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Medicament comprising a peptide extract of avocado, which is intended for the treatment and prevention of illnesses that are linked to an immune system deficiency or oxidative stress or skin ageing or dry skin 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-036/00
  • A61K-036/54
  • A61K-031/198
출원번호 US-0539970 (2009-08-12)
등록번호 US-9089576 (2015-07-28)
우선권정보 FR-04 04640 (2004-04-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Piccirilli, Antoine
  • Piccardi, Nathalie
  • Msika, Philippe
  • Paul, François
  • Bredif, Stéphanie
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 7


The invention relates to a medicament which comprises a peptide extract of avocado and which can also comprise a composition containing D-mannoheptulose an/or perseitol, such as a water-soluble extract of avocado sugars, and/or a peptide extract of lupine. The inventive medicament is intended for th


1. A method for the protection of skins selected from the group consisting of: immature newborn infants' or children's skins;pathological immature newborn infants' or children's skins;healthy or pathological skins in adults or aged individuals;skins which have been weakened by an aggression from env

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Msika Philippe,FRX ; Rancurel Alain,FRX ; Montaudoin Marie-Georgette,FRX, Antioxidant and/or antielastase composition based on lupine oil.
  2. Moy Lawrence S., Cosmetic formulation and method for amelioration of skin keratoses and striae distensae.
  3. Moy Lawrence S., Cosmetic formulation and method for amelioration of skin keratoses and striae distensae.
  4. Shinji Nakata JP; Youichi Kugimiya JP; Chikashi Okayama JP; Takanori Nakashima JP; Yuji Ando JP, Film having gas permeability.
  5. Counts David F. (Coram NY) Huber S. Richard (Camarillo CA), Lipidic furans and retinol palmitate compositions useful for skin therapeutics.
  6. Broutin, Nicole; Legrand, Jacques; Piccirilli, Antoine, Method for extracting compounds of furan lipids and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols of avocado, composition based on said compounds, and therapeutic, cosmetical or food use of said compounds.
  7. Cannell, David W.; Fadeeva, Natalya; Mathur, Hitendra; Nguyen, Nghi Van, Use of plant extracts in a cosmetic composition to protect keratinous fibers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Sunvold, Gregory Dean; Grey, Rebecca Massie; Corrigan, Patrick Joseph; Houston, Michelle Marie, Animal food and its appearance.
  2. Boileau, Thomas William-Maxwell; Ceddia, Michael Anthony; Collins, John Kevin; Davenport, Gary Mitchell; Kiely, Barry Pius; O'Mahony, Liam Diarmuid; Sunvold, Gregory Dean; Tetrick, Mark Alan; Vickers, Robert Jason, Canine probiotic bifidobacterium pseudolongum.
  3. Boileau, Thomas William-Maxwell; Kiely, Barry Pius; O'Mahony, Liam Diarmuid; MacSharry, John; Sunvold, Greg Dean, Feline probiotic bifidobacteria and methods.
  4. Boileau, Thomas William-Maxwell; Kiley, Barry Pius; O'Mahony, Liam Diarmuid; MacSharry, John; Sunvold, Gregory Dean, Feline probiotic lactobacilli composition and methods.
  5. Massimino, Stefan Patrick; Davenport, Gary Mitchell; Hayek, Michael Griffin; Roth, George; Ingram, Donald K., Method for decreasing inflammation and stress in a mammal.
  6. Boileau, Thomas William-Maxwell; Ceddia, Michael Anthony; Davenport, Gary Mitchell; Kiely, Barry Pius; O'Mahony, Liam Diarmuid; Sunvold, Gregory Dean; Tetrick, Mark Alan; Vickers, Robert Jason, Methods of use of probiotic bifidobacteria for companion animals.
  7. Kerr, George Scott; Sunvold, Gregory Dean; Schumacher, Lawrence Andrew; Schuller, David William; ter Haar, Robbert H; Bittner, Michael J, Probiotic supplement, process for making, and packaging.
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