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[미국특허] Compact portable dryer for damp outdoor gear 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F26B-019/00
  • F26B-009/00
출원번호 US-0148633 (2014-01-06)
등록번호 US-9341409 (2016-05-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Akers, John E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Akers, John E.
대리인 / 주소
    Bay, Jonathan A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 21


A compact portable dryer for damp outdoor gear has a tubular sleeve, an interspacing panel of reticulated foam, a ventilating plug and an air blowing plug. The tubular sleeve is a rectangle of canvas. It has strips of closures along both long edges, and both short edges. The closures along the long


1. A compact portable dryer for damp outdoor gear, comprising: a panel of a flexible continuous interspersed physical medium that serves as a spacer between layers of damp gear, and facilitates forced air ventilation therethrough, even serving as channels for liquid water to drain out of said damp g

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21)

  1. Harr Charles O. (302 N. Fuller Tyler TX 75702), Adjustable article holder and carrier.
  2. Payne, David S.; Powers, Thomas H., Adsorbent compositions.
  3. Schildkraut Micki (Kings Point NY), Carry all for transporting articles including a towel to a bathing area.
  4. Krauss, Leonard, Clothes drying apparatus.
  5. Ellsworth, Joseph, Composite desiccant and air-to-water system and method.
  6. Marschke Carl R., Condensate removal from high speed roll.
  7. Cunanan Joaquin Paz ; Heaner David Prince ; Hanlon David J., Dehumidifying pouch.
  8. Shelley Richard M. ; Rix Matthew Lee, Desiccant composition.
  9. Parker Richard A., Device and method for protecting a carrying fabric.
  10. Takuno Masami (Kawasaki JPX), Highly hygroscopic laminate.
  11. Chesnutt Robison Jackie L., Method and apparatus for drying an article of clothing.
  12. Grieve, Scott M.; Schlueter, Daniel M.; Hill, James; Dow, Craig, Moisture and odor adsorbing insert.
  13. Kust Roger N., Moisture-resistant calcium containing particles.
  14. Hawes, III, Charles L.; Shireman, Dennis E.; Clark, Leonard R., Organic residue remover composition.
  15. Shireman,Dennis E., Paint removing composition.
  16. Bischel Kevin H. ; Grunder Thomas K., Pocket ventilation and sheet support system in a papermaking machine dryer section.
  17. Griffin Robert D. (P.O. Box 3083 Brentwood TN 37024-3083), Portable device for drying and removing wrinkles from clothing.
  18. Landay,Lisa A., Portable rollup pack.
  19. Cloutier, Michelle; Cloutier, Tim; Cloutier, Jeff, Rolled garment storage.
  20. Vogt, Fred K.; Mishra, Surendra Kumar; Heaner, David Prince, System for hanging a dehumidifying and deodorizing pouch.
  21. Fujita Sanai (107 Green Park Kotesashi ; 12-1 ; 4-chome ; Kotesashi-cho Tokorozawa-shi ; Saitama-ken JPX), Unit for removing rainwater from umbrellas.
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