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[미국특허] Can end 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-07
출원번호 US-0479373 (2014-01-15)
등록번호 US-D747649 (2016-01-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Phillips, Evan I.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Lando & Anastasi, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 204


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a can end, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (204) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nandagiri, Arun; Pong, Richard G. S., Aerosol dispensing system.
  2. Evans Robert M. ; Klima William L., Aerosol spray dispenser with swinging downtube.
  3. LaBarge Robert L. (Ben Avon Borough PA), Anchor for plastic cap.
  4. Samz John B. ; Vogel William C., Apparatus for covering a container.
  5. Laurent Herve J., Arrangement for resealing carbonated beverage containers.
  6. Laurent Herve J., Arrangement for resealing carbonated beverage containers.
  7. Diekhoff Hans H. ; Jordan Charles L., Assembly of aluminum can and threaded sleeve.
  8. Brndstrm Paul (Sderhamn SEX) Nord Runo (Sderhamn SEX), Auxiliary device for sealing cans for beverages.
  9. Campbell William O. (1107 W. Shawnee Muskogee OK 74402) Campbell Nickie G. (1107 W. Shawnee Muskogee OK 74402), Baby bottle with disposable liner.
  10. Arcati, Richard; Jakubowski, John, Beverage can.
  11. Lang Wolfgang,DEX, Beverage can.
  12. Borkowski James T. (5015 Southern Star Ter. Columbia MD 21044) Borkowski Milton F. (12158 Mount Albert Rd. Ellicott City MD 21042), Beverage can and pivotal, screen guard opener system.
  13. Diaz Eusebio M. (6450 Balboa Blvd. Van Nuys CA 91406), Beverage can cover and carrier.
  14. van der Meulen Leendert (1804 Bayshore Raod ; S.W. Calgary ; Alberta CAX T2V 3M1), Beverage can drinking attachment.
  15. Carducci John,CAX ; Carducci Adriana D,CAX, Beverage can lid.
  16. Dotson Don (Colorado Springs CO), Beverage can lid.
  17. Plumb Brad A. (9934 Summerson La. Lakeside CA 92040), Beverage can lid.
  18. Schreiber Bernadette M. (3460 53rd Ave. #3 Columbus NE 68601), Beverage can lid.
  19. Ohlsson Per,GBX ; Mock Elmar,CHX, Beverage can lid and method of making.
  20. Son,Paul, Beverage can lid with articulated neck.
  21. Gomes Rodney A. (1760 Hookupa St. Pearl City HI 96782), Beverage can opening and sealing tab.
  22. Woidtke Richard Clayton, Beverage can opening protector.
  23. Alexander Schley DE, Beverage can resealable lid having rotatable cover member and biasing pull tab.
  24. Quarberg Craig D. (6908 Candlewood Cir. Brooklyn Park MN 55445), Beverage can resealing device.
  25. Poncy George W. (3725 Investment La. Riviera Beach FL 33404), Beverage can with sanitary reclosable lid.
  26. Demore Anthony, Beverage container lid.
  27. Phillips David S. (821-68th St. ; S.E. ; Apt. 5 Kentwood MI 49508), Beverage container opener.
  28. Cautereels Victor J. J.,BEX ; Backaert Dimitri M. C. J.,BEX, Beverage container with cap and spout.
  29. Biesecker,Frederick N.; Sprishen,Gregory; Rochow,Donald, Bottle closure.
  30. Palinchak Stephen Larry, Bottle-like adapter for a beverage can.
  31. Wicker Raymond A., Can cooler.
  32. Brehelin, Laure Helene Marie, Can end.
  33. Steiner Joseph D. (Coraopolis PA), Can end with lock open and lock closed tab operated by a pull ring.
  34. Lambert G. Steven (1920 Cheremoya Ave. Los Angeles CA 90008) Lambert Michael P. (5959 Franklin Ave. Hollywood CA 90028), Can lid with easy-open tab.
