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[미국특허] Electrical conductor paths 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-005/14
  • F01D-025/24
  • B29C-070/88
  • B29D-099/00
  • F01D-005/28
  • F01D-017/02
  • B29L-031/08
  • B29L-031/00
출원번호 US-0204780 (2014-03-11)
등록번호 US-9562443 (2017-02-07)
우선권정보 GB-0914502.0 (2009-08-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Roberts, David V.
  • McMillan, Alison Jane
  • Booth, Stephen John
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Oliff PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 9


A component, for example an aerofoil vane or other gas path structure in a gas turbine machine such as a gas turbine engine, in which an insulated electrical conductor path is embedded structurally integrally, and in which electromagnetic shielding, for the embedded electrical conductor path is prov


1. An aircraft component comprising: an insulated electrical conductor path that is embedded structurally integrally, whereinelectromagnetic shielding for the embedded electrical conductor path is provided structurally integrally to suppress electromagnetic effects between the embedded electrical co

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sikorski Siegfried,DEX ; Schober Michael,DEX ; Schoenacher Reinhold,DEX, Blade for fluid flow engine having a metallic coating layer, and method of manufacturing and repairing the same.
  2. Marshall,Joseph A.; Weems,Douglas B.; Bussom,Richard C.; Anderson,David M., Composite structural member having an integrated electrical circuit.
  3. Iwaskow Richard S. (Pompton Lakes NJ) Crum Stephen M. (Wharton NJ), Compositions convertible to reinforced conductive components and articles incorporating same.
  4. Chan Edward K. C. (Washington DC), Device and method for shielding an electrically conductive cable from electromagnetic interference.
  5. Bost Michel,FRX ; Bauchet Jean-Cyril,FRX, Device for heating an aerofoil.
  6. Lawson David Charles,CAX ; Wiese Earl George,CAX, Electrically conductive composite heater and method of manufacture.
  7. Vontell, Sr., John Henry; Salisbury, George Alan; Watson, Jr., Charles R., Heater assembly for deicing and/or anti-icing a component.
  8. Jones Thaddeus M., Method and apparatus for using direct current to detect ground faults in a shielded heater wire.
  9. Blakeley Anthony (4116 Florida Dr. Rockford IL 61108) Horihan Gregory E. (3358 Tannenbaum La. Rockford IL 61109) Konicek Timothy S. (138 Flintridge ; Apt. 5 Rockford IL 61107) O\Callaghan Patrick J. , Turbine blade with metallic attachment and method of making the same.

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