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[미국특허] Rotatable blade apparatus with individually adjustable blades 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F03D-011/00
  • F01D-005/30
  • F03D-001/06
  • F03D-007/00
  • F03D-007/02
출원번호 US-0050532 (2013-10-10)
등록번호 US-9297264 (2016-03-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hotto, Robert
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Rogitz, John L.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 112


The lengths and/or chords and/or pitches of wind turbine or propeller blades are individually established, so that a first blade can have a length/chord/pitch that is different at a given time to the length/chord/pitch of a second blade to optimize performance and/or to equalize stresses on the syst


1. A wind turbine blade assembly comprising: at least first and second blades coupled to a rotor defining an axis of rotation, the first blade defining a first pitch at a first time, the second blade defining a second pitch at the first time, the first and second pitches not being equal and at least

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (112) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sanchez Juan Martin,ESX, Adaptive-predictive control and optimization system.
  2. Thomas William K. (N 11897 Deerlake Tomahawk WI 54487), Adjustable agitator assembly.
  3. Norton John A. (Norwell MA), Adjustable diameter screw propeller.
  4. Feehan Richard J., Adjustable pitch propeller.
  5. Hiebert ; deceased Harold L. (31009 44th Ave. South late of Port Townsend WA) Hoff ; executrix by Shirley M. (31009 44th Ave. South Federal Way WA 98003), Adjustable pitch propeller drive.
  6. Kruppa Claus (Lckhoffstr. 35 1000 Berlin 38 DEX), Adjustable propeller.
  7. Wuhrer, Wolfgang, Adjustable propeller for marine vessel drive.
  8. Friesen John,CAX ; Friesen Jake,CAX ITX N8H 3V4 ; Friesen Henry,CAX ITX N8H 4C4, Adjustable propeller system.
  9. Muhlbauer Gerd,DEX, Adjustable propeller unit which can be hydraulically reversed.
  10. Mueller Peter (Widmerstrasse 27 Zrich CHX), Adjusting mechanism for variable pitch watercraft propellers.
  11. Andersen, Stephen M.; Laubsch, Kenneth L.; Kopf, Steven R.; Vinton, II, Brock J.; Jamieson, Peter, Advanced aerodynamic control system for a high output wind turbine.
  12. Marshall Andrew C. (2147 Wilmington Dr. Walnut Creek CA 94596), Aeroelastically responsive composite propeller.
  13. Wainwright Barry (36 Southdown Road Westbury-on-Trym ; Bristol EN), Aerofoil or hydrofoil.
  14. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Airborne vehicle with hydraulic drive and control.
  15. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Aircraft with a plurality of propellers, a pipe structure for thereon holdable wings for vertical take off and landing.
  16. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki ; Hayama-machi Kanagawa-ken JPX), Aircraft with a plurality of propellers, a pipe structure for thereon holdable wings, for vertical take off and landing.
  17. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Aircraft with a plurality of propellers, a pipe structure for thereon holdable wings, for vertical take off and landing.
  18. Austin Fred (Commack NY) Knowles Gareth J. (Smithtown NY) Rossi Michael J. (Huntington NY), Apparatus and method for controlling the shape of structures.
  19. Johnson Edward N. (King County WA) Puncoch Miloslav (King County WA), Apparatus for supporting an aircraft guide track for a movable airfoil.
  20. Brandt Lennart (Fjrs SEX), Arrangement in boat propeller installations.
  21. Perten Peter (An der Barsbek 33 B D-2000 Barsbttel DEX), Arrangement in infrared analyzers.
  22. Steward Richard B. (P.O. Box 15608 Rio Rancho NM 87174-0608), Automatic centrifugal force variable pitch propeller.
  23. Mosiewicz Antonio (Milan ITX), Axial propeller with increased effective displacement of air whose blades are not twisted.
  24. Mondet Jean Joseph Henri,FRX ; Mestre Gilbert Jean,FRX, Blade pitch locking device for a main rotor of a rotary-wing aircraft.
  25. Gerd Muhlbauer DE, Blade root for propeller and rotor blades.
  26. Ide,Kazunari; Hayashi,Yoshiyuki; Shibata,Masaaki, Blade-pitch-angle control device and wind power generator.
  27. Werner Reinhold (Oberursel DT), Control system for gas turbines.
  28. de Vries Luitzen (Amstelveen NLX), Control system for synchrophasing aircraft propellers.
  29. Hall Arnold M. (68 Avondale Rd. Westerly RI 02891), Controllable pitch propeller for propulsor and hydroturbine.
  30. Balayn Frederic,FRX ; Magre Eric,FRX, Convertible aircraft with tilting rotors.
  31. Maurer,Ulrich, Cooking vessel.
  32. Kato Taro,JPX ; Arai Shinji,JPX, Deodorizing material.
  33. Krappitz Heinz (Reinbek DEX) Krodel Heinrich (Bayreuth DEX) Wolfrum Johannes (Himmelkron DEX) Sittkus Rainer (Wielenbach DEX) Becker Rolf (Neukeferloh DEX), Device for the continuous feeding of a ribbon shaped material to a processing machine.