  35. Lambert G. Steven (57 W. 93rd St. New York NY 10028) Lambert Michael P. (21 Richmond St. Portsmouth NH 03801), Can lid with integral push-in tab.
  36. Lambert G. Steven (P.O. Box 691152 Los Angeles CA 90069) Lambert Michael P. (21 Richmond St. Portsmouth NH 03801), Can lid with integral push-in tab.
  37. Lambert Michael P. (21 Richmond St. Portsmouth NH 03801), Can lid with push in tear tab.
  38. Kusmierski Edward C. (9323 Hasty Ave. Downey CA 90241) Lopez John R. (345 N. 6th St. Montebello CA 90640) Silverman Phillip (8535 W. Knoll St. No. 210 West Hollywood CA 90069), Can sealer.
  39. Lutzker Robert S. (21 Lee Ave. East Williston NY 11596), Can sealer.
  40. Miller Raphael W. (Jackson MI), Can top opener.
  41. Jansen Josephus Ignatius Matthias,NLX, Can-like member for drinks.
  42. Fisher Geoffrey Malcolm,GBX ; Eaves Jonathan David,GBX ; Dawson Gail Wendy,GBX ; Kelsey Steven Frederick,GBX, Cap.
  43. Huard Albert (Greenfield Park CAX), Cap with perforating spike for container with a protective membrane.
  44. Robbins ; III Edward S. ; Bell Ted A., Clear plastic measuring/dispensing spout for a box-like container.
  45. Prohaska Helmut (Neuhofen ATX), Closure cap for beverage containers.
  46. Prohaska Helmut (Pttenberg ATX), Closure cap for beverage containers.
  47. Parve, Terrence M.; Vogel, William C., Closure for a container.
  48. Parve,Terrence M., Closure for a container.
  49. Parve,Terrence M.; Vogel,William C., Closure for a container.
  50. Brndlein Manfred (Einsteinring 18 D-8500 Nrnberg DEX), Closure for beverage cans or the like.
  51. Forsyth Michael J. ; Baxter David C., Closure for liquids.
  52. Martin, Douglas S.; Wennerstrom, Joel W., Closure with dispensing flap stay-open construction.
  53. Lang Wolfgang,DEX, Combined metal bottle and cap.
  54. Klein Gerald B. (13451 Stuart Ct. Broomfield CO 80020), Conical can end with a gate and opening tab at the cone apex.
  55. Dean Lindsay ; J. Tirso Olivares ; Joel W. Wennerstrom ; James P. Black ; Douglas S. Martin, Container.
  56. Phillips, Evan Ira, Container.
  57. Ekkert Len, Container cap with locking cover.
  58. Bried, David K.; Solowiejko, George; Johnson, Gary D.; Peet, C. Alan; Baerenwald, Philip M.; Yarbro, Michael A., Container lid.
  59. Miller Robert (South Plainfield NJ), Container lid.
  60. Bried, David K.; Solowiejko, George; Johnson, Gary D.; Peet, C. Alan; Baerenwald, Philip M.; Yarbro, Michael A., Container lid with flip door.
  61. William C. Vogel, Container with a threaded cap having a stepped sealing ring with a plurality of narrow sealing surfaces.
  62. Schlattl Werner,DEX, Container, in particular a drinks can, and lid for such a container.
  63. Philip M. Baerenwald ; C. Alan Peet ; George Solowiejko, Contoured rectangular container.
  64. Philip M. Baerenwald ; C. Alan Peet ; George Solowiejko ; Robert G. Rentz, Contoured rectangular container with lid.
  65. Philip M. Baerenwald ; C. Alan Peet ; George Solowiejko, Contoured rectangular lid.
  66. Grob Ferdinand,DEX ; Bauer Hartmut,DEX ; Maienberg Uwe,DEX ; Scherrbacher Klaus,DEX, Control device for a gasoline-powered direct injection internal combustion engine.
