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[미국특허] Lithium battery having low leakage anode 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-010/058
  • H01M-010/0585
  • H01M-010/04
  • H01M-004/04
  • H01M-004/13
  • H01M-004/139
  • H01M-010/052
  • H01M-010/42
출원번호 US-0652416 (2012-10-15)
등록번호 US-9356320 (2016-05-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Shih, Tung-Hsiu
  • Nieh, Kai Wei
  • Krasnov, Victor
  • Liang, Jiuh-Ming
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Janah, Ashok K.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 150


A lithium battery comprises a support, and a plurality of battery component layers on the support, the battery component layers including a cathode having a cathode area with a plurality of cathode perimeter edges. An electrolyte is on the cathode, and an anode is on the electrolyte. The anode compr


1. A lithium battery comprising: (a) a support;(b) a plurality of battery component layers on the support, the battery component layers including a cathode having a cathode area with a plurality of cathode perimeter edges;(c) an electrolyte abutting the cathode;(d) an anode abutting the electrolyte,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (150) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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  3. Phillips,Alan; Jones,Julie L., Amperage control for protection of battery over current in power tools.
  4. Giglia Robert D. (Rye NY) Clasen Richard H. (West Redding CT), Articles coated with adherent diamondlike carbon films.
  5. Mizuhara Howard (San Mateo CA), Articles coated with wear-resistant titanium compounds.
  6. Yoshida, Hiroaki; Inoue, Takefumi; Imamura, Nobutaka; Iwamoto, Tatsuya; Naoi, Taro; Miyanaga, Naozumi; Hatanaka, Teruhiro; Sashiki, Masaru; Kamata, Kouji; Yamazaki, Hideki, Battery.
  7. Nieh, Kai-Wei; Shih, Tung-Hsiu, Battery charging apparatus and method.
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  10. Ferment George R. (c/o Lithium Technology Corporation ; 5115 Campus Dr. Plymouth Meeting PA 19462), Battery packaging construction using flexible plastic barrier structures.
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  13. Liang, Jiuh-Ming; Nieh, Kai-Wei, Battery with protective packaging.
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  16. Bates John B. ; Dudney Nancy J. ; Gruzalski Greg R. ; Luck Christopher F., Cathode for an electrochemical cell.
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  20. Paley William R. ; Paley Steven J. ; Cooper Douglas W. ; Russo Peter B. ; Sayre Jeffrey C. ; Siegerman Howard D. ; Amabile Robert N., Cleaning method.
  21. Ovshinsky Stanford R. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Custer Russell C. (Clawson MI) Register Arnold (Lake Orion MI) Flasck James D. (Rochester MI) Durisin Daniel P. (Allen Park MI) Havener Kenneth (Detroit MI, Coated article and method of manufacturing the article.
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  27. Rizzo Matthew (Plantation FL) Bresin Mark S. (Coral Springs FL), Electrical contact for battery package or similar device.
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  32. Bates John B. (Oak Ridge TN) Dudney Nancy J. (Knoxville TN), Electrolyte for an electrochemical cell.
  33. Trombly John E. (Winchester MA), Electromagnetically coupled battery charger.
  34. Jiang,Tongbi; Du,Yong, Electronic device package.
  35. SinghDeo Narendra N. (New Haven CT) Mahulikar Deepak (Meriden CT) Butt Sheldon H. (Godfrey IL), Electronic packaging of components incorporating a ceramic-glass-metal composite.
  36. Brodd Ralph J. (15845 LaPrenda Ct. Morgan Hill CA 95037), Equalizing charge rates of individual battery cells.
  37. Demuro David M., Fail safe circuit and battery pack using same.
  38. Ovshinsky Stanford R. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Flasck James (Rochester MI), Glow discharge method of applying a carbon coating onto a substrate.
  39. Gates ; Jr. Alfred S. (Lindenhurst IL), Hard coatings with multiphase microstructures.
  40. Kawamura Shingo (Shimoniikawa JPX) Yamada Minoru (Kurobe JPX), Hard multilayer coated product and process for producing same.
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  43. Ron L. Moses, Implantable hearing aid.
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  46. Axtell ; III Enos Ayres ; Kapp David C. ; Knell Timothy A. ; Novotny Miroslav ; Sakoske George Emil, Laser marking method and apparatus.
  47. Takenaka Yushi (Hyogo JPX) Kuzumoto Masaki (Hyogo JPX) Yoshizawa Kenji (Hyogo JPX) Yamamoto Takashi (Hyogo JPX) Matsubara Masato (Hyogo JPX) Nishimae Junichi (Hyogo JPX) Yasui Koji (Hyogo JPX) Otani , Laser system with transverse mode selecting output coupler.
