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Disposable electrode for electro-stimulation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/0408
  • A61N-001/04
  • A61B-005/00
  • A61B-005/04
출원번호 US-0806278 (2011-06-29)
등록번호 US-9131895 (2015-09-15)
국제출원번호 PCT/IB2011/052866 (2011-06-29)
§371/§102 date 20130405 (20130405)
국제공개번호 WO2012/001643 (2012-01-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Grob, Timon Rutger
  • Voncken, Rudolf Maria Jozef
  • De Laat, Antonius Wilhelmus Maria
  • Huurdeman, Judith Petra
  • Steijvers, Ronaldus Mathias Hubertus
  • Beckers, Lucas Johannes Anna Maria
  • Ter Laak, Michael Johan Ferdinand Marie
  • Franklin, Steven Ernest
  • Wheelhouse, Sean Scott
출원인 / 주소
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 21


An electrode configured to provide electrical contact with a subject's skin and includes a conductive layer and a gel layer. The conductive layer spreads current and transmits electrical signals to and/or receives electrical signals from the subject's skin and has a first conductive surface through


1. An electrode configured to provide electrical contact with a subject's skin and to transmit electrical signals from the subject's skin to an external electrical apparatus, wherein the electrode is further configured to receive electrical signals from the external electrical apparatus for transfer

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Wilson Michael A. (Loveland CO), Air-permeable disposable electrode.
  2. Epstein,Stephen T., Biomedical electrode having a mating configuration and its associated method of application to the body.
  3. Axelgaard, Jens, Current-controlling electrode with adjustable contact area.
  4. Grossman Phillip A. (Ann Arbor MI) Nordness Cindi J. (Bothell WA) Shipp Gregory W. (Seattle WA) Springer Harold L. (Kirkland WA) Kao Hung-Yen (Renton WA), Disposable stimulation electrode with long shelf life and improved current density profile.
  5. Glumac George (2095 W. Hampden Ave. Englewood CO 80110), Electrode.
  6. Gomes Robert L. (West Boxford MA) Maffione Joseph P. (Cambridge MA), Electrode.
  7. Ascher Gilles (36 ; rue de la Ferme 92200 Neuilly FRX), Electrode connector, in particular for electrocardiogram electrodes, and electrode assembly comprising a connector of th.
  8. Sheraton, David A.; Heyman, Arnold M.; McCrary, Craig, Electrode sensor package and application to the skin of a newborn or infant.
  9. Kroll Mark W. (Rogers MN) Pommrehn Mark R. (Bloomington MN) Hanson Dan (Minneapolis MN), Flexible and disposable electrode belt device.
  10. Jens Axelgaard, Floating electrode.
  11. Cartmell James V. (Dayton OH), Medical electrode.
  12. Cartmell James V. (Dayton OH) Allaire Michael J. (Dayton OH) Wolf Michael L. (West Milton OH), Medical electrode.
  13. Heard Steve ; Axelgaard Jens, Medical electrode.
  14. Snedeker Marvin L. (Grand Rapids MI), Medical electrode.
  15. Dupelle,Michael R.; White,Sheldon S., Medical electrode with peripheral edge of conductor sealed from electrolyte.
  16. Shimada Jin (Falcon Heights MN) Fletcher Douglas W. (Plymouth MN), Method of formation of bio-electrode lamina.
  17. Craighead Lawrence W. (St. Paul MN) Niven Clarence A. (St. Paul MN), Method of making a biomedical electrode.
  18. Heath Roger L. (Prospect Heights IL), Physiological electrodes for use with magnetic connector.
  19. Williams ; Frank R., Skin conducting electrode and electrode assembly.
  20. Fukuda Kotaro (Tokyo JPX) Okamoto Yosinori (Fujimi JPX) Shimada Masakatsu (Iwatsuki JPX) Kato Toshiaki (Chiba JPX) Tabuchi Katsuhiko (Chiba JPX) Shimura Makoto (Yokosuka JPX) Fujiwara Takashi (Nagare, Skin electrode.
  21. Ferrari R. Keith (6525 Radcliff Dr. Nashville TN 37221), X-ray transparent monitoring electrode and method for making.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Kockx, Franciscus Nicolaas; Hendrikx, Johan Anton; Harvey, Severin Luc Ramses, Adaptor.
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