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[미국특허] Combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 13-02
출원번호 US-0525415 (2015-04-29)
등록번호 US-D749502 (2016-02-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • West, Jack Raymond
  • Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes
  • Johansen, Emil
출원인 / 주소
  • SolarCity Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 126


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (126) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Clark Peter D. (East Berlin CT), Adjustable mounting rack for solar collectors.
  2. Liebendorfer,John E., Apparatus and method for positioning a module on an object.
  3. Albright Scot P. (El Paso TX) Dugan Larry M. (Boulder CO), Apparatus for encapsulating a photovoltaic module.
  4. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  5. Bruckner Carl H. (Bensheim-Auerbach DEX), Assembly for clamping and tightening a blanket over a blanket cylinder in a printing press.
  6. Frascaroli Francesco (Bologna ITX) Biondi Carlo (S.Giovanni in Persiceto ITX), Beam assembly.
  7. Moreno,Rolando, Cladding system.
  8. Layfield, Derek John, Combined connecting and alignment method for composite fiber building panels.
  9. Weber Peter G. (LaPlace LA), Concealed drive coupling for use with modular screw conveyor.
  10. Chen, Hao A.; Judd, Richard, Connecting system for surface coverings.
  11. Chen, Hao A.; Judd, Richard, Connecting system for surface coverings.
  12. Bastian John M. (Manitowoc WI), Connection for hollow structural members.
  13. Havlovitz Paul (Escondido CA), Connector assembly.
  14. Kopish Andrew J. (Green Bay WI), Connector for a pair of furniture post sections.
  15. Kopish Andrew J. (Green Bay WI), Connector for a pair of furniture post sections.
  16. Kobayashi, Shuichi, Construction method of solar battery modules.
  17. Unger,Reuven; Hwang,Dong Gon; Chung,Woo Suk, Coupling for heat transfer member.
  18. Shugar, Daniel S.; Dinwoodie, Thomas L.; Slavsky, Steven T., Electric vehicle with photovoltaic roof assembly.
  19. Kooiman Jerry (27 Moncrieff Drive Rexdale ; Ontario CAX M9W 2P9), Extrusion frame and components therefor.
  20. Cook, James Christopher; Pelfrey, Paul R., Fence assembly with connectors.
  21. Shingleton, Jefferson, Fixed angle solar collector arrangement.
  22. O'Brien, Colleen A.; Botkin, Jonathan; Reimers, Andrew G., Flexible wind deflector for photovoltaic array perimeter assembly.
  23. Capachi Nickolas E. (2459 Moorbrook Way Sacramento CA 95826), Foul or base lines for athletic activities.
  24. Stoof, Pieter Maria, Hoisting device for big loads.
  25. Peterson, Wallace H., In-line connector for window spacer frame tubing.
  26. Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Inclined photovoltaic assembly.
  27. Shugar, Daniel S.; Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Inclined photovoltaic assembly.
  28. Meyer John F. ; Porter David G. ; Zietlow Daniel H. ; Stefanac Dale R. ; Troyer Roger H., Integrated photovoltaic system.
  29. Crane Richard A. ; Piper Matthew B. ; Daroczi Shandor G., Interconnect structure for solar cells and method of making same.
  30. Vandenbossche Benjamin E. (Hillsborough CA), Internal couplings for plastic solar collectors and the like.
  31. Dinwoodie Thomas L., Lightweight, self-ballasting photovoltaic roofing assembly.
  32. Dinwoodie,Thomas L., Lightweight, self-ballasting photovoltaic roofing assembly.
  33. West, John Raymond, Method and apparatus for mounting photovoltaic modules.
  34. Pierre J. Verlinden ; Akira Terao ; Haruo Nakamura JP; Norio Komura JP; Yasuo Sugimoto JP; Junichi Ohmura JP, Method of fabricating a silicon solar cell.
  35. Pierre J. Verlinden ; Akira Terao ; Haruo Nakamura JP; Norio Komura JP; Yasuo Sugimoto JP; Junichi Ohmura JP, Method of fabricating a silicon solar cell.