  34. Costes Jean-Joel,FRX, Device for the individual control of the rotor blades of the rotary wing structures of aircraft with multiple swashplates.
  35. Jochum Philip (Odinslundsvgen 1 E S-517 00 Bollebygd SEX), Device in fluid pressure generators.
  36. Schneider Roy W. (Ellington CT), Discrete (on-off) feather signal to govern propeller overspeed.
  37. Robert Beaumont GB, Dredging apparatus.
  38. Jansen, Patrick Lee, Electric watercycle with variable electronic gearing and human power amplification.
  39. Wilcoxson Henry V. (P.O. Box 141021 Dallas TX 75214), Electro-dynamic power converter.
  40. Khan Zafer N. (Windsor CT), Electro-hydraulic helicopter system having individual blade control.
  41. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Fluid motor driven multi propeller aircraft.
  42. Erickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Fluid motor driven multi propeller aircraft.
  43. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX 240-01), Fluid motor driven propeller-aircraft for vertical take off and landing with a multipurpose pipe structure.
  44. Arnold, Uwe, Helicopter individual blade control system.
  45. Jansen,Patrick Lee, Human-powered generator system with active inertia and simulated vehicle.
  46. Erdberg Adam (3205 N.E.188 St. North Miami Beach FL 33180), Inboard drive system for a marine craft.
  47. Halboth Robert V. (2177 S. 35th St. Milwaukee WI 53215), Inboard powered watercraft.
  48. Samuelsson Anders,SEX, Marine propeller.
  49. Hiersig Heinz M. (Duesseldorf DEX) Steinberg Hans (Witten DEX), Marine propulsion system for two propellers.
  50. Theisen, Thomas G., Marine propulsion system with vertical adjustment without requiring a U-joint.
  51. Kruppa Claus (Berlin DEX) Whrer Wolfgang (Ravensburg DEX), Marine vessel with propeller.
  52. Deering, Kenneth J.; Wohlwend, Keith P., Method and apparatus for controlling pitch and flap angles of a wind turbine.
  53. Mller Peter (Widmerstrasse 27 Zrich CHX), Method and apparatus for preventing the attachment of foreign bodies to controllable pitch propeller linkages of watercr.
  54. Schrøder, Knut H.; Mikkelsen, Øyvind, Method and means for performing electrochemical analysis.
  55. Peter T. McCarthy, Methods for creating consistent large scale blade deflections.
  56. Dean J. Bratel ; Paul A. Pelligrino, Modulatable power transmission clutch and a marine transmission.
  57. Matranga, Gerald; Clark, Andrew, Modulatable power transmission clutch and a marine transmission.
  58. Vogel ; Rudolf, Offshore driller rig.
  59. Whrer Wolfgang (Ravensburg DEX), Oil infeed device for an adjustable pitch propeller.
  60. Coudon Thomas W. L. (Port Deposit MD) Dowell ; III George W. (Alexandria VA), Oil spill recovery shuttle barge system.
  61. Rogall, Peter; Achenbach, Patrick, Pitch drive system for a wind turbine.
  62. Day, Daniel A., Pivotally suspended, variable depth, propeller drive for boats.
  63. Gibbs, Alan Timothy, Power train.
  64. Fontein Freerk J. (Heerlen NLX) Jennekens Hubertus F. (Geleen NLX), Process and device for the aeration of waste water.
  65. Thompson Richard R. (336 Fitzwater St. Philadelphia PA 19147), Propeller assembly.
  66. Brand Rolf (212 N. Mecklenburg Ave. South Hill VA 23970), Propeller drive assembly.
  67. Bjorknas John I. (2716 Panarama Dr. North Vancouver B.C. CAX), Propeller pitch and engine load control apparatus.
  68. Schneider Roy W. (Ellington CT) DiValentin Eugenio (Enfield CT), Propeller speed governor having a derivative inhibit at high flight speeds.
  69. Murakami, Mitsunori, Propeller type windmill for power generation.
  70. Peterson Frank B. (McLean VA) Schneider William E. (Annapolis MD) Sears Christopher N. (Shady Side MD) Brydebell Darrel J. (Arnold MD) Smith Mark W. (Gaithersburg MD), Propeller unit with controlled cyclic and collective blade pitch.
