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[미국특허] Air pollution control system, air pollution control method, spray drying device of dewatering filtration fluid from desulfurization discharged water, and method thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-053/14
  • B01D-001/14
  • B01D-001/18
  • B01D-001/20
  • B01D-053/50
  • B01D-053/96
  • F23J-015/02
  • F23J-015/04
출원번호 US-0621605 (2015-02-13)
등록번호 US-9409117 (2016-08-09)
우선권정보 JP-2011-063363 (2011-03-22); JP-2011-071005 (2011-03-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ukai, Nobuyuki
  • Kagawa, Seiji
  • Nagayasu, Tatsuto
  • Kamiyama, Naoyuki
  • Fukuda, Toshihiro
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Westerman, Hattori, Daniel & Adrian, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 9


To include a boiler 11 that burns fuel F, an air heater 13 that recovers heat of flue gas 18 from the boiler 11, a first precipitator 14 that reduces dust in the flue gas 18 after heat recovery, a desulfurizer 15 that reduces sulfur oxides in the flue gas 18 after dust reduction by an absorbent, a d


1. An air pollution control system for a boiler that burns fuel comprising: an air heater that is provided downstream of the boiler and recovers heat of the flue gas from the boiler;a first precipitator that is provided downstream of the air heater and reduces dust in the flue gas after heat recover

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Cyran, Michael J.; Wang, Kuei-Hsiung, Dry injection flue gas desulfurization process.
  2. Strock Thomas W. (Jackson Township OH) Dykshoorn Paul (Alliance OH), Dry scrubber with forced recirculation.
  3. Ashley Michael J. (Solihull GB2) Greaves Roy A. (Tamworth GB2), Gas/liquid contact processes.
  4. Ukai, Nobuyuki; Murakami, Moritoshi; Okino, Susumu; Nagayasu, Tatsuto; Kagawa, Seiji, Mercury reduction system and mercury reduction method of flue gas containing mercury.
  5. Garcia-Mallol Juan A. (Morristown NJ), Method for reducing gaseous emission of halogen compounds in a fluidized bed reactor.
  6. Gleason Robert J. (Somerville NJ) Sui Chin T. (Somerville NJ), Process for drying calcium chloride generated in high chloride flue gas desulfurization systems.
  7. Bach Poul,DKX ; Masters Keith,DKX, Spray drying method and apparatus and cleaning method for such an apparatus.
  8. Sadykhov Akper (Haifa ILX) Semiat Raphael (Haifa ILX), Spray drying system.
  9. Bakke Even (Stamford CT), System for dry scrubbing of flue gas.
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