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[미국특허] Food serving tray 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-01
출원번호 US-0508225 (2014-11-04)
등록번호 US-D745807 (2015-12-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harris, E. Mark
  • Hand, James C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Columbia Insurance Company
대리인 / 주소
    Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 72


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a food serving tray, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (72) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Johnson Mark D. (Box 180 APO New York NY 09030) Spector George (233 Broadway ; Rm 3815 New York NY 10007), Beverage cooler.
  2. Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Snedden, Craig R.; Shoshan, Tal, Bowl and tray.
  3. Brando Michael (Chicago IL) Fiello Anthony E. (Bensenville IL), Chill-retention food service tray.
  4. Mattei Maurizio (Macerata ITX), Combined tray and bowl.
  5. Goldberg,Steven Lane; Berkovitz,Phillip Jay, Combined waste container cover and work surface device.
  6. Silvers, Brian, Compact portable pack for carrying diapers, wet baby wipes and reclosable disposable bags.
  7. Antoni Patricia A. (Wheeling IL) Arneson Theodore R. (Mt. Prospect IL) Hayes Thomas J. (Wauconda IL) Nolan Timothy J. (Streamwood IL) Stapleton Marilyn (Wheeling IL), Compartmented food tray.
  8. Harl,Kara Lenee; Ramanujam,Anand; Kozikoski,Timothy E., Container.
  9. Padovani, Pietro, Container having closure guide members.
  10. Schulein, Rolf Gunter; Bruchschmidt, Frank, Container having handles on both top and bottom thereof.
  11. Padovani Pietro (Verona ITX), Container, obtained from synthetic thermoplastics sheet material, which is particularly suitable for eggs.
  12. Lee, Ming-Hsiung, Cooking pot.
  13. Trivison Jody A. (Wooster OH), Covered food serving tray or the like.
  14. Pribenszky, Csaba, Culture dish.
  15. McKee ; Sr. John W. (1918 - 4th St. Clay Center KS 67432) McKee ; Jr. John W. (503 Blunt St. Clay Center KS 67432), Deviled egg container.
  16. Muspratt-Williams, Alexander; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Divided party tray.
  17. Clark, Ronald, Divided plate with holder for beverage container.
  18. Ramirez Richard L., Egg carton.
  19. Vovan,Terry, Egg container.
  20. Iwer Dall DK, Egg tray.
  21. Onneweer Frederik J. (Tervuren BEX), Egg-storer.
  22. Sawyer Derrell ; Morris Donald R., Fish steaming tray.
  23. Fager,Mark A.; Fager,Roger P., Five compartment container base.
  24. Newkirk J. Michael (Round Rock TX) Overton David C. (16917 Dashwood Creek Pflugerville TX 78660), Food container.
  25. Crete, Raymonde, Food container having a separable refrigerant section.
  26. Cautereels Victor J. J.,BEX ; Ferris Ian,GB2 ; Tree John,GB2, Food container with cooling pack.
  27. Neil E. Richmond ; Renald M. Corsi, Food preserving systems.
  28. Coursey, Frances M., Food server.
  29. Coursey, Frances M.; Harris, E. Mark; Zmrhal, Jill, Food server.
  30. Harris, E. Mark, Food server tray.
  31. Baez, Jorge, Food service tray.
  32. McClure Ralph K. (6589 Leffingwell Rd. Canfield OH 44406), Food serving refrigerant device.
  33. Trivison Jody A. (Wooster OH), Food serving tray or the like.
  34. Staufenberg Donald J. (Hudsonville MI), Food storage dish.
  35. Hotta Masashi (Osaka JPX), Heat insulating box.
  36. Sepahpur Bahman (1201 Lincoln Mall ; Suite 800 Lincoln NE 68508), Heat storage food container.
  37. Levien, Robin, Hors d'oeuvre tray.
  38. Persson Christer (Rena NOX), Method for transport of one unit packed products which give off moisture and need cooling, and packings for use in carry.
