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[미국특허] Ceramic preform and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16D-065/10
  • F16D-065/12
출원번호 US-0886113 (2013-05-02)
등록번호 US-9429202 (2016-08-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Moore, Dan T.
  • Backus, Brian
  • DeLiso, Evelyn M.
  • Richey, III, Joseph B.
출원인 / 주소
  • Intellectuall Property Holdings LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 37


The present application discloses a ceramic preform, a method of making a ceramic preform and a metal matrix composite comprising a ceramic preform. In one exemplary embodiment, the ceramic preform comprises a ceramic compound compressed into the shape of a cylinder by rotational compression molding


1. A method of making a metal matrix composite brake component, comprising the steps of: utilizing a compression molding apparatus having a first die portion having a first molding surface and a second die portion having a second molding surface;placing one or more porous liners on at least one of t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (37)

  1. Barlow John (West Midlands GBX), Brake disc and method for its production.
  2. Kulis ; Jr. Stanley F. (White Post VA) Carpenter Richard L. (Winchester VA), Brake friction pad assembly.
  3. Dwivedi Ratnesh K. (Wilmington DE) Burke John T. (Hockessin DE), Brake rotors and methods for making the same.
  4. Maruyama Nobuo (Tokyo JA) Sakaguchi Yasuo (Iwaki JA), Casting mold for metals.
  5. McCullough, Thomas W.; Schuetz, James E.; Wood, Thomas D., Ceramic article.
  6. McCullough, Thomas W.; Schuetz, James E.; Wood, Thomas D., Ceramic article.
  7. Fukunaga, Hideharu; Yoshida, Makoto, Ceramic-reinforced metal-based composite material and a method for producing the same.
  8. Wall, Donald R., Composite brake drum and method for producing same.
  9. Haguchi Hisoshi (Okayama JPX), Compression molding apparatus.
  10. Atmur Steven Donald ; Strasser Thomas Edward, Compression/injection molding of polymer-derived fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composite materials.
  11. Ogata Mitsutoshi,JPX ; Cho Kunio,JPX ; Sato Yutaka,JPX, Forming method for interior trim material made of corrugated cardboard.
  12. Donomoto Tadashi (Toyota JPX) Tanaka Atsuo (Toyota JPX) Tatematsu Yoshiaki (Toyota JPX), Heat resistant light alloy articles and method of manufacturing same.
  13. Skibo, Michael D.; Schuster, David M., High-speed, low-cost, machining of metal matrix composites.
  14. Strasser Thomas Edward ; Atmur Steven Donald, Integrated fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composite brake pad and back plate.
  15. Brown Alexander M. (Wilmington DE) Klier Eric M. (Catonsville MD), Machinable metal-matrix composite and liquid metal infiltration process for making same.
  16. Klier Eric M., Metal-matrix composites and method for making such composites.
  17. Aghajanian Michael K. (Newark DE) Newkirk Marc S. (Newark DE) Kennedy Christopher R. (Newark DE) Kantner Robert C. (Newark DE) Rocazella Michael A. (Newark DE) Weinstein Jerry G. (Newark DE) White Da, Method for in situ tailoring the component of ceramic articles.
  18. Nishida Yoshinori (Kasugai JPX) Imai Tsunemichi (Nagoya JPX) Matsubara Hiromi (Aichi JPX), Method for manufacture of composite material containing dispersed particles.
  19. Kamijo Eiji (Itami JA) Nishimoto Tatsuya (Itami JA) Honda Masaaki (Itami JA), Method for producing a tubular multi-layered porous barrier.
  20. Dwivedi Ratnesh K. (Wilmington DE) Irick ; Jr. Virgil (Hockessin DE), Method of making metal matrix composites.
  21. Dwivedi Ratnesh K. (Wilmington DE) Irick ; Jr. Virgil (Hockessin DE), Method of making metal matrix composites.
  22. Kennedy Christopher R. (Newark DE) Newkirk Marc S. (Newark DE), Method of making shaped ceramic composites.
  23. Wood, Thomas D.; Anderson, Neil; Halonen, Andrew, Method of manufacturing a metal matrix composite.
  24. Wood, Thomas D.; Anderson, Neil; Halonen, Andrew, Method of manufacturing a metal matrix composite.
  25. Wood, Thomas D.; Anderson, Neil; Halonen, Andrew, Method of manufacturing a metal matrix composite.
  26. Cisko Lawrence W. (Irwin PA), Method of squeeze-casting a complex metal matrix composite in a shell-mold cushioned by molten metal.
  27. Lange Frederick F. (1175 Orchid Dr. Santa Barbara CA 93111) Mehrabian Robert (5388 Baseline Ave. Santa Ynez CA 93460) Evans Anthony G. (202 Eucalyptus Hill Dr. Santa Barbara CA 93108) Velamakanni Bha, Method to produce ceramic reinforced or ceramic-metal matrix composite articles.
  28. Gegel, Gerald A., Mold assembly and method for pressure casting elevated melting temperature materials.
  29. Fujita Makoto,JPX, Partially composite lightweight metal product and preform for producing the same.
  30. Koichi Kimura JP; Mitsushi Wadasako JP; Koji Iwata JP; Kazumi Kaneda JP; Tsuyoshi Kobayashi JP; Takahiro Iida JP; Toshiro Shimamoto JP; Susumu Kawamoto JP; Syunsuke Yabuuchi JP, Perform for metal matrix composite material and cylinder block made of the same.
  31. Lenke,Ilka; Rogowski,Dirk; Theil,Dieter, Porous fiber-ceramic composite.
  32. Lo Jason Sin Hin,CAX ; Santos Raul,CAX, Process for fabricating low volume fraction metal matrix preforms.
  33. Rocazella Michael A. (Newark DE) Becker Kurt J. (Newark DE) Aghajanian Michael K. (Newark DE), Rigidized filler materials for metal matrix composites and precursors to supportive structural refractory molds.
  34. Corbett William J. (Cumming GA) Lunde Marvin C. (Cumming GA) Shaffer Peter T. B. (Grand Island NY), Shaped bodies containing short inorganic fibers or whiskers and methods of forming such bodies.
  35. Yoshiaki Kajikawa JP; Shinji Kato JP; Tetsuya Suganuma JP; Kaneo Hamajima JP, Slide member made of an aluminum alloy.
  36. Garcia-Ochoa Jorge-Isaac,MXX, Structural element.
  37. Loukus, Josh E.; Coleman, Bob G.; Rau, III, Charles Benjamin; Jolley, Jr., Dallas W., Variable-density preforms.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Moore, Dan T.; Backus, Brian; DeLiso, Evelyn M.; Richey, III, Joseph B., Ceramic preform and method.
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