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[미국특허] Battery parts and associated systems and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-002/30
  • B22D-025/04
출원번호 US-0225239 (2014-03-25)
등록번호 US-9190654 (2015-11-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ratte, Robert W.
  • Peterson, Norman E.
  • Cain, Tracy L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Water Gremlin Company
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 161


Battery parts, such as battery terminals, and associated systems and methods for making same. In one embodiment, a battery part has a sealing region or sealing bead located on a lateral face of an acid ring for increasing resistance to leakage therepast as the battery container shrinks. Another embo


1. A method of making a battery part, the method comprising: casting a battery part having an annular acid ring extending around an exterior portion thereof, wherein the acid ring includes a first lip spaced apart from a second lip;positioning the battery part between a first forming member and a se

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (161) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gregory,Mark K.; Spiegelberg,Bernard N.; Evraets,Terry J., Acid seal.
  2. Peterson, David R.; Quagliato, Anthony, Anti-rotation terminal connection assembly.
  3. Casais Osvaldo Balbino,ARX, Anticorrosion battery terminal with short anchoring, without joint seams.
  4. Oxenreider Terry (Wernersville PA) Duesterhoeft Donald A. (Robesonia PA) Erb Edgar M. (Lancaster PA), Apparatus and method for casting lead into plastic for side terminal batteries.
  5. Spiegelberg Bernard N. (Germantown WI) Brown Dennis J. (Whitefish Bay WI), Apparatus and method for cold forming a ring on a lead alloy battery terminal.
  6. Spiegelberg Bernard N. ; Owens Dale W., Apparatus and method for cold forming a ring on a lead alloy battery terminal including an anti-torque structure.
  7. Spiegelberg Bernard N. (Germantown WI) Sauter Mark E. (Shorewood WI), Apparatus and method for cold forming an L-shaped lead alloy battery terminal.
  8. Chadwick Geoffrey Allan,GBX, Apparatus and method for squeeze casting.
  9. Ratte Robert W., Apparatus and method of forming battery parts.
  10. Ratte, Robert W., Apparatus and method of forming battery parts.
  11. Robert W. Ratte, Apparatus and method of forming battery parts.
  12. Robert W. Ratte, Apparatus and method of forming battery parts.
  13. Ratte, Robert W., Apparatus and method of forming parts.
  14. Ratte, Robert W., Apparatus and method of forming parts.
  15. Robert W. Ratte, Apparatus and method of forming parts.
  16. Nakano Akio (14-1 ; Ichikawaminami 3-chome Ichikawa-shi ; Chiba-ken JPX), Apparatus for injection of molten metal in horizontal injection type die casting machine.
  17. Tiegel Ralph G. (San Carlos CA), Apparatus for making a side terminal weld.
  18. Daniels ; Jr. Elon (Frankton IN) Kline Richard H. (Anderson IN), Apparatus for making expanded metal lead-acid battery grids.
  19. Jones Everett E. (Wichita KS) Gaspar Albert G. (Hebron CT), Automated method and apparatus for fabricating sheet metal parts and the like using multiple manufacturing stations.
  20. Wirtz ; John W. ; McLane ; Jack E., Battery grid casting mold.
  21. Farmer John Edgar (Chicago IL), Battery grid plate mold and method.
  22. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  23. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  24. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  25. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  26. Asao Tadayoshi (Yokkaichi JPX) Inoue Nori (Yokkaichi JPX) Konda Kazumoto (Yokkaichi JPX), Battery terminal.
  27. Ito Hikaru (Yokkaichi JPX) Kasugai Masakuni (Yokkaichi JPX), Battery terminal.
  28. Mix Renard E. (Yorktown IN) Key Tony E. (Yorktown IN), Battery terminal.
  29. Okada Hajime (Yokkaichi JPX), Battery terminal.
  30. Tabata Masaaki (Yokkaichi JPX), Battery terminal.
  31. Murakami, Takao; Fukuda, Masaru; Ito, Keiichi; Shiraki, Kazuyuki; Wakui, Masanori, Battery terminal and battery post adaptor.
  32. Adams David W. (Columbus GA) Ching ; Jr. Larry K. W. (Littleton CO) Puester Neil (Aurora CO), Battery terminal and method.