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  49. Treger Jack (Quincy MA) Lagos Bryan C. (Needham MA) Fenn John B. (Suffield CT) Gibbard H. Frank (Wellesley MA) Wei Guang (Somerville MA), Light transparent multilayer moisture barrier for electrochemical cell tester and cell employing same.
  50. Treger Jack (Quincy MA) Lagos Bryan Christopher (Needham MA) Fenn John B. (Suffield CT) Gibbard H. Frank (Wellesley MA) Wei Guang (Somerville MA), Light transparent multilayer moisture barrier for electrochemical celltester and cell employing same.
  51. Greatbatch Wilson (Clarence NY) Mead Ralph T. (Kenmore NY) Rudolph Frank W. (Depew NY) Frenz Norbert W. (North Tonawanda NY), Lithium iodine battery.
  52. Bates, John B, Long life thin film battery and method therefor.
  53. Wang, Weng-Chung; Nieh, Kai-Wei, Manufacturing method for thin film battery.
  54. Wagner Israel (Monsey NY) Hurwitt Steven D. (Park Ridge NJ), Method and apparatus for improving the uniformity ion bombardment in a magnetron sputtering system.
  55. Jenson, Mark Lynn; Klaassen, Jody Jon, Method and apparatus for integrated-battery devices.
  56. James H Morris ; Michael Powers ; Harry Rieger, Method and apparatus for laser ablation of a target material.
  57. Hobson David O. (Oak Ridge TN) Snyder ; Jr. William B. (Knoxville TN), Method and system for constructing a rechargeable battery and battery structures formed with the method.
  58. Burrows, Paul E.; Pagano, J. Chris; Mast, Eric S.; Martin, Peter M.; Graff, Gordon L.; Gross, Mark E., Method for edge sealing barrier films.
  59. Sakamoto Masakatsu (Tokyo JPX) Ohta Shuhei (Tokyo JPX) Iwakura Shiro (Tokyo JPX) Yamazaki Kaoru (Tokyo JPX) Yaguchi Yoichi (Tokyo JPX) Toshima Hiroaki (Tokyo JPX) Sato Tsugio (Tokyo JPX), Method for forming a hard carbon thin film on article and applications thereof.
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  61. Lonnie G. Johnson, Method for manufacturing a thin-film lithium battery by direct deposition of battery components on opposite sides of a current collector.
  62. Erlichman Irving (Wayland MA), Method for manufacturing flat batteries.
  63. Dorrestijn Antoon (Grevenbicht NLX), Method for the manufacture of an electrochemical cell or battery and battery made by the method.
  64. Itoh Kenji (Zama JPX), Method of depositing thin films consisting mainly of carbon.
  65. Reichert Veronica R. ; Denton ; III Frank Russell ; Pendalwar Shekhar L., Method of fabricating an electrochemical device.
  66. Kim Chang Nam,KRX ; Tak Yoon Heung,KRX ; Kim Sung Tae,KRX, Method of fabricating organic electroluminescent display panel.
  67. Krasnov,Victor; Nieh,Kai Wei; Ting,Su Jen, Method of fabricating thin film battery with annealed substrate.
  68. Joseph S. Kucherovsky ; George R. Simmons ; James A. Miller ; Christopher F. Mlnarik, Method of making a thin film battery.
  69. Bates John B. (Oak Ridge TN) Dudney Nancy J. (Knoxville TN), Method of making an electrolyte for an electrochemical cell.
  70. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Ting, Su-Jen, Method of manufacturing a thin film battery.
  71. Lonnie G. Johnson, Method of producing a thin film battery.
  72. John Bates, Method of producing a thin film battery having a protective packaging.
  73. Yasuhisa Higashijima JP; Yukihiro Terada JP; Hiroshi Nagaoka JP, Method of protecting a chargeable electric cell.
  74. Matsumura Mitsuo (Saitama JPX) Yoshida Toshihiko (Saitama JPX), Method of sythesizing carbon film and carbon particles in a vapor phase.
  75. Arntz Floyd O. (Newton MA) Goldner Ronald B. (Lexington MA) Haas Terry E. (Sudbury MA) Wei Guang (Somerville MA) Wong Kwok-Keung (Watertown MA), Methods for manufacturing solid state ionic devices.
  76. Snyder, Shawn W.; Bhat, Pawan K.; Jaiswal, Shefall, Methods of and device for encapsulation and termination of electronic devices.
  77. Barker Jeremy ; Cochran Steven, Methods of fabricating electrochemical cells.
  78. Menon Krishna ; Rundle Wayne T., Methods of fabricating electrochemical cells.
  79. Nathan Menachem,ILX ; Peled Emanuel,ILX ; Haronian Dan,ILX, Micro electrochemical energy storage cells.
  80. Mroczkowski Susan J. (Franklin WI), Multi-layer wear resistant coatings.
  81. Hofmann Dieter (Bruchkbel DEX) Hensel Bernd (Frankfurt DEX), Multilayer Ti-Al-N coating for tools.
  82. Keem John E. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Flasck James D. (Rochester MI), Multilayer coating and method.
