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[미국특허] Method of forming a vacuum insulated glass panel spacer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B24B-001/00
  • B24B-031/02
  • E06B-003/663
  • B24B-031/00
  • B24B-049/12
  • B24B-009/08
  • C03B-033/033
  • C03B-033/07
  • B28D-001/22
출원번호 US-0310884 (2011-12-05)
등록번호 US-9187947 (2015-11-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Raggio, William
출원인 / 주소
  • Rayotek Scientific, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Thompson Coburn LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 16


A vacuum insulated glass (VIG) panel includes a first glass panel and a second glass panel spaced from the first glass panels. A spacer is disposed between the first and second glass panels. The spacer includes first and second generally opposed faces, and a plurality of sides extending therebetween


1. A method comprising: cutting a spacer blank from a sheet of glass, the spacer blank having opposing first and second side faces and a plurality of sides defining a generally polygonal periphery for the side faces of the blank;polishing the spacer blank to round corners of adjoining sides around t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Loomis James W. ; Tweedie Richard T., Apparatus and method for dicing semiconductor wafers.
  2. Regan Barrie F. (2260 Redington Rd. Hillsborough CA 94010), Apparatus for breaking semiconductor wafers and the like.
  3. Collins Richard Edward,AUX ; Tang Jian-Zheng,AUX, Design improvements to vacuum glazing.
  4. Oki Tetsuro (Kyoto JPX) Murakami Yoshio (Kyoto JPX) Miyata Tsuyoshi (Kyoto JPX), Dicing method.
  5. Roman Daniel,FRX ; Bonnetin Alain,FRX, Glass polyhedrons.
  6. Jousse, Didier; Gy, Rene, Glass spacer.
  7. Benson David K. (Golden CO) Tracy C. Edwin (Golden CO), Laser sealed vacuum insulation window.
  8. Alexander Guy B. (Salt Lake City UT) Nadkarni Ravindra A. (Wrentham MA), Metal articles having a plurality of ultrafine particles dispersed therein.
  9. Akhavi David S. (Westwood CA), Method for tumble grinding optical lens edge.
  10. Glady George E. (Gaithersburg MD) Meszaros George K. (Washington DC), Ophthalmic lens having a progressive multifocal zone and method of manufacturing same.
  11. Benning,Frederick P.; Maynard,Steven L.; Paurus,David C.; Podolske,Jon Edward, Process for producing glass disk substrates for magnetically recordable data storage disks.
  12. Jaunzemis, Edgar Edward; Jaunzemis, Claudia Sue, Tumbled, polished, vibrated broken tempered glass pieces.
  13. Aggas, Steven L., Vacuum IG pillar with lubricating and/or reflective coating.
  14. Steven L. Aggas ; Vijayen S. Veerasamy, Vacuum IG unit with spacer/pillar getter.
  15. Kerr Thomas P. (Pittsburgh PA) Lin Shaow B. (Allison Park PA) Harmon Peter P. (Jeannette PA) Siskos William R. (Delmont PA) Oravitz ; Jr. James L. (Cheswick PA) Shaffer Paul E. (New Kensington PA), Vacuum insulating unit.
  16. Gantley Francis C. (Fulton NY), Wafer sawing technique.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Sandnes, Mark, Display case door assembly with tempered glass vacuum panel.
  2. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Sandnes, Mark, Display case door assembly with tempered glass vacuum panel.
  3. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew, Display case door assembly with vacuum panel.
  4. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Sandnes, Mark, Display case door assembly with vacuum panel and lighting features.
  5. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Sandnes, Mark, Display case door assembly with vacuum panel and lighting features.
  6. Artwohl, Paul J.; Nicholson, Jeffery W.; Rolek, Matthew; Sandnes, Mark, Display case door assembly with vacuum panel and lighting features.
  7. Jaunzemis, Edgar Edward, Tumbled, polished, vibrated broken tempered glass pieces.

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