  33. Key, Tony E.; Barclay, Jr., John Black; Kensinger, Steven G., Battery terminal and method for making the same.
  34. Burnett Jason Todd (Toledo OH), Battery terminal and post with rotation inhibiting means.
  35. Ross William J. ; Pfeifer Guy L., Battery terminal bushing having frontal access to battery termination.
  36. Scarla Robert ; Kohutich John, Battery terminal connector.
  37. Haller Lisa K. ; Murphy James M. ; Watson Richard Demas, Battery terminal post connector.
  38. Hayes ; Jr. William B. (Cinnaminson NJ), Battery terminal post seal.
  39. Hooke John W. (Warrensburg MO), Battery terminal seal.
  40. Eberle William J. (Reading PA), Cast-on method and apparatus for casting parts onto the lugs of lead-acid battery plates stacks.
  41. Salamon Klaus (Kelkheim DEX) Kallup Bernhard (Aschaffenburg DEX), Casting mold for manufacturing grid plates for lead batteries.
  42. Wheadon Ellis G. (Anderson IN), Coining expanded metal positive lead-acid battery grids.
  43. Spiegelberg,Bernard N.; Evraets,Terry J., Cold formed battery terminal.
  44. Walker Billy R. (Daleville IN) Emmons George B. (Chesterfield IN) Dean Robert E. (Yorktown IN), Cold forming dies and cold forming process.
  45. Hoshi Hideo (Nagoya JPX), Complex pressing die apparatus.
  46. Tritenne Claude Henri Eugene (Les Morenes Thoiry ; Ain FR), Connecting device.
  47. Reynolds Charles E. (Mechanicsburg PA), Connector of a type used with dry cell batteries and manufacturing method.
  48. Cobbs ; Jr. Walter H. (Amherst OH) Huddleston Robert J. (Bay Village OH) Guldner Robert A. (San Francisco CA), Continuous coater solvent recovery process.
  49. Sindorf John F. (Pewaukee WI), Crimp terminal for a battery.
  50. Yanagisawa Ikuo (Shizuoka JA) Kawai Toshiyuki (Shimizu JA), Die assembly for squeeze casting of metals.
  51. Ratte,Robert W.; Peterson,Norman E., Die cast battery terminal and a method of making.
  52. Ouimet Larry J. (Massena NY), Die casting apparatus and process comprising in-die plunger densification to form a bore through a product casting.
  53. Hatamura Yotaro (12-11 ; Kohinata 2-chome Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo JPX), Die casting controlling method.
  54. Suzuki Haruo (Nishikasugai JPX) Hashimoto Shigeyoshi (Anjo JPX), Die-casting method.
  55. Ueno Toyoaki (Yamaguchi JPX), Diecasting apparatus.
  56. England Jimmy C. (Ashland KY) Hensley John R. (Huntington WV) Moehling Frederick E. (Huntington WV) Roberts Everett M. (Milton WV) Ruble ; Jr. Hugh-Hiram (Huntington WV), Durable method for producing finned tubing.
  57. Heinlein Joseph (Oak Forest IL), End mill and method.
  58. Peterson,Norman E., Enhanced gravity casting.
  59. Peterson,Norman E., Enhanced gravity casting.
  60. Ratte,Robert W., Enhanced torque resistant battery part.
  61. Suzuki Hisao (Yokohama JPX), Forging die for a part with internal, tapered grooves.
  62. Kawai Kazuaki (Fuchu JPX) Ishida Hitoshi (Fuchu JPX) Yamauchi Noriyoshi (Fuchu JPX), Gas venting arrangement in injection molding apparatus and method for venting gas in the injection molding apparatus.
  63. Wiedenmann Reinhold (Lippstadt DEX) Berger Karl-Christoph (Bad Sassendorf DEX) Nann Eberhard (Soest/Westfalen DEX), Grid casting mold for the casting of lead grids for accumulators and methods for its manufacture.
  64. Ratte Robert W. (North Oaks MN) Cain Ronald (White Bear Lake MN) Peterson Norman E. (Wyoming MN), High torque battery terminal and method of making same.
