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[미국특허] Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07D-417/04
  • C07D-401/10
  • C07D-405/04
  • C07D-401/04
  • C07D-213/81
  • C07C-235/60
  • C07C-237/42
  • C07C-255/57
  • C07D-213/65
  • C07D-405/10
  • C07D-295/192
출원번호 US-0854080 (2015-09-15)
등록번호 US-9598370 (2017-03-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kawamoto, Richard Masaru
  • Wu, Shengde
  • Evdokimov, Artem G.
  • Greis, Kenneth D.
  • Boyer, Angelique Sun
  • Warshakoon, Namal C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Jones Day
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 22


The present disclosure relates to HIF-1α prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, compositions which comprise the HIF-1α prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors described herein and to methods for controlling, inter alia, Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), heart failure, ischemia, and ane


1. A compound having the formula: 2. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: A) the compound according to claim 1; andB) one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. 3. A compound having the formula: 4. A pharmaceutical composition comprising: A) the compound according to claim 3; andB) on

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Weidmann Klaus,DEX ; Baringhaus Karl-Heinz,DEX ; Tschank Georg,DEX ; Bickel Martin,DEX, 3-hydroxypyridine-2-carboxamidoesters, their preparation and their use as pharmaceuticals.
  2. Kanji Takahashi JP; Tsuneyuki Sugiura JP, Aminobutyric acid derivatives.
  3. Shalwitz, Robert; Gardner, Joseph H., Compounds and compositions for stabilizing hypoxia inducible factor-2 alpha as a method for treating cancer.
  4. Seeley, Todd W.; Liu, David Y.; Klaus, Stephen J., Compounds and methods for treatment of cancer.
  5. Zhu, Xiaotian, Crystal of a kinase-ligand complex and methods of use.
  6. Evdokimov, Artem Gennady; Kawamoto, Richard Masaru; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Mekel, Marlene Jan; Pokross, Matthew Eugene; Walter, Jr., Richard Lee, Crystal of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha prolyl hydroxylase.
  7. Evdokimov, Artem Gennady; Kawamoto, Richard Masaru; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Mekel, Marlene Jan; Pokross, Matthew Eugene; Walter, Jr., Richard Lee, Crystal of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha prolyl hydroxylase.
  8. Kress Thomas J. (Indianapolis IN) Varie David L. (Indianapolis IN), Crystalline salt of 4-(di-N-propyl)amino-6-aminocarbonyl-1,3,4,5-tetrahydrobenz[cd]-indole.
  9. Eberhardt Hans (Biberach an der Riss DT) Brickl Rolf Stefan (Biberach an der Riss DT), Dermatological compositions containing an acylamino-carboxylic acid or an alkyl ester thereof.
  10. Lanthier, Christopher M.; Gorin, Boris; Oudenes, Jan; Dixon, Craig Edward; Lu, Alan Qingbo; Copp, James Densmore; Janusz, John Michael, Process for preparing [(3-hydroxypyridine-2-carbonyl)amino]alkanoic acids, esters and amides.
  11. Kawamoto, Richard M.; Wu, Shengde; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Warshakoon, Namal C., Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and method of use.
  12. Kawamoto, Richard Masaru; Wu, Shengde; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Warshakoon, Namal C., Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use.
  13. Kawamoto, Richard Masaru; Wu, Shengde; Warshakoon, Namal C.; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun, Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use.
  14. Kawamoto, Richard Masaru; Wu, Shengde; Warshakoon, Namal C.; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun, Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use.
  15. Wu, Shengde; Warshakoon, Namal C.; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Kawamoto, Richard Masaru, Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use.
  16. Wu, Shengde; Warshakoon, Namal C.; Evdokimov, Artem G.; Greis, Kenneth D.; Boyer, Angelique Sun; Kawamoto, Richard Masaru, Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and methods of use.
  17. McKnight, Steven L.; Bruick, Richard K., Prolyl-4-hydroxylases.
  18. Weidmann Klaus (Kronberg DEX) Baringhaus Karl-Heinz (Wolfersheim DEX) Tschank Georg (Klein-Winternheim DEX) Bickel Martin (Bad Homburg DEX), Substituted heterocyclic carboxamide esters, their preparation and their use as pharmaceuticals.
  19. Weidmann Klaus (Kronberg DEX) Baringhaus Karl-Heinz (Wolfersheim DEX) Tschank Georg (Klein-Winternheim DEX) Bickel Martin (Bad Homburg DEX), Substituted heterocyclic carboxyamides, their preparation and their use as pharmaceuticals.
  20. Durley,Richard C, Substituted pyrimidinones.
  21. Guenzler-Pukall, Volkmar; Klaus, Stephen J.; Langsetmo Parobok, Ingrid; Seeley, Todd W., Treatment of diabetes.
  22. Rowland David (Nobel CAX), Vitamin/mineral composition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lanthier, Christopher M.; Gorin, Boris; Oudenes, Jan; Dixon, Craig Edward; Lu, Alan Quigbo; Copp, James Denmore; Janusz, John Michael, Process for preparing [(3-hydroxypyridine-2-carbonyl)amino] alkanoic acids, esters and amides.
  2. Hanselmann, Roger; Luong, Anne, Solid forms of 2-(5-(3-fluorophenyl)-3-hydroxypicolinamido)acetic acid, compositions, and uses thereof.
  3. Copp, James Densmore; Newman, Ann W.; Luong, Anne, Solid forms of {[5-(3-chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxypyridine-2-carbonyl]amino}acetic acid, compositions, and uses thereof.
  4. Copp, James Densmore; Newman, Ann W.; Luong, Anne, Solid forms of {[5-(3-chlorophenyl)-3-hydroxypyridine-2-carbonyl]amino}acetic acid, compositions, and uses thereof.

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