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Restaurant system and method for operating a restaurant system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-010/06
  • B66B-009/06
  • E04H-003/04
출원번호 US-0777429 (2014-03-12)
등록번호 US-9545160 (2017-01-17)
우선권정보 DE-10 2013 102 674 (2013-03-15)
국제출원번호 PCT/DE2014/000128 (2014-03-12)
국제공개번호 WO2014/139508 (2014-09-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mack, Michael
출원인 / 주소
  • HeineMack GmbH
대리인 / 주소
    The Law Office of James E. Ruland, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 45


The invention relates to a restaurant system, and a method relating thereto, including a first transport section, and a second transport section. The second transport section is located upstream of the first transport section in a provided transport direction of the food and/or drinks. The second tr


1. A restaurant system (1) comprising: at least one working area (2) for cooking and/or preparing food and/or drinks;at least one guest area (3); anda transport system (4);wherein the at least one working area (2) and guest area (3) are connected via the transport system (4) for food and/or drinks,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (45)

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  14. Schwarzkopf Anton (Marienstr. 5 8908 Ziemetshausen (Maria Versperbild) DEX), Chassis for rail-bound exhibition vehicles.
  15. Van Den Bergh, Hugo; Hayes, John, Conveying and storage systems.
  16. Collon, Manoel, Conveying device in particular for catering.
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  18. Axmann, Norbert, Device for conveying piece goods.
  19. Hein Wilfried (Werraweg 117 D-4800 Bielefeld 11 DEX), Elevator System.
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  22. Kropf Frederic F. (2419 N. 72nd Place Kansas City KS 66109), Food delivery system for restaurants.
  23. Wong Lungchuck (Warren MI), Gravity chuting conveyor.
  24. Koizumi Yutaka (Tokyo JA), Guide rod apparatus.
  25. Bauer Hans J. (Altdorf DEX), Guide sleeve for a length-adjustable column for chairs or tables.
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  30. Tani Okie (Tokyo JPX), Magazine rack and positional adjustment system therefor.
  31. Tokuno, Nobuo, Method of and apparatus for serving merchandise items in a restaurant with a rotary catering table system, and merchandise item management system for such restaurants.
  32. Tsuboi Nobuyuki (2-1 ; Okayama 5-Chome Shijonawate City ; Osaka JPX 575), Multipurpose reciprocal bearing unit.
  33. Peck, Glen, Pallet conveyor system.
  34. Charny John, Pallet type transfer device.
  35. Johnson Jerome K., Portable and collapsible dolly and track.
  36. Bustos Rafael T., Product vending system with pneumatic product delivery.
  37. Minges, Marcus C., Rail mounted traversing transport.
  38. Maynard ; Sr. Edward E. (3247-A Cofer Rd. Richmond VA 23234), Ring guideway for rapid rail transit system.
  39. Walton, Barry; Schultz, Bill; Cornelius, David; Barker, Chris, Shooting a motion picture scene with a self-propelled camera dolly.
  40. Zalewski Gerald F. (Albion PA), Soot blower.
  41. Tarlton Curtis S. (Florham Park NJ) Ford Richard A. (Blackwood NJ), Spiral conveyor.
  42. Poulos Philip (3319 Candlewood Dr. Hampton VA 23666), Suspended personnel carrier with articulated front and rear portions steerable independently of track curvature and tele.
  43. Bjorkholm Lars,SEX ITX S-510 54, Transporting means, method and arrangement for producing transport means.
  44. Cornwell Joseph M. ; VanDenBerghe Joseph E. ; Nuetzman Steven E. ; Wood Carl G. ; Womack Benjamin H. ; Leland Reid H. ; Crandall Bret, Truss track assembly and side mount roller coaster vehicle.
  45. Chapman, Leonard T., Wheel system for a camera dolly.
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