  65. Nedbal Ralph G. (Saint Charles IL), Hydrometer collar improvement.
  66. Iwamoto Norihiro,JPX ; Mizota Yukio,JPX ; Takamura Masayuki,JPX, Injection device of a die casting machine.
  67. Ratte, Robert W., Intensification through displacement of a coacting mold member.
  68. Nagano Takuji,JPX ; Ano Kiyoshi,JPX, Lead bushing and lead storage battery with lead bushing.
  69. Mayer Robert W. (Milwaukee WI) Nowakowski James B. (Brookfield WI) Pusey Bruce A. (Milwaukee WI) Shah Kashyap H. (Menomonee Falls WI), Lead pouring system.
  70. Schaefer Richard L. ; Schaefer Carl W. D. ; Williamson James M. ; Miller Norman L., Low pressure casting process and apparatus.
  71. Ratte Robert W. (18 Oriole La. North Oaks MN 55110), Machine for cold die casting malleable metals.
  72. Onuki Masahide,JPX ; Inoue Akihisa,JPX ; Kakiuchi Hisashi,JPX, Metal mold for manufacturing amorphous alloy and molded product of amorphous alloy.
  73. Ivansson Hans (Herrljunga SEX), Method and a device for press casting.
  74. Oxenreider Terry (Wernersville PA) Duesterhoeft Donald A. (Robesonia PA) Erb Edgar M. (Lancaster PA), Method and apparatus for casting lead into plastic for side terminal batteries.
  75. Nippert Russell A. (Delaware OH), Method and apparatus for forming an electrical connector.
  76. Carter Warren E. (Murfreesboro TN), Method and apparatus for forming battery terminal bushings.
  77. Spiegelberg Bernard N. ; Sauter Mark E., Method and apparatus for making a battery terminal and a battery terminal made thereby.
  78. Scholle William R. (Corona del Mar CA), Method and apparatus for making battery grids.
  79. Spiegelberg, Bernard N., Method and apparatus for manufacturing a battery terminal with undercut rings.
  80. Spiegelberg,Bernard N., Method and apparatus for manufacturing a battery terminal with undercut rings.
  81. Eberle Kelly L. (Irving TX) Eberle William K. (Euless TX) Eberle Terry R. (Red Oak TX), Method and apparatus for manufacturing batteries.
  82. Kono Kaname,JPX, Method and apparatus for manufacturing light metal alloy.
  83. Campbell John (Worcester GBX), Method and apparatus for melting and casting metal.
  84. Oku Masaharu (Mito JPX) Sawahata Kazuo (Hitachi JPX) Kanamaru Hisanobu (Katsuta JPX), Method and apparatus for producing a stepped hollow article.
  85. Garza-Ondarza Oscar,MXX ; Salinas-Pena Gerardo,MXX ; Ochoa-Rodriguez Octavio Juan,MXX ; Carrillo-Cantu David Hugo,MXX, Method and apparatus for production of aluminum alloy castings.
  86. Dougherty Thomas J. (Waukesha WI) Hamann Richard A. (Milwaukee WI) Geibl Matthias (Germantown WI), Method and apparatus for sealing a battery terminal post.
  87. Noguchi Kenji (Takatsuki JPX) Sato Shigeru (Takatsuki JPX), Method and apparatus for supplying a lead alloy to a casting machine.
  88. Iwamoto Norihiro (Zama JPX), Method and apparatus for vacuum die casting.
  89. Rut Tadeusz (Poznan PO), Method and devices for forging single crank throws of semi-built up crankshafts.
  90. Spiegelberg Bernard N. (Germantown WI), Method for making a cold forged battery bushing.
  91. Tiegel ; Ralph G., Method for making a side terminal weld.
  92. Suzuki Nobuyuki (Shizuoka JPX), Method for manufacturing ceramic reinforced piston.
  93. Haehne Siegfried (Rue du Mauvais Pas 80140 Saint Maulvis FRX), Method for moulding objects and installations for carrying out the process.
  94. Nugent Robert R. (285 Brickyard Rd. Manchester PA 17345), Method for the manufacture of structurally homogeneous flash-free lead battery terminals.
  95. Kidd Thomas F. (Toledo OH) Thompson Stephen A. (St. Bruno CAX), Method of and system for controlling flow of molten liquid to cast metal alloys.