  36. Pierre J. Verlinden ; Akira Terao ; Haruo Nakamura JP; Norio Komura JP; Yasuo Sugimoto JP; Junichi Ohmura JP, Method of fabricating a silicon solar cell.
  37. Verlinden Pierre J. ; Terao Akira ; Nakamura Haruo,JPX ; Komura Norio,JPX ; Sugimoto Yasuo,JPX ; Ohmura Junichi,JPX, Method of fabricating a silicon solar cell.
  38. Wallgren, Linus Eric, Methods of assembling solar energy collecting modules.
  39. Lof George O. G. (6 Parkway Dr. Englewood CO 80110), Modular construction for solar heat collector.
  40. Hunter Billy D. (R.R. 1 ; Box 94A Paso Robles CA 93446), Modular passive solar heating system.
  41. Rich Albert Clark, Modular solar energy collection system.
  42. Knoos Stellan (Rancho Palos Verdes CA), Modular solar energy collector systems.
  43. Conlin Kevin L. (Houston TX) Cantrell Michael P. (Houston TX), Modular solar generating system.
  44. Strizki, Michael, Modular solar panel mounting system.
  45. Sinton Ronald A. (Palo Alto CA), Monolithic series-connected solar cells having improved cell isolation and method of making same.
  46. Komamine, Tatsuya; Aramaki, Yoshihiro; Ohkoshi, Yasushi, Mounting structure of solar cell module.
  47. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  48. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  49. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  50. Cinnamon,Barry; Levy,Emanuel Edward, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  51. Tomiuchi Shinichi,JPX ; Noda Yosuke,JPX ; Osaka Kenji,JPX ; Takeda Shigeki,JPX ; Yoshida Tomohide,JPX ; Urano Shinji,JPX ; Akai Takayoshi,JPX ; Tanimoto Norihisa,JPX, Mounting system for installing an array of solar battery modules of a panel-like configuration on a roof.
  52. Gido Genschorek DE, Mounting system for solar panel.
  53. Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Multi-position photovoltaic assembly.
  54. Ansley, Jeffrey H.; Botkin, Jonathan D.; Dinwoodie, Thomas L., PV/thermal solar power assembly.
  55. Thomas L. Dinwoodie, Photovoltaic assembly array with covered bases.
  56. Dinwoodie Thomas L. ; Jackaway Adam D. ; Mueller Timothy M. ; Shugar Daniel S., Photovoltaic building assembly with continuous insulation layer.
  57. Kadonome Nobuo (Kyogo JPX) Yasuda Takayoshi (Kyogo JPX) Kumamoto Jyunji (Toyooka JPX) Nishi Nobuyuki (Sumoto JPX) Kishi Yasuo (Hirakata JPX), Photovoltaic module and a photovoltaic apparatus.
  58. Garvison Paul ; Warfield Donald B., Photovoltaic module framing system with integral electrical raceways.
  59. Paul Garvison ; Donald B. Warfield, Photovoltaic module framing system with integral electrical raceways.
  60. Lenox,Carl J., Photovoltaic module mounting clip with integral grounding.
  61. Botkin, Jonathan; Graves, Simon; Danning, Matt; Culligan, Matthew, Photovoltaic module with removable wind deflector.
  62. Nakajima, Takeharu; Iwamoto, Kazunari; Ito, Haruhiko; Nakajima, Ichiro, Photovoltaic module, solar-power generating apparatus, a support member for supporting photovoltaic modules, and method of installing a solar-power generating apparatus.
  63. Poddany, James J.; Bukovinszky, Jr., George L., Photovoltaic panel mounting bracket.
  64. Barker James M. (Reading MA) Underwood John C. (Chelmsford MA) Shingleton Jefferson (Auburn NY), Photovoltaic panel support assembly.
  65. Nath Prem (Rochester Hills MI) Laarman Timothy (Almont MI) Singh Avtar (Roseville MI), Photovoltaic roof system.
  66. Shingleton, Jefferson G.; Brewster, Elise R.; Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Photovoltaic shade system.