  67. Yoshida Masayuki (Kanagawa JPX) Nakada Kazuya (Kanagawa JPX), Conversion treatment method and composition for aluminum and aluminum alloys.
  68. Rasmussen Jerald K. ; Heilmann Steven M. ; Krepski Larry R. ; Coleman Patrick L. ; Milbrath Dean S. ; Walker Margaret M. ; Hagen Donald F. ; Hansen Paul E. ; Campbell John C., Covalently reactive particles incorporated in a continous porous matrix.
  69. Featherston, David E.; Meyers, Brenda J.; Quinn, Charles, Cup.
  70. Gerald Wilhite ; Donald Saller, Device for maintaining effervescence of a beverage within a container.
  71. Friedrich Richard (26 Auf Loebern 7701 Walschingen Kreis ; Constance DT) Rindelaub Frank A. E. (Ave. Marechal Foch Rixensart BE), Devices for holding and discharging liquid and paste-like substances under pressure.
  72. Heinicke, Paul R.; Price, Trevor, Die for stay--on--tab.
  73. La Barge Robert L. (Pittsburgh PA), Digitally openable, resealable container closure.
  74. Robbins ; III Edward S. (2802 E. Avalon Ave. Muscle Shoals AL 35661) Burcham Gregory S. (Spruce Pine AL), Dispensing cap.
  75. Robbins ; III Edward S. (2802 E. Avalon Ave. Muscle Shoals AL 35661) Burcham Gregory S. (Spruce Pine AL), Dispensing cap.
  76. Robbins ; III Edward S. (2802 E. Avalon Ave. Muscle Shoals AL 35661) Burcham Gregory S. (Spruce Pine AL), Dispensing cap and related hinge.
  77. Kick James F., Dispensing cap for a container.
  78. Skillin,Clifford W.; Johnson,Joseph F., Dispensing closure with stop wall for positive alignment on container.
  79. James F. Kick, Dispensing container.
  80. Durdon,Terry, Disposable cup lid with condiment tab.
  81. Durdon,Terry, Disposable cup lid with reclosable and resealable condiment tab.
  82. Boller Peter K.,CAX, Dome lid for drinking cup.
  83. Chang Charles ; Chang Lucy, Double groove beverage can lid.
  84. Biondich Scott C. ; Wainer Dean J. ; Falkenberg Robert J., Drink straw can.
  85. Adams, Jay J., Easily releasable and sealable sanitary lid-spout.
  86. McEldowney Carl (Russia OH), Easy open can end and method of manufacture thereof.
  87. Morton Jay (Miami Beach FL), Easy-open and reclosable container.
  88. Morton, Jay, Easy-open and reclosable container.
  89. Plester George,BEX, Easy-open can end and spout.
  90. Wells Robert A. (107 N. Lakeside Dr. Kennesaw GA 30144), Easy-open container with non-detachable closure.
  91. Cudzik Daniel F. (Richmond VA), Easy-open wall.
  92. Cudzik Daniel F. (Richmond VA), Easy-open wall.
  93. Potts Vinson S. (Cherry Hill NJ), Easy-opening can end and method of opening.
  94. Chasteen Howard Curtis (Golden CO), End constructions for containers.
  95. La Barge Robert L. (Ben Avon Borough PA) Grzybek Thomas P. (Lower Burrell PA), Excess pressure vent for resealable beverage cap.
  96. Shaw James ; Morgan Thomas George ; Grandy Charles Gordon, Filler cap assembly.
  97. Leonzo, Fernando O.; Nevin, Joel, Food and/or beverage container.
  98. Bloeck Siegfried (Kreuzlingen CHX) Hfling Erich (Kreuzlingen CHX) Lthi Rudolf (Niederwangen CHX) Diemi Werner (Bern CHX), Grooved beverage can lid.