  96. Nozaki Mikiya (Toyota JPX) Karaki Mitsuhiro (Okazaki JPX) Inui Mitsuru (Gifu-ken JPX) Futamura Takehito (Gifu JPX) Saitoh Akira (Gifu JPX), Method of controlling pressurizing pin and casting apparatus with pressurizing pin controller.
  97. Ware ; Jr. James K. (Gainesville FL) Wolcott Edward O. (Gainesville FL), Method of extruding parts with captured fixture.
  98. Lund David L. ; Kump William H., Method of fabricating lead bushings and batteries using same.
  99. Stifano ; Jr. Vincent A. (Wethersfield CT), Method of forming socket wrenches.
  100. Bailey Robert J. (Enfield GB2), Method of forming spark plug bodies.
  101. Guergov Milko G., Method of injecting molten metal into a mold cavity.
  102. Ratte Robert W. (North Oaks MN) Cain Ronald (White Bear Lake MN) Peterson Norman E. (Wyoming MN), Method of making a high torque battery terminal.
  103. Nippert Russell A. (Delaware OH), Method of making a male resistance welding electrode.
  104. Ratte Robert W. (North Oaks MN) Cain Ronald (White Bear Lake MN) Peterson Norman E. (Wyoming MN), Method of making battery terminal with necked flange.
  105. Ratte Robert W. ; Long Darwin B., Method of making configured lead bushing for batteries.
  106. Carter Warren (Murfreesboro TN) Carter Brad (Rockvale TN), Method of manufacturing battery terminals.
  107. Ratte Leon J., Method of molding articles to minimize shrinkage and voids.
  108. Uchida Masashi (Ube JPX), Method of pouring molten metal into injection sleeves of die cast machines.
  109. Minogue, Gerard R., Method of protective coating BGA solder alloy spheres.
  110. Ratte Robert W., Method of reprocessing battery terminals.
  111. Johnson George S. (Anderson IN) Reff Robey C. (Muncie IN), Method of welding a arc battery intercell connector.
  112. Mogensen Vagn,DKX, Methods of closing the inlet in a mould after non-gravity casting with a non-ferrous alloy of green-sand moulds in a mou.
  113. Farmer John E. ; Rotenberger Carl A. ; Erwin Randy J., Mold for making battery electrode.
  114. Pluim ; Jr. Arthur W. (Stillwater MN), Mold having ceramic insert, method for injection molding using the same.
  115. Ratte Leon J., Molding apparatus for minimizing shrinkage and voids.
  116. McLane ; Jack E., Molten metal shut-off valve utilizing cooling to solidify metal flow.
  117. Yun David I. ; Sawtell Ralph R. ; Hunt Warren H. ; Baumgartner H. Robert ; Streicher Eric T. ; Ehman Michael F., Monolithic metal matrix composite.
  118. Eliat Constantin,CAX, Movable insert for die-casting mold with retractable core.
  119. Schenk Raymond L. (Marysville MI), Multi-layered battery grids and methods of forming battery grids.
  120. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  121. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  122. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  123. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  124. Hanson Thomas A. (357-7 Devonshire Ave. Woodstock ; Ontario CAX), Pipe unions.
  125. Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Pitted mold.
  126. Salamon Klaus (Kelkheim DEX), Pole seal for storage batteries.
  127. Brecht William B. (Hatfield PA) Misra Sudhan S. (Lansdale PA), Post seal and method of manufacture for lead-acid batteries.
  128. Misra, Sudhan S.; Heimer, Drew D.; Scharff, Gregory, Post seal for lead acid batteries.
  129. Nozaki Mikiya (Toyota JPX) Karaki Mitsuhiro (Okazaki JPX) Inui Mitsuru (Gifu-ken JPX) Futamura Takehito (Gifu JPX) Saitoh Akira (Gifu JPX), Pressure casting method through pressurizing pin advancement speed control.
  130. Scott Giorgio (Brescia ITX), Process and apparatus for producing an electrical battery pole or terminal.
  131. Frulla Claudio (Busto Arsizio ITX), Process and apparatus for the controlled-pressure casting of molten metals.
  132. Fritsch Georges (Paris FRX), Process and equipment for the treatment and recovery of solvent vapors by recycling on active charcoal.
