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[미국특허] Variable feedwater heater cycle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01K-007/34
  • F01K-007/22
  • F01K-007/40
출원번호 US-0117492 (2011-05-27)
등록번호 US-9297278 (2016-03-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sanchez, Nestor Hernandez
  • Kehl, Richard Eugene
  • Mundra, Kamlesh
  • Stagnitti, James Michael
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Cusick, Ernest G.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 12


A structure, system, and method for controlling a power output and flue gas temperature of a power plant by adjusting final feedwater temperature are disclosed herein. In an embodiment, a turbine having a plurality of valved steam extraction ports is provided. Each steam extraction port is fluidly c


1. A structure comprising: a variable feedwater heating system including: a turbine having a plurality of steam extraction ports;a plurality of pipes, wherein each pipe has a first end, a valve, and a second end, the first end of each pipe being fluidly connected to a respective plurality of steam e

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fukayama Yukio (Kure JPX) Oshima Taku (Kure JPX) Kawano Shigeyoshi (Kure JPX), Apparatus for controlling boiler/turbine plant.
  2. Silvestri ; Jr. George J. (Winter Park FL), Boiler feedpump turbine drive/feedwater train arrangement.
  3. Eklund Sivert (Finspang SEX) Jnsson Claes (Norrkping SEX) Sjberg Lars-Gran (Finspang SEX), Control system for extraction and injection of steam from and into a turbine.
  4. Miliaras Emmanuel S. (12 Mount Pleasant St. Winchester MA 02142), Integrated fuel cleaning and power generation.
  5. Silvestri ; Jr. George J. (Upper Chichester PA), Method and apparatus for providing process steam of desired temperature and pressure.
  6. Sanchez, Nestor Hernandez; Stasenko, David A., Method and system for reducing the impact on the performance of a turbomachine operating an extraction system.
  7. Johnson Lloyd H. (Scotia NY) Couchman Robert S. (Ballston Lake NY) Spencer ; Jr. Robert C. (Burnt Hills NY) Booth John A. (Scotia NY) Holman Russell J. (Schenectady NY), Method for operating a steam turbine with an overload valve.
  8. Tratz Herbert (Ottensoos DEX) Berger Hans-Joachim (Erlangen DEX) Mischker Manfred (Hemhofen DEX), Nuclear power plant and method for the operation of such a power plant.
  9. Grimes Arthur S. (148 Wicks Rd. Commack NY 11725) Hunter Robert S. (814 Hudson St. Hoboken NJ 07030), Plant having feed water heating means for nuclear units during plant start up and method of operating the same.
  10. Warren ; Glenn B., Power plant.
  11. Lee Richard M. (Media PA), System and method for heat recovery in a combined cycle power plant.
  12. Brown Robert O. (Media PA) Becker Albert E. (Media PA), Turbine generator cycle for provision of heat to an external heat load.

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