  83. Paidassi Serge (Grenoble FRX) Ernoult Jacques (St Etienne de Crossey FRX) Brun Michel (Bizanos FRX) Monge-Cadet Pierre (Serres-Morlaas FRX) Pauleau Yves (Grenoble FRX) Farges Guy (La Ville du Bois FR, Multilayer material, anti-erosion and anti-abrasion coating incorporating said multilayer material and process for produ.
  84. Rickerby David S. (Derby GB2) Monge-Cadet Pierre (Serres-Morlaas FRX) Farges Guy (La Ville Du Bois FRX), Multiple layer erosion resistant coating and a method for its production.
  85. Frost Jonathan (Wissous FRX) George Pascal (St Arnoult en Yvelines FRX) Pasau Patrick (Bagneux FRX) Bartsch Regine (Fontenay aux Roses FRX) Rousselle Corinne (Fontenay aux Roses FRX) Williams Paul Ho, N-(3-Aminopropyl)-N-phenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene-2-carboxamide derivatives, their preparation and their therapeu.
  86. Masa-aki Sasayama JP; Takashi Minakata JP; Kouichi Yasukata JP, Non-aqueous battery of a thin configuration.
  87. Roustaei Alexander R. ; Fisher Donald, Optical scanner for reading and decoding one- and two-dimensional symbologies at variable depths of field.
  88. Sato, Bunya, Overvoltage protection circuit with thermal fuse, zener diode, and posistor.
  89. Zhang,Ji Guang, Packaged thin film batteries and methods of packaging thin film batteries.
  90. Bates John B. (116 Baltimore Dr. Oak Ridge TN 37830) Dudney Nancy J. (11634 S. Monticello Rd. Knoxville TN 37922) Weatherspoon Kim A. (223 Wadsworth Pl. Oak Ridge TN 37830), Packaging material for thin film lithium batteries.
  91. Manley Barry W. (Boulder CO), Planar magnetron sputtering magnet assembly.
  92. Nieh, Kai Wei; Liang, Jiuh-Ming; Krasnov, Victor, Plasma deposition on a partially formed battery through a mesh screen.
  93. Tamor Michael A. (Toledo OH) Willermet Pierre A. (Livonia MI) Vassell William C. (Bloomfield MI) Gangopadhyay Arup K. (Novi MI), Powertrain component with adherent film having a graded composition.
  94. Silverbrook,Kia; Mallinson,Samuel George, Pressure sensor with apertured membrane guard.
  95. Takeuchi Esther S. (East Amherst NY) Leising Randolph A. (Williamsville NY), Process for making a metal oxide composite cathode material for high energy density batteries.
  96. Delnick Frank M. ; Doi Shoichi ; Denzumi Shigenobu, Process of manufacturing porous separator for electrochemical power supply.
  97. Chen, Fang, Protective circuits for secondary battery packs.
  98. Li, Jianchao; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Makhar, Sandeep, Pulsed laser cutting of thin film battery.
  99. Makowiecki Daniel M. (Livermore CA) Holt Joseph B. (San Jose CA), Reactive multilayer synthesis of hard ceramic foils and films.
  100. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Chang, Fan-Hsiu; Lin, Chun-Ting, Rechargeable battery having permeable anode current collector.
  101. Toya Shoichi,JPX ; Kokuga Toshiharu,JPX, Rechargeable battery pack and charging stand for charging the rechargeable battery pack by electromagnetic induction.
  102. Kwak B. Leo ; Clarke Robert A. ; David Richard F., Rechargeable battery structure with metal substrate.
  103. Meadows, Paul M., Rechargeable hearing aid.
  104. Bates John B. (Oak Ridge TN), Rechargeable lithium battery for use in applications requiring a low to high power output.
  105. Goldner,Ronald B.; Liu,Te Yang; Goldner,Mark A.; Gerouki,Alexandra; Haas,Terry E., Rechargeable thin film battery and method for making the same.
  106. Shennib, Adnan; Urso, Richard C.; Ngo, Diep H., Semi-permanent canal hearing device.
  107. Hsu,Shih Ping, Semiconductor device integrated with optoelectronic components.
  108. Kumada, Masaharu; Tanabe, Hideo; Yuhara, Katsuo; Misumi, Akira; Kawasaki, Hiroshi, Solar battery using amorphous silicon.
  109. Knapp Herbert C. (Grand Rapids MI), Solar powered hearing aid.
  110. Ovshinsky Stanford R. ; Young Rosa T., Solid state battery having a disordered hydrogenated carbon negative electrode.
  111. Ovshinsky Stanford R. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Young Rosa (Troy MI), Solid state battery using a hydrogenated silicon nitride electrolyte.
