VA 22101), Insulation panel for a roofing system or the like.
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  20. Wiedrich Dwight G., Manhole adjusting extension member.
  21. Reinfeld Nyles V. (P.O. Box 2321 Bath OH 44240) Valentine Michael J. (78 Tower Rd. Pines Lake ; Wayne NJ 07470), Method and adjustable length mold for manufacturing a foamed packaging assembly.
  22. Cur Nihat O. (Royalton Township MI) Kirby David B. (St. Joseph Township ; both of Berrien County MI), Method and apparatus for testing vacuum insulation panel quality.
  23. Ronald W. Thomas, Method for gas assist injection molding.
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  26. Holbrook Annette H. ; Pehur Peter A., Method for manufacturing automotive seat assemblies using pre-bonded adhesives.
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  29. Tippmann Joseph R. ; Tippmann Vincent P., Method of constructing refrigerated beverage trailer.
  30. Haardt Udo (Biblis DEX) Tatzel Hermann (Weinheim DEX), Method of forming foam moldings having varied density regions.
  31. Mostafa Mohamed A. (Leominster MA), Method of making expandable styrene-type polymer beads.
  32. Daly Noel (41A Young St. New Plymouth NZ), Method of manufacturing improved protective headgear.
  33. Eckardt Helmut (Meinerzhagen DEX) Ehritt Jrgen (Hilchenbach-Msen DEX), Method of manufacturing multiple-layer molded articles of thermoplastic material.
  34. Berdan Karl,CAX, Multi-venting molding apparatus.
  35. Kuwabara Hideki (Hadano JPX) Yoshimura Shohei (Tomioka JPX), Polypropylene resin prefoamed particles.
  36. Berghmans,Michel Florentine Jozef; Bleijenberg,Karel Cornelis; Teubert,Joachim; Metsaars,Alphonsus Catharina Gerardus, Process for processing expandable polymer particles and foam article thereof.
  37. Hattori Kazuhide (Mie JPX) Yamaji Hiroyuki (Mie JPX) Hatakeyama Yoshikazu (Niigata JPX) Shida Yoshiyuki (Niigata JPX) Tamura Atushi (Tokyo JPX) Kitaoka Takumi (Tokyo JPX) Kohama Takashi (Tokyo JPX), Process for producing expanded plastics with skin.
  38. Lindsay Brad H. (601 E. Bell Rd. Suite 350 Phoenix AZ 85022), Radiant barrier apparatus.
  39. Fox James C. ; Fox ; II James C., Railroad cross tie and track continuity detector systems.
  40. Stewart Victor M. (Redmond WA), Roofing system.
  41. Hill Kerry,GBX ; Relph Sidney,GBX, Steel railroad sleepers.
  42. Pike, James A.; Galloway, William J.; Nichols, Calvin; Gilbert, Lucian, Tire tread railroad tie.
  43. Ang Leoncio C. ; Collins Darlene B. ; Jakubowicz Raymond A., Top cover for instrument panel with seamless air bag door and method of manufacture.
  44. Yuasa,Akiko; Kojima,Shinya, Vacuum heat insulator and apparatus using the same.
  45. Tanimoto, Yasuaki; Tenra, Tomohisa; Nakanishi, Masayuki; Yuasa, Akiko, Vacuum insulating material and device using the same.
  46. Yuan, Qiang, Wholly wrapped railroad crosstie and its manufacturing method.

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