  71. Dorsch Heinz (Weissach-Flacht DEX), Propulsion aggregate for an aircraft.
  72. Carlile David E. (Lancaster CA) Wexler Mark H. (Studio City CA), Propulsion system for a lighter-than-air vehicle.
  73. Hotto, Robert, Rotatable blade apparatus with individually adjustable blades.
  74. Kenneth J. Deering ; Dean A. Davis, Rotor pitch control method and apparatus for parking wind turbine.
  75. Berry Patrick,SEX, Segmented flap with variable camber for aircraft wing.
  76. Schneekluth Herbert (Aachen DT), Ship propeller arrangement.
  77. Kimon Peter M. (Mendham NJ), Ship propulsion system.
  78. Eichler Horst (Auf dem Sande 12 54-Koblenz-Pfaffendorf DEX), Side propellers for the propulsion of fast boats and aircraft.
  79. Ueda Yutaka (Hino JPX), Silver halide photosensitive material automatic developing apparatus.
  80. Fortin Raymond (Fresnes FRX) Peroy Francois (Bourg La Reine FRX), Speed reducer, particularly for driving a propeller.
  81. Steinbrecher, Donald H., System and method for measuring short distances.
  82. Dawson, Mark H.; Wallace, Jack A., Telescoping wind turbine blade.
  83. Yasuo Funami JP; Kunio Banba JP, Tilt device for marine propulsion unit.
  84. Yim Bohyun (Rockville MD), Transcavitating propeller.
  85. DePasqua Louis, Trolling motor controller.
  86. Kranert Klaus (Hamburg DT), Turbo-electric marine power plant and method of regulating the same.
  87. Koch, Thomas; Lippitsch, Heinz; Bayerl, Johann; Moseneder, Manfred; Mayr, Gerald, Turbocharger control system and propeller control system by stepper motor.
  88. Koch, Thomas; Lippitsch, Heinz; Bayerl, Johann; Moseneder, Manfred; Mayr, Gerald, Turbocharger control system and propeller control system by stepper motor.
  89. Marsland, George; Rothenhausler, Gunter; Bareth, Winfried; Bennati, Franco, Two-engine propulsion system for a ship.
  90. Henry A. Castle, Universal constant speed variable pitch boat propeller system.
  91. Rinn Aaron ; Khamly Somphone ; Hornick David ; Obrigkeit Matthew ; Kota Sridhar, Variable camber airfoil.
  92. Broadbent Michael C,GBX ITX MK43 OJT, Variable camber wing mechanism.
  93. Jamieson, Peter McKeich; Hornzee-Jones, Chris; Moroz, Emilian M.; Blakemore, Ralph W., Variable diameter wind turbine rotor blades.
  94. Carvalho Paul A. ; Pruden Robert W., Variable pitch counterweighted propeller system with releasable hydraulic pitchlock.
  95. Pitt Donald R. (Murray UT), Variable pitch marine propeller system.
  96. Bergeron Robert M. (Whithers Grove Derry NH 03038), Variable pitch propeller.
  97. Mueller Peter (Widmerstrasse 27 Zurich CHX), Variable pitch propeller for watercraft.
  98. Aihara Takao (Wako JPX) Fukuda Taro (Wako JPX) Takada Hideaki (Wako JPX) Nakazato Ikuo (Wako JPX), Variable propeller for boat.
  99. Aihara Takao,JPX ; Takada Hideaki,JPX ; Nakazato Ikuo,JPX, Variable propeller for boat.
  100. Aihara, Takao; Fukuda, Taro; Takada, Hideaki, Variable propeller for boat.
  101. Carvalho Paul A. (Westfield MA), Variable propeller system incorporating a forward transfer bearing.
  102. Johnson ; Jr. Nils V., Vertically adjustable stern mounted marine drive.
  103. Schachle Charles (1032 Grant St. Moses Lake WA 98837) Schachle Patrick J. (18427 Military Rd. S. Seattle WA 98188) Schachle Edward C. (18427 Military Rd. S. Seattle WA 98188) Schachle John R. (625 We, Wind power generating system.
  104. Mollhagen, Klaus-Peter, Wind power plant and rotor blade adjusting drive therefor.
  105. Brandt,Karsten; Zeumer,J철rg, Wind power plant comprising a rotor blade adjusting device.
  106. Traudt Ray F. (Englewood CO), Wind turbine.
  107. Von Mutius,Martin, Wind turbine in parked position.
  108. Christensen, Poul Brandt, Wind turbine, a method for compensating for disparities in a wind turbine rotor blade pitch system and use of a method.
  109. Tetsuo Hirai JP, Windmill and windmill control method.
  110. Chertok Allan (Bedford MA) Gjertsen ; Sr. John (Bedford MA) Manfredi Louis (Watertown MA), Windpower system.
  111. Ulrich La Roche CH; Lucas La Roche CH, Wing comprising a distal wing grid.
  112. Hinkleman Michael J., Wing leading edge flap and method therefor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hotto, Robert, Rotatable blade apparatus with individually adjustable blades.

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