  112. Takada Kazunori,JPX ; Fujino Makoto,JPX ; Iwamoto Kazuya,JPX ; Kondo Shigeo,JPX, Solid state rechargeable lithium battery, stacking battery, and charging method of the same.
  113. Hobson David O., Solid state thin film battery having a high temperature lithium alloy anode.
  114. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Ting, Su-Jen; Tang, Paul; Chang, Fan-Hsiu; Lin, Chun-Ting, Sputter deposition of lithium phosphorous oxynitride material.
  115. Dennis R. Hollars, Sputtering apparatus and process for high rate coatings.
  116. Nieh, Kai Wei; Liang, Jiuh-Ming; Krasnov, Victor, Sputtering lithium-containing material with multiple targets.
  117. Schulz Stephen C., Sputtering of lithium.
  118. Skotheim Terje A. ; Soloveichik Grigorii L. ; Gavrilov Alexei B., Stabilized anode for lithium-polymer batteries.
  119. Williams Mark T. (Hampstead MD) Briscoe James D. (Westminister MD) Oweis Salah M. (Ellicott City MD), Stacked cell array bipolar battery with thermal sprayed container and cell seal.
  120. Schommer,Mark E., Storable implantable medical device assembly allowing in package charging.
  121. Manassen Joost (Rehovot ILX) Hodes Gary (Rehovot ILX) Cahen David (Rehovot ILX), Storage of electrical energy with tin electrode system, storage apparatus, and method of forming such apparatus.
  122. Whitacre, Jay F.; Bugga, Ratnakumar V.; West, William C., Structure of thin-film lithium microbatteries.
  123. Schneider ; Alan Arthur ; Bowser ; George C., Thermal battery having iron pyrite depolarizer.
  124. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Li, Jianchao, Thin film battery and manufacturing method.
  125. Bates John B. (Oak Ridge TN) Dudney Nancy J. (Knoxville TN) Gruzalski Greg R. (Oak Ridge TN) Luck Christopher F. (Knoxville TN), Thin film battery and method for making same.
  126. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Ting, Su-Jen, Thin film battery and method of manufacture.
  127. Krasnov,Victor; Nieh,Kai Wei, Thin film battery and method of manufacture.
  128. Krasnov,Victor; Nieh,Kai Wei; Ting,Su Jen, Thin film battery and method of manufacture.
  129. Nieh, Kai-Wei; Li, Jianchao; Shih, Tung-Hsiu, Thin film battery fabrication using laser shaping.
  130. Liang, Jiuh-Ming; Nieh, Kai Wei, Thin film battery packaging formed by localized heating.
  131. Li, Jianchao; Nieh, Kai-Wei; Makhar, Sandeep, Thin film battery substrate cutting and fabrication process.
  132. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei, Thin film battery with electrical connector connecting battery cells.
  133. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei, Thin film battery with protective packaging.
  134. Krasnov, Victor; Nieh, Kai-Wei, Thin film battery with protective packaging.
  135. Johnson Lonnie G., Thin lithium film battery.
  136. Johnson, Lonnie G.; Zhang, Ji-Guang, Thin lithium film battery.
  137. Clayton James E., Thin multichip module.
  138. Fujiwara Yasuo (Urawa JPX), Thin primary cell.
  139. Grigg Ford B. ; Lake Rickie C., Thin profile battery apparatus, battery powerable apparatus, radio frequency communication device, and method of formin.
  140. Jenson,Mark L., Thin-film battery devices and apparatus for making the same.
  141. Jenson,Mark Lynn; Weiss,Victor Henry, Thin-film battery having ultra-thin electrolyte and associated method.
  142. Ovshinsky Stanford R. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Thin-film, solid state battery employing an electrically insulating, ion conducting electrolyte material.
  143. Setoyama Makoto (Itami JPX) Tanaka Motoyuki (Itami JPX) Nakayama Akira (Itami JPX) Yoshioka Takashi (Itami JPX) Hashimoto Yasuhisa (Itami JPX) Yamagata Kazuo (Itami JPX) Kobayashi Mitsunori (Itami JP, Ultra-thin film laminate.
  144. Gordon Lee Graff ; Mark Edward Gross ; Ming Kun Shi ; Michael Gene Hall ; Peter Maclyn Martin ; Eric Sidney Mast, Ultrabarrier substrates.
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  148. Miya Yukio (Kawagoe JPX) Kizaki Shigeru (Hanno JPX) Sugiyama Osamu (Fuchu JPX) Hatayama Akiteru (Kawagoe JPX) Shibuya Yoshitsugu (Toda JPX) Enomoto Mitsugu (Higashikurume JPX) Naoi Koichi (Sayama JPX, Wear-resistant reed for a high-speed loom.
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이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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