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[미국특허] Foldable wagon 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-003/02
  • B62B-003/00
  • B62B-005/08
  • B62B-007/00
  • B62B-007/08
출원번호 US-0289114 (2014-05-28)
등록번호 US-9327749 (2016-05-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Young, Matthew E.
  • Sandlin, Randall A.
  • Schlegel, Thomas K.
  • Eckert, Cameron
출원인 / 주소
  • Radio Flyer Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    McDermott Will & Emery LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 83


A foldable wagon is provided having a collapsible frame that converts the wagon from a use configuration to a folded configuration for storage and transportation. The foldable wagon has a collapsible frame positonable in an open position and a collapsed position, a plurality of wheels coupled to the


1. A foldable wagon, comprising: a collapsible frame having a pivotable first upper frame member and a pivotable second upper frame member, the first and second pivotable upper frame members defining an upper perimeter of the frame, the collapsible frame being positionable in an open position and in

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (83) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Samuels,Semeka, Adaptable transport cart for use with strollers and the like.
  2. Kassai Kenzou (Osaka JPX), Baby carriage.
  3. Cheng,Huang Yi, Baby stroller frame.
  4. Crowell Stacey Lee, Beach cart.
  5. Simjian Luther G. (Fort Lauderdale FL), Cart with foldable side panels.
  6. Abel,Helmut, Cart with foldable wheels and center pole.
  7. Lee David M. (4800 W. McFadden ; #93 Santa Ana CA 92704), Center collapsible transport cart.
  8. Gary Chiappetta ; Bryan M. Fox ; Joel V. Koster, Children's wagon.
  9. Seckel,Timothy; Tongish,Sabrina; Rodriguez,Hector; Cramer,Earle, Children's wagon.
  10. Pasin Mario A. ; Tonelli Roger, Children's wagon front bolster.
  11. Pasin Antonio James (Chicago IL) Lucey Joseph Gerald (Franklin WI) Weber Jerry Alan (Sabula IA), Children\s stake wagon.
  12. Bess, Suzan L., Collapsible and portable wheeled dolly particularly suitable for use by students or others in the transport of items.
  13. Bolden Ronald J. (Houston TX), Collapsible cart.
  14. Bolden Ronald J. (Katy TX), Collapsible cart.
  15. Shapiro, Richard N., Collapsible compact carrier device with collapsible wheel construction.
  16. Shapiro, Richard N., Collapsible compact carrier device with collapsible wheel construction.
  17. Shapiro Richard N., Collapsible compact cart with pivoting wheel construction.
  18. Liu Ching Rong,TWX, Collapsible trailer.
  19. Sherman, Arnold; Sherman, Lindy, Collapsible transport cart.
  20. Austin Gloria E., Collapsible utility cart.
  21. Liu,Zhi jun, Collapsible utility cart.
  22. Blair,Maryann, Collapsible wagon.
  23. Hagy, Amanda L., Collapsible wagon.
  24. Nolan, Patrick; Dotsey, Mike; Dingler, Noah; Schroeder, Brady, Collapsible wagon.
  25. Ogawa,Kazumi, Collapsible wagon.
  26. Solomon, Stephanie, Collapsible wagon.
  27. Simmons Stanley R. ; Simmons Samantha, Combination chaise lounge and tote cart.
  28. Spurrier David S. (813 Alexander St. Statesville NC 28677) Spurrier Daniel R. (4346 Deerwood La. Evans GA 30809), Combination folding lounge chair and wagon.
  29. Shapiro, Richard N., Compact wagon or cart including stowable wheels and handle.
  30. Shapiro,Richard N., Compact wagon or cart including stowable wheels and handle.
  31. Gradwohl Donald R. (20843 SW. WillapaWay Tualatin OR 97062) Gradwohl Jonald R. (20843 SW. WillapaWay Tualatin OR 97062), Convertible hand truck-wagon.
  32. Chiappetta, Gary; Fox, Bryan; Koster, Joel; Rodriguez, Hector, Convertible toy wagon.
  33. Pasin Mario A. (Hinsdale IL) Tonelli Roger (Elmwood Park IL) Easley James B. (Minneapolis MN), Convertible toy wagon having additional storage capacity.
  34. Peck Dennis J., Convertible wagon.