  99. Diaz Eusebio M. (6450 Balboa Blvd. Van Nuys CA 91406), Hygienic seal and cover for food and drink containers.
  100. Beckertgis Nicholas G., Insect-proof and tamper-evident cover for beverage container.
  101. Oilar Clayton D. (P.O. Box 64 Cedarville CA 96104), Insulated beverage cup.
  102. McDonald Anthony P. (12 Warrenton Ct. Huntington NY 11743), Insulating sleeve and beverage can holder.
  103. Samz John B. ; Vogel William C., Integrally formed container.
  104. Samz, John B.; Vogel, William C., Integrally-formed closure for a container.
  105. Samz,John B.; Vogel,William C., Integrally-formed closure for a container.
  106. Samz John B. ; Vogel William C., Integrally-formed container.
  107. Sizemore David W. (106 Ashwood Ct. Perryburg OH 43551), Lid-drinking straw assembly.
  108. Jordan Charles L. ; Diekhoff Hans H., Lightweight reclosable can with attached threaded pour spout and methods of manufacture.
  109. Martin, Douglas S., Liquid dispensing closure.
  110. Martin, Douglas S., Liquid dispensing closure.
  111. Gundlach Roy L. (8739 Townhill Dr. St. Louis MO 63126), Litter free protective beverage can lid.
  112. Robbins ; III Edward S. ; Burcham Gregory S., Measuring cap with pivoting dispenser.
  113. Robbins ; III Edward S. ; Saunders Craig ; Carlson Jesse ; Binder Morris, Measuring dispensing cap with spring biased flip top.
  114. Robbins ; III Edward S. (2802 E. Avalon Ave. Muscle Shoals AL 35661) Burcham Gregory S. (Spruce Pine AL), Measuring/dispensing closure flip-top cap and built in shut-off blade.
  115. Walsh,William; Rajesh,Gopalaswamy, Metal re-sealable beverage container with pour spout.
  116. Diekhoff Hans H., Method and apparatus for die necking a metal container.
  117. Jordan Charles L., Method and apparatus for forming threads in metal containers.
  118. Hubball, Martin M., Method and apparatus for making a can lid shell.
  119. Diekhoff Hans H., Method and apparatus for necking a metal container and resultant container.
  120. Diekhoff Hans H. ; Clarke Andrew F., Method of making bottle-shaped metal cans.
  121. Ball Martin F. (Wantage GB2) Pavely Andrew P. (Blunsdon GB2) Taylor Joseph S. (Long Wittenham GB2), Methods of making metal can ends with plastics closures.
  122. Hoepner,Travis J.; Danks,Christopher A., Multiple lid closure with open lid retention feature.
  123. DeMars Robert A. (6145 Shoup Woodland Hills CA 91367), No spill lid.
  124. Lyons Richard A., Nursing bottle with anti-air ingestion valve.
  125. David K. Bried ; Philip M. Baerenwald, Oval container with lid.
  126. David K. Bried ; Philip M. Baerenwald, Oval lid for a container.
  127. Ichinose Isao (Hiratsuka JPX) Mori Fumio (Yokohama JPX) Suzuki Noboru (Chigasaki JPX), Peelable bonded structures and process for preparing same.
  128. Ichinose Isao (Hiratsuka JPX) Mori Fumio (Yokohama JPX) Suzuki Noboru (Chigasaki JPX), Peelable bonded structures and process for preparing same.
  129. Martin, Catherine, Pet food container.
  130. LaBarge Robert L. (Ben Avon Borough PA), Pressure release for carbonated beverage containers.
  131. Howes James P. (122 St. Johns Rd. Wilton CT 06498), Prize holding container assemblies.
  132. Mark V. DeRose JP, Protective seal for cans.
  133. Mark V. Derose JP, Protective seal for cans.
  134. Lo Hsin-Hsin (9 ; Alley 3 ; Lane 35 ; Weitao Rd. N. Dis. Taichung TWX), Pull ring with attached aperture seal.
  135. Huang Dar S. (No. 142 ; Lan Keng Li Tou Fen Jenn ; Miaoli Hsien TWX), Quick-release resealable beverage can cover assembly.