  39. Williams Warren Bret, Modular cooler construction.
  40. Breton, Donald V., Multi compartment food service tray.
  41. Breton, Donald V., Multi compartment food service tray.
  42. Breton, Donald V., Multi compartment food service tray.
  43. Lerner,William S., Multi-compartment food storage container with removable thermal preservation insert.
  44. Gordon Robert L. (Monroe NY) Jensen Kurt D. (Walden NY) Roosa Paul D. (Saugerties NY), Multi-compartment ovenable food container.
  45. Claffy, Joseph, Multiple-compartment insulated food tray.
  46. Sluiman, Hans, Oyster platter.
  47. Kristiansen Cato (Rena NOX), Packing for transport of products giving off moisture.
  48. Hampshire James ; Embree Donald, Partitioned food service assembly.
  49. Martino, Leandro Patricio, Portable food container with cooling device.
  50. Gordon, Jay E.; Wells, Peter M., Portable insulated holder for beverage containers.
  51. Heverly Marilou (129 Cresston Rd. Arnold MD 21012), Portable refrigerater food container.
  52. Richmond Neil E. ; Corsi Renald M., Refrigeration system for use in the food service industry.
  53. DeMars,Robert A., Rotary food server.
  54. Vue, Chay; Kaufman, Brian; Heidemann, Kevin W.; Vujea, Matt, Round tray with flat edge foot.
  55. Hoydic Roberta L. (5035 Highwood Dr. Flint MI 48504), Salad bowl.
  56. Heng-Te Yang TW, Salad bowl with cooling function.
  57. Whiteford Carlton L., Sealed egg package.
  58. Bateman Robert F. (Greenville RI) Boucher Richard A. (Fitchburg MA), Serving dish.
  59. Schwartz Milton (Syosset NY), Serving tray.
  60. Yang,Heng Te, Serving tray with function of keeping food fresh.
  61. Cherry ; Richard Sutton, Stackable packaging tray.
  62. Bostic William, Temperature control assembly and method for temperature control.
  63. Colonna,Frank, Temperature controlled food storage and serving pan.
  64. Keitges,James M., Temperature retaining food container.
  65. Keitges,James M., Temperature retaining food container.
  66. Roth, Henry; Roth, Donna, Thermal energy storage system.
  67. Roth, Henry; Roth, Donna, Thermal storage lid.
  68. Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Snedden, Craig R.; Shoshan, Tal, Tray.
  69. Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Snedden, Craig R.; Shoshan, Tal, Tray.
  70. Stephan Gary Bush ; Michael Sean Farrell ; Brice Daniel Westring ; Eric Richard Bartsch, Tray.
  71. Bunce Martin C. (London GB2) Helps David W. (London GB2) Jenkins Leonard A. (Southmoor GB2) Noke Adrian C. (Wantage GB2), Tray for use in microwave ovens with heat sealed cover and inner lid.
  72. Henderson, Scott; Diamant, Ellen, Tray with plate, fork and spoon.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Davies, Helen, Dinner plate.
  2. Wilson, Jessica Mary; Rush, Monica R., Divided plate.
  3. Malak, Edmond, Food tray.
  4. Peng, Pandian, Food tray.
  5. McClinton, Raymond, Multiple purpose plate.
  6. Dwork, Michael D., Palm leaf dinnerware plate.
  7. Dwork, Michael D., Palm leaf dinnerware plate.
  8. Dwork, Michael D., Palm leaf dinnerware plate.
  9. Dwork, Michael D., Palm leaf dinnerware plate.
  10. Gonterman, Doug; Gonterman, Jessica, Plate.
  11. Li, Yu-Nien, Rectangle container.
  12. Rabiai, Dhiaeddine, Serving tray.
  13. Wrightson, Richard Hastings; Amsden, Dallas Aaron, Snack bowl.
  14. Wrightson, Richard Hastings; Amsden, Dallas Aaron, Snack bowl.

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