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[미국특허] Deployable decelerator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B61H-009/00
  • B61H-013/00
  • B61B-013/08
  • B61B-013/10
  • B61C-011/06
  • B65G-051/20
출원번호 US-0007718 (2016-01-27)
등록번호 US-9533697 (2017-01-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Avetian, Tadeh
  • Durden, Helen
  • Okerson, Ryan
  • Bambrogan, Brogan
  • Giegel, Joshua
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 49


A transport vehicle for traveling in a low-pressure environment structure is provided. The transport vehicle may include a deployable decelerator provided on the transport vehicle and configured to deploy from the transport vehicle to decrease a distance between the transport vehicle and the low-pre


1. A transport vehicle for traveling in a low-pressure environment structure, comprising: a deployable decelerator provided on the transport vehicle and configured to deploy from the transport vehicle to decrease a distance between the transport vehicle and the low-pressure environment structure, wh

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (49)

  1. Jackson John D. (Las Vegas NV) Miller L. James (Leo IN), Air-cushion vehicle transportation system.
  2. Cummins Richard D., Air-levitated train.
  3. Groening, Ingolf; Henneberger, Gerhard; Klittich, Manfred; Wunderlich, Horst; Seelig, Anton, Arrangement for operating a transportation system with a magnetic levitation vehicle.
  4. Miettinen, Ensio Johannes, Bridge and method for manufacturing the bridge.
  5. Zhou, Bo, Circulated pneumatic tube transit system.
  6. Ellmann, Siegfried; Loeser, Friedrich, Device for automatically controlling a track-bound vehicle.
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  8. Ellmann, Siegfried; Loeser, Freidrich, Device for the generation of reliable status signals of a vehicle that is movable along a given path of travel.
  9. Roxberry Richard C. (Morristown NJ), Electromagnetic transportation system.
  10. Oster Daryl, Evacuated tube transport.
  11. Dalrymple, David, Evacuated tube transport system.
  12. Oster, Daryl, Evacuated tube transport system with improved cooling for superconductive elements.
  13. Oster, Daryl, Evacuated tube transport system with interchange capability.
  14. Hubbard, David A.; Taylor, Alfred J.; Watson, John C., Friction engaging device.
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  16. Stackhouse Donald F. (Georgetown TX) Pham Ut V. (Round Rock TX), High maximum service temperature low cure temperature non-linear electrical grading coatings resistant to V.P.I. resins.
  17. Minovitch Michael A. (2832 St. George St. Apt. 6 Los Angeles CA 90027), High speed transit system.
  18. O\Neill Gerard K. (127 McCosh Cir. Princeton NJ 08540), High speed transport system.
  19. Alimanestiano Constantin (2015 Blowing Rock Rd. Boone NC 28607), High speed transportation system.
  20. Diggs Richard E. (S. 12A Road ; P.O. Box 776 Carthage MO 64836), High-speed ground transportation system.
  21. Chu, Kevin Hwading, Image processing based traffic flow control system and method.
  22. Frye Patrick Edward ; Kudija ; Jr. Charles T., Integral propulsion and power radiant cavity receiver.
  23. Löser, Friedrich; Zheng, Qinghua, Magnetic levitation railway and method for its operation.
  24. Kunz, Siegbert, Magnetic levitation train provided with an eddy-current brake.
  25. Orlo James Fiske, Magnetic levitation transportation system and method.
  26. Fiske, Orlo James; Chen, Chen; Ricci, Michael Richard; Paden, Bradley Evan, Magnetically levitated transportation system and method.
  27. Samuelson Sven-Erik (Kil SEX), Method and apparatus for the production of castings.
  28. Thornton Richard D. (Concord MA), Multiple magnet positioning apparatus for magnetic levitation vehicles.
  29. Epps, Ray, Pneumatic delivery system with braking.
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  31. Teodorescu Constantin (Bucharest ROX) Ceauselu Constantin (Bucharest ROX) Ardeleanu Stefan (Bucharest ROX), Pneumatic transport apparatus and method of propulsion.
  32. Valverde Rene L. (517 Zamora Ave. Coral Gables FL 33134), Pneumatic transportation system.
  33. Ardeleanu Stefan (Bucharest ROX), Pneumatically propelled railway car transportation system.
  34. Schlienger Max P., Pod assembly for light rail transportation.
  35. Burns, Stephen Michael; Carr, Charles F.; Grimes, David J., Pumps and pump heads comprising volume-compensation feature.
  36. Laing ; Nikolaus, Rail vehicles with propulsion energy recovery system.
  37. Minovitch ; Michael A., Rapid transit system.
  38. Minovitch Michael A. (Los Angeles CA), Rapid transit system.
  39. Curtiss William P. (Winthrop MA) Sharp Gordon P. (Newton MA), Self generative variable speed induction motor drive.
  40. Peytavin Pierre (Neuilly-sur-Seine FRX), Smoothing rolling mill.
  41. Andrew J. Hazelton ; Thomas W. Novak, Stage device, and exposure apparatus with linear motor having polygonal shaped coil units.
  42. Makoto Okano JP; Noriharu Tamada JP, Superconductive magnetic levitation transportation system.
  43. Miller, Arnold R., Supersonic hydrogen tube vehicle.
  44. Kuja Michael W. ; Coletti Thomas M., Transportation underwater tunnel system.
  45. Yang, Nanzheng, Tube car, network of tubes, personal transport system, and control system and control method thereof.
  46. Adorjan Alexander S. (Pearland TX), Underwater cryogenic pipeline system.
  47. Kwon, Sam-Young; Kim, Hyung-Chul; Jang, Dong-Wook; Cho, Yong-Hyeon; Lee, Hyung-Woo; Park, Chan Bae, Vacuum division management system and vacuum blocking screen device for tube railway system.
  48. Loeser, Friedrich; Zheng, Qinghua, Vehicle having an eddy current brake for a rail-borne transportation system, and a transportation system which is operated therewith, in particular a magnetic levitation train.
  49. Crafton Paul A. (938 Schulze Dr. Norman OK 73071), Very high speed ground transportation system.

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