  35. Donald J. Mitchell ; Joseph C. Eddy, Drum dolly.
  36. Tyson, III, Robert L., Dual-chair beach wagon.
  37. Tyson, III, Robert L., Dual-chair beach wagon.
  38. Chen Shun M. (P.O. Box 82-144 Taipei TWX), Dual-seat stroller.
  39. Shapiro, Richard N., Fold flat carrier wagon/cart with stowable walls, wheels and handle, and manufacturing methods.
  40. Lee Fan-Chen (2 Fl. ; No. 287 ; Fu Hsin Rd. ; San Hsia Chen Taipei Hsien TWX), Foldable frame structure for double-seat baby cart.
  41. Frankel, Andrew David; Zheng, Shi-Ping, Foldable trolley.
  42. Blair, Maryann, Foldable wagon.
  43. Robberson, Beverly J; Robberson, James D., Folding cart.
  44. Tamara Lyn Galt ; Thomas Edward Galt, Folding cart.
  45. Shorter Thomas E., Folding child's wagon.
  46. Treadwell, Simon, Folding travel wagon.
  47. Chen, Zhaosheng; Chen, Yishun, Folding wagon.
  48. Chen, Zhaosheng; Chen, Yishun, Folding wagon.
  49. Chen, Zhaosheng; Chen, Yishun, Folding wagon.
  50. Chen, Zhaosheng, Folding wagon with seats.
  51. Ritucci, Louis N.; Patterson, Joseph K.; Barker, Donald, Folding wagon/cart.
  52. Blumenthal Martin (99 Longview Ave. Chatham NJ 07928), Handle operable vehicles.
  53. Herlitz, Todd; Powers, Katherine; Johnson, Mark; Rivard, Emily; Young, Matt, Infant wagon.
  54. Darling, III, Charles W., Integrated multi-purpose deployment field system.
  55. Kassai Kenzou (Osaka JPX), Lateral seat section wall for baby carriages.
  56. Kirkendall Vern S. (783 Portal Dr. Chico CA 95926), Low-bed service cart.
  57. Kassai Kenzou (Osaka JPX), Mechanism for locking opened state of baby carriage.
  58. Darling, III, Charles W., Mission adaptable portable cart/utility table arrangement.
  59. Darling, III,Charles W., Mission adaptable portable cart/utility table arrangement.
  60. Darling, III,Charles W., Mission adaptable portable cart/utility table arrangement.
  61. Darling, III,Charles W., Mission adaptable portable cart/utility table arrangement.
  62. Watson, Diane H., Multi-use wagon.
  63. Johnson,Mark, Multiple configuration children's wagon.
  64. Darling, III,Charles W., Multipurpose clamps for utility table/cart/stretcher.
  65. Darling ; III Charles W., Portable cart.
  66. Darling ; III Charles W., Portable cart.
  67. Darling ; III Charles W., Portable cart.
  68. Spear Kenneth J. ; Planthaber Rudy F ; Brooker Steven F., Portable stackable wagon assembly.
  69. Spear Kenneth J. ; Planthaber Rudy F. ; Brooker Steven F., Portable stackable wagon assembly.
  70. Poppinga, Lucas; Maijers, Cornelis Albert, Pull cart.
  71. Smith Gordon N. (821 W. Clarion Dr. Torrance CA 90502), Self-actuating collapsible transport cart.
  72. McConnell Darcey D. (3605 N. 8th Ave. Sioux Falls SD 57104), Tow-a-tot safety wagon.
  73. Bro Jay M. (Plano TX) Baerenwald Philip M. (Plano TX), Toy wagon.
  74. Nappo Donna R., Toy wagon and cooler combination.
  75. Williamson, John Thomas, Transformable cart and seating apparatus.
  76. Song Zheng Huan,CNX, Two seat baby carriage.
  77. Raymond Richard O. (Ferrisburg VT), Utility wagon.
  78. Darling, III, Charles W., Versatile portable cart.
  79. Darling, III,Charles W., Versatile portable cart.
  80. Seckel,Timothy; Cramer,Earle, Wagon trailer.
  81. Chiappetta, Gary; Fox, Bryan; Koster, Joel; Rodriguez, Hector, Wagon with hideaway seats.
  82. Frederick J. Michelau, Wagon with improved handle attachment arrangement.
  83. Nolan, Patrick; Dotsey, Mike; Dingler, Noah; Schroeder, Brady, Wagon with minimized-play collapsible wall.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McNeave, Jessica, Amphibious utility wagon.
  2. Cheatham, Brad; Cheatham, Jeffrey, Cargo trailer system.
  3. Fitzwater, Jason; Eckert, Cameron; Boyle, Michael S., Foldable wagon.
  4. Ostergaard, Collin; Goodman, Anne, Folding wagon.
  5. Vargas, II, Henry; DuPriest, II, Robert Stewart, Mobile cart.
  6. Pang, Wei, Multi-functional folding cart.

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