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[미국특허] Airframe display systems and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G09F-015/00
  • G09F-013/02
  • G09F-013/04
출원번호 US-0355442 (2012-10-26)
등록번호 US-9355581 (2016-05-31)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2012/062034 (2012-10-26)
국제공개번호 WO2013/066738 (2013-05-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lindblom, Curtis H.
  • Elliott, John
  • Sommerville, Jim
  • Nelson, Nathaniel J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Skyline Displays, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Oppold, Thomas J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 36


An airframe display system and method. The airframe display system has an airtight airframe having at least one airbeam. The airbeam has a sleeve of dimensionally stable material. A stretch fabric cover is received over the airframe whereby, upon inflation, the airframe is substantially rigid and th


1. A display system, comprising: a stretch fabric cover forming an enclosure having a predetermined configuration and predetermined dimensions when in a non-stretched condition, said enclosure further having a front surface area and a back surface area, said enclosure further having an opening provi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (36)

  1. Carolan, Edward F., Air inflated portable billboard.
  2. Ohmuku, Masao, Balloon-type advertising equipment.
  3. Brown Glen J. ; Sharpless Garrett C., Braided airbeam structure.
  4. Walter Forey (S. 3722 Ridgeview Dr. Spokane WA 99206), Cold static balloons.
  5. Masse ; Jean-Pierre, Collapsible shelter.
  6. Sharpless Garrett C. (9 Wood Rd. Sherborn MA 01770) Brown Glen J. (458 Thayer Rd. Santa Cruz CA 95060), Curved, inflated, tubular beam.
  7. Scarberry,Eugene, Display system and method of using same.
  8. Chen Henry (5F ; No. 25 ; Lane 15 ; Hsingyun Street Neihu ; Taipei TWX), Electric coupler for a lighted inflatable device.
  9. Lee Randy L. (205 N. River Saginaw MI 48609), Inflatable and deflatable sign support.
  10. Quade,William Patrick, Inflatable apparatus for displaying visual images.
  11. Bailey Morris W., Inflatable display apparatus.
  12. Barlow,William Richard, Inflatable display apparatus.
  13. Vicino Robert K. (8847 Complex Dr. San Diego CA 92123), Inflatable display structure.
  14. Targiroff Alexandre ; Staudt Dean H., Inflatable evacuation slide with adjustable decelerator.
  15. Apel Raimund,DEX ; Lazar Michael,DEX, Inflatable information carrier.
  16. Scherba,Robert J., Inflatable projection screen.
  17. Scherba,Robert J., Inflatable projection screen.
  18. Poretskin,Steven M., Inflatable projection/imaging screen structure.
  19. Deutsch, Robert; Spruill, Shane, Inflatable screen with support structure.
  20. Turcot Jean-Marc Daniel,CAX ; Turcot John Robert,CAX, Inflatable self-erecting tent.
  21. Vicino Robert K. (6330 Nancy Ridge Dr. San Diego CA 92121), Inflatable sign.
  22. Heim Daniel G. (27 Fay Road ; S.E. Calgary ; Alberta CAX T2H 1H5), Inflatable tent.
  23. McNiff Eric J. ; Rowen Christopher G. ; Calabro Paul, Inflatable tent.
  24. Mattick Michael J. (Charlotte NC), Inflatable tent structure.
  25. Mattick Michael J. (Charlotte NC) Huffman John W. (Charlotte NC), Inflatable tent structure.
  26. Shapoff Stanley N. (816 Coronado Ct. San Diego CA 92109), Inflatable wall.
  27. Rubio Jesse (606 Durian St. Vista CA 92083) Rochefort Guy W. (554 Stratford Dr. Encinitas CA 92024), Interactive inflatable toy.
  28. Ganzevoort, Günter, Large-sized transportable projection screen.
  29. Pedretti, Mauro, Pneumatic structural element.
  30. Caruso Vincent C. (140 Pacific Dr. Quakertown PA 18951), Polyethelene inflatable tube construction device.
  31. Burger, III, Frank Leo; Cobb, Jr., Okey F, Portable sign.
  32. Pellecuer, Jean Luc; Salles, Raphael, Publicity medium.
  33. Hilbert Clint J., Rapidly deployable protective enclosure.
  34. Brown Glen J. (458 Thayer Rd. Santa Cruz CA 95060), Reinforced fabric inflatable tube.
  35. Hill, G. Roland, Structural assembly with a tied, flexurally deformed panel.
  36. Feldman Robert M., Three way universal valve.

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