  133. Okura Tomoyuki (Moriguchi JA) Tatsumi Takashi (Osaka JA) Watanabe Hitoshi (Moriguchi JA) Murayama Hiroaki (Moriguchi JA) Kobayashi Yoichi (Moriguchi JA), Process for casting a plate grid for a lead-acid storage battery.
  134. Sparks Anthony L., Process for casting molten metal.
  135. Kallup Bernhard E. (Aschaffenburg DEX), Process for manufacturing device for casting lead grids for electric battery plates.
  136. Barth Peter (Neuwied DEX), Process for the removal of impurities from a gas stream containing solvent vapors.
  137. Spiegelberg Bernard N. (Germantown WI) Brown Dennis J. (Whitefish Bay WI), Progressive die apparatus and method for making a lead alloy battery terminal.
  138. Hutchins Burleigh M. (Hopedale MA) Buote William J. (Natick MA) Roe John S. (Millis MA) Vollinger Warren R. (Natick MA) Wagner Susan M. (Acton MA) Sullivan Anne M. (Franklin MA), Quickly reconfigurable robotic system.
  139. Larsen Steven R., Sealant composition, cell and battery cover, and cell battery prepared therewith.
  140. Hooke John Willard (Warrensburg MO) Elwing Mary Jo (Warrensburg MO), Sealant gasketing plastic nut battery terminal seal.
  141. Kump William H. (West St. Paul MN) Huke Deborah (Prior Lake MN) Mattan Edward (St. Charles IL), Sealed lead-acid cells and batteries having an expandable cover.
  142. Spiegelberg Bernard N. (Germantown WI) Sauter Mark E. (Shorewood WI), Side wall electrical battery terminal.
  143. Hardigg James S. (Conway MA) Turner E. Wayne (Deerfield MA), Sliding seal lead bushing.
  144. Morris Thomas E. (Lake Jackson TX), Solvent recovery system.
  145. Lynch Richard F. (Toledo OH), Squeeze casting apparatus and method.
  146. Allen Gordon L. (Rugby GB2), Squeeze casting of articles.
  147. Kipp LeRoy E. (Port Huron MI), Stamped battery terminal connector.
  148. Pfeifenbring, Karlfried; Munera, Andrew E.; Schmidt, Ferdinand; Van Der Mije, Rob; Neeft, Jaap; Schoelich, Uwe, Steel band with good forming properties and method for producing same.
  149. Hooke John W. (Warrensburg MO) Green Greg G. (Oak Grove MO) Washeck Mary Jo F. (Warrensburg MO), Stress resistant battery configuration.
  150. Hamada,Shinji; Yamamura,Izumi; Fujioka,Noriyuki; Marukawa,Shuhei; Eto,Toyohiko; Shukuya,Keiji; Ogata,Yoshiaki, Structure for electrode terminals of battery module.
  151. Ankrett Dennis R. (Birmingham GB2), Surface coating apparatus and method.
  152. Ratte, Robert W.; Zinschlag, David P., System and method for reclaiming and reuse of vehicle.
  153. Ratte,Robert W.; Zinschlag,David P., System and method for reclaiming and reuse of vehicle.
  154. Timmons John B. ; Koss Edward F., Terminal post assembly for lead acid batteries.
  155. Ling Peter,CAX ITX M1W 3N8, Terminal seal for electrolytic devices.
  156. McHenry Edwin J. (Gilbert AZ) Baker Christopher A. (Tempe AZ), Terminal structure and seal.
  157. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Two part cold formed battery terminal.
  158. McGinness,Michael P., Universal method and apparatus for conversion of volatile compounds.
  159. Flink Leslie R. (New Brighton MN) Fox Bryce J. (Shoreview MN) Witzel Mary K. (Minneapolis MN), Vapor recovery method and apparatus.
  160. Davidson,Gregory J.; Mihara,David R., Vent for cylindrical electrochemical batteries.
  161. Saier Manfred (Wullenstetten DEX) Kastner Hans-Werner (Vohringen DEX) Klockler Robert (Tiefenbach DEX), Y and T-finned tubes and methods and apparatus for their making.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  2. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  3. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  4. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
  5. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.

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