  67. Bruel Per Wilhelm (Fuglevagsveig 5 DK-2960 Rungsted DK) Schioler Holger (Rode Hus ; Hojbjergvej 17 DK-4171 Jystrup DK) Jensen Johannes Tejlgaard (Norasvej 11 D K-2920 Charlottenlund DK), Pipe joint for radiator element of thin material.
  68. Gieling Thomas G. (2341 Rainbow Valley blvd. Fallbrook CA 92028) Behoteguy David (1395 Hazlewood Brea CA 92621) Dillon Ralph (417 Via Del Monte Oceanside CA 92054), Portable structure.
  69. Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Pressure equalizing photovoltaic assembly and method.
  70. Dinwoodie, Thomas L., Pressure-equalizing PV assembly and method.
  71. Hartman Paul H. (11631 Cherry Hollow Dr. Chardon OH 44024), Radially expandable edge connector system.
  72. Rockar James A. (Tarentum PA), Rafter with internal drainage feature and sloped glazing system incorporating same.
  73. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian D., Recessed solar module apparatus.
  74. Hirai Takashi (Tokyo JPX) Hirai Keisuke (Tokyo JPX), Roof apparatus.
  75. Moore Barrie P. (25 Prideaux Road London GB2 SW9 9LO), Roof installations.
  76. Ohtsuka Takashi,JPX ; Fukae Kimitoshi,JPX ; Mimura Toshihiko,JPX ; Mori Masahiro,JPX, Roof member and mounting method thereof.
  77. Stanley A. Ullman, Roof support system for a solar panel.
  78. Hirai Takashi (Tokyo JPX) Hirai Keisuke (Tokyo JPX), Roof system utilizing a solar cell.
  79. Hirai Takashi,JPX ; Hirai Keisuke,JPX, Roof system utilizing a solar cell.
  80. Rawlings Lyle K. (66 Snydertown Rd. Hopewell NJ 08525), Roof-integratable photovolatic modules.
  81. Moore Barrie Peter,GBX, Roofing system.
  82. Nagoshi Eiichi (Chigasaki JPX) Iwasaki Osami (Hatano JPX) Akashi Tetuya (Hatano JPX), Self-tapping screw.
  83. Sakai Norikazu,JPX ; Ichikawa Yukimi,JPX ; Yoshida Takashi,JPX, Sheet-shaped solar module mounting structure.
  84. Dinwoodie,Thomas L., Shingle system.
  85. Mascolo,Gianluigi, Side and end deflector for solar panel.
  86. Mascolo,Gianluigi, Sloped side deflector for solar panel.
  87. Makita, Hidehisa; Fukae, Kimitoshi; Takabayashi, Akiharu; Shiomi, Satoru; Itoyama, Shigenori, Solar battery module arranging method and solar battery module array.
  88. Kobayashi, Shuichi, Solar battery module frame body.
  89. Nomura,Takuji; Hatsukaiwa,Teruki; Tomita,Hirohiko, Solar battery module, installation structure for solar battery module, roof with power generating function of the installation structure, and method of installing solar battery module.
  90. Toyomura Fumitaka,JPX ; Manabe Naoki,JPX, Solar battery modules, installation method thereof, and solar power generator using such modules.
  91. Nagao, Yoshitaka; Mori, Masahiro; Inoue, Yuji, Solar battery, solar generating apparatus, and building.
  92. Mulligan,William P.; Cudzinovic,Michael J.; Pass,Thomas; Smith,David; Kaminar,Neil; McIntosh,Keith; Swanson,Richard M., Solar cell and method of manufacture.
  93. Toyomura Fumitaka,JPX ; Fujisaki Tatsuo,JPX ; Nagao Yoshitaka,JPX ; Itoyama Shigenori,JPX, Solar cell module, solar cell array having the module, power generation apparatus using the array, and inspection method and construction method of the apparatus.