  136. Sanchez Ruben G. (9234 S. Heather Dr. Tempe AZ 85284), Re-closure device for pop top containers.
  137. Huffman,Todd A.; Barker,Christopher R.; Lipker,Brian T., Re-sealable can mechanism.
  138. Pease Gerald F. (10622 Prospect Ave. Santee CA 92071), Re-sealer for tab-retaining pop-top cans.
  139. Tedford, Jr.,Richard A., Reclosable container lid.
  140. Diaz Eusebio M. (6450 Balboa Blvd. Van Nuys CA 91406), Reclosable cover for a beverage can.
  141. Sawatsky David P. (12 Ballycastle Crescent Brampton ; Ontario CAX), Recloseable coffee cup cover.
  142. Baerenwald, Philip M., Rectangular container with lid.
  143. Baerenwald Philip M. ; Peet C. Alan ; Solowiejko George, Rectangular lid for a container.
  144. Hampson Alfred A. (Portland OR) Hutchins ; deceased Thomas B. (late of Portland OR by Nancy K. Hutchins ; executrix), Redeemable container with end closure redemption code.
  145. Nabinger Richard (Utica MI), Removable and resealable lid for a container.
  146. Bachmann Henry C. ; Cook Steven T. ; Schubert James R. ; Schubert John F. ; Strong Lori E., Resealable beverage container and top therefor.
  147. Bachmann Henry C. ; Cook Steven T. ; Schubert James R. ; Schubert John F. ; Strong Lori E., Resealable beverage container and top therefor.
  148. Fenton Robert C., Resealable can cover.
  149. Tony M. Alexander, Resealable cap for carbonated beverage can.
  150. La Barge Robert L. (Ben Avon Borough PA), Resealable cap hinge structure.
  151. McHenry, Robert J.; Tung, Thomas, Resealable closure for beverage container.
  152. Cudzik Daniel F., Resealable closure on seamed can end.
  153. Arfert Horst F. (Chesterfield County VA) Donaldson Roger H. (Lancaster County VA) Jensen Eric L. (Chesterfield County VA) Smith Wesley E. (Chesterfield County VA), Resealable container closure.
  154. Lyon Jay W. (Greensburg PA) Biondich Scott C. (Delmont PA) Holthaus James M. (Fort Loramie OH) Maier Frank E. (Lower Burrell PA), Resealable container closure.
  155. Steeber, Donald Edgar; Steeber, Allen Frank, Resealable container closure.
  156. Khafizov Michael, Resealable container cover.
  157. Munro Laurie,AUX, Resealable drink can.
  158. Dark Richard C. G. (8553 Red Hill Country Club Dr. Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730), Resealable drinking cup cap.
  159. Diamond George B. ; Helmrich Ralph, Resealable easy open closure and can.
  160. Jamieson Michael, Resealable flip-top beverage can lid.
  161. Thibeault Richard A. (7 Saxford La. Nashua NH 03063) Thibeault Deborah M. (7 Saxford La. Nashua NH 03063), Resealable flip-top can.
  162. O'Neill,Catherine, Resealable tab for a drinking cup.
  163. Pierce Thomas W. (3045 New Castle Dr. Marietta GA 30064), Resealable, refillable container system.
  164. Pierce Thomas W. (3045 New Castle Dr. Marietta GA 30064), Resealable, refillable container system.
  165. Laurent, Herv? J., Resealing arrangement with anti-rotation and other features.
  166. Close William T. (16745 Hillsdale Dr. Brookfield WI 53005), Reusable beverage can cover or lid.
  167. Krugman Robert (3302 Aruba Way Coconut Creek FL 33066), Reusable beverage container closure.
  168. DeParales Lawrence T. (1 Gates Rd. Marshfield MA 02050) Billitzer Edward P. (24 Water St. East Weymouth MA 02189), Reusable cup cover.
  169. Klosterman,Lawrence Gerald, Ring-tab extending sleeve for easy opening and re-closing the opening of a beverage container.