  94. Dinwoodie Thomas L. (2550 Benvenue Berkeley CA 94704), Solar cell roofing assembly.
  95. Wadleigh Edward R. (Hemet CA), Solar collector.
  96. Huang Shao-Kuang (No. 4 ; Sec. 2 ; Ching-Tao Rd. ; Taichung TWX), Solar collector assembly.
  97. Erickson Donald P. (Denver CO), Solar collector panel assembly.
  98. Vandenbossche Benjamin E. (Hillsborough CA), Solar collector units with mounting frame.
  99. Soucy Paul B. (119 West St. Methuen MA 01844), Solar device and method for assembly.
  100. Skillman Dale N. (P.O. Box 1311 Rapid City SD 57709), Solar energy collecting apparatus and methods.
  101. Aresty Robert J. (553 Pretty Brook Princeton NJ 08540), Solar energy collector.
  102. Schwob Alain L. C. (Meyzieu FRX) Busschaert Bruno J. (Lyons FRX) Ivorra Claude A. M. (Decines FRX), Solar energy collector.
  103. Skinner ; Leon S. ; Taylor ; Norman C., Solar energy collector.
  104. Voges Kenneth (Red Bud IL) Schoenbeck Elroy A. (Red Bud IL) O\Hara Mark F. (Red Bud IL) Schmitt Thomas E. (Red Bud IL), Solar heating system.
  105. Leary, Daniel Patrick, Solar module integration system.
  106. Shingleton, Jefferson, Solar module mounting method and clip.
  107. Truthseeker, Samuel; Plaisted, Joshua; Narayanamurthy, Ramachandran, Solar pan with inserted form.
  108. Wagner Erich (Levittown PA) Twesme Edward N. (Willow Grove PA) Hidalgo Craig (Levittown PA), Solar panel.
  109. McClintock, Meredith; Scott, Steven, Solar panel and frame and related methods.
  110. Moulder, Michael J.; Taylor, Jr., Eugene S., Solar panel mounting structure, solar panel system, and methods of making and installing thereof.
  111. Lee, Shih-Wei; Tseng, Chih-Wei; Tseng, Chio-An; Chen, Yen-Chun; Jian, Fu-Lu, Solar tile structure.
  112. Rinderer Eric R. (Highland IL), Splice system.
  113. Wu, Wen-Chang, Square lamp post insertional conjoinment structure.
  114. Thomas L. Dinwoodie, Stabilized PV system.
  115. Neale Stephen D. (Phoenix AZ), Sun-tracking control system for solar collector.
  116. Sillett, Ian; Salam, Loey, Support for a solar panel.
  117. Matlin Ronald W. (9 Whittier Rd. Lexington MA 02173), Support for photovoltaic arrays.
  118. Matlin Ronald W. (Lexington MA) Lenskold Richard K. (Flemington NJ) Rangarajan Anand (Lexington MA), Support for photovoltaic arrays.
  119. Mascolo, Gianluigi; Taggart, David F.; Botkin, Jonathan D.; Edgett, Christopher S., Supported PV module assembly.
  120. Simmons John M. ; Simmons Tom M., Suspended diaphragm.
  121. Wildes, Brian, System and method for mounting photovoltaic modules.
  122. Dinwoodie Thomas L. (2550 Benvenue Berkeley CA 94704), Thermally regulated photovoltaic roofing assembly.
  123. Ullman Stanley A., Tile roof structure for supporting a heavy load without damage to the tile.
  124. Shugar,Daniel G.; Almy,Charles; Jones,Jason, Tracking solar collector assembly.
  125. Dinwoodie Thomas L. ; Jackaway Adam D., Vented cavity radiant barrier assembly and method.
  126. Aschenbrenner, Peter, Ventilated photovoltaic module frame.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Panel skirt.
  2. Rodrigues, Tommy F.; Gennrich, David J.; Lee, Daniel; Railkar, Sudhir; Boss, Daniel E.; Duque, Luis; Dzoba, Nazar, Roof integrated photovoltaic system.
  3. Aiken, Daniel; McGlynn, Daniel, Solar cell with VIA.
  4. Aiken, Daniel; McGlynn, Daniel, Solar cell with two vias.
  5. Aiken, Daniel; McGlynn, Daniel, Solar cell with via.
  6. Aiken, Daniel; McGlynn, Daniel, Solar cell with via.

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