  170. Liebe,Thomas, Round container.
  171. Liebe,Thomas, Round container lid.
  172. Liebe,Thomas, Round container lid.
  173. David K. Bried ; C. Alan Peet ; Philip M. Baerenwald, Round container with lid.
  174. Bried David K. ; Peet C. Alan ; Baerenwald Philip M., Round lid for a container.
  175. Chang Charles ; Chang Lucy, Sanitary beverage can lid.
  176. Chang Charles ; Chang Lucy, Sanitary beverage can lid.
  177. Charles Chang ; Lucy Chang, Sanitary beverage can lid.
  178. Eberhart Ray (417 E. Jefferson Mishawaka IN 46545), Sanitary lid for beverage cans.
  179. Schmid Dieter,DEX ; Schmid Oliver,DEX, Sealing cap for cans of various diameters provided with an edge beading.
  180. Anderson Ian Denny (Kent GB3) Anderson Michael Denny (Kent GB3), Security containers for samples.
  181. Canedo, Robert, Self closing container.
  182. Gladish William C. (6501 Harding Rd. Apt. A24 Nashville TN 37205), Self-closing container lid.
  183. Anthony Michael, Self-cooling beverage and food container and manufacturing method.
  184. Anthony Michael M., Self-cooling beverage and food container and manufacturing method.
  185. Anthony Michael M., Self-cooling beverage and food container using fullerene nanotubes.
  186. Lillelund Stig (Garderhjvej DKX) Heiberg Jakob (Gronnevaenge DKX) Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Bruckersebaan BEX), Shaker and blender.
  187. Robert J. Sheffler ; Thomas J. Dolan ; Timothy Callahan, Sifter dispensing cap and base.
  188. Stark Harry Von, Snap action beverage can holder.
  189. Boyd James B. (B. O. S. Enterprise ; Rte. 6 ; Box 6052 Hermiston OR 97838) Flick September (255 Coggins Dr. ; D-3 Pleasant Hill CA 94523) Stein Otto A. (255 Coggins Dr. ; D-3 Pleasant Hill CA 94523), Snap-on lid for opened soft drink cans.
  190. Smyth George F. (Los Angeles CA), Tab for easy opening can end.
  191. Chmela, James F., Tamper evident cap for shipping and storage containers.
  192. Diekhoff Hans H. ; Clarke Andrew F., Threaded aluminum cans and methods of manufacture.
  193. Morrow J. Mark, Three closure dispensing cap for a container.
  194. Schmit Michael R. ; Kick James F. ; Morrow J. Mark, Three closure dispensing cap for a container.
  195. Brown Mary F. (301 W. Vilbig Rd. Irving TX 75060), Toddler cup.
  196. Featherston, David E.; Meyers, Brenda J.; Quinn, Charles, Toddler drinking cup.
  197. Nini Policappelli, Top for container.
  198. Michael Robert Schmit ; James F. Kick ; J. Mark Morrow, Tri-closure dispensing top.
  199. Richardson,Michael D., Twist opening sealing container.
  200. Credle ; Jr. William S., Twist-off can end.
  201. John R. Hickman ; Craig C. Weidman ; Nickolas J. Kriska, Two-flap closure.
  202. Weidman Craig C. (Wooster OH), Two-flap container closure.
  203. Lee Jin Ku (8108 Gorman Ave. ; No. 229 Laurel MD 20810), Valved receptacle closure.
  204. Waterbury ; Nelson J., Vendable reclosable beverage container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Guthrie, Emily Claire, Beverage container lid.
  2. Ramsey, Christopher Paul, Can end.
  3. Spivey, Patrick; Kreafle, Kenneth, Mug for liquids.
  4. Loritz, Ken, Tamper-evident container.
  5. Spivey, Patrick; Kreafle, Kenneth, Tumbler lid.
  6. Spivey, Patrick; Kreafle, Kenneth, Tumbler with handle.

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