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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for producing high purity phosgene 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C01B-031/00
  • B01J-008/00
  • C01B-031/28
  • B01J-008/06
  • B01J-019/24
  • B01J-008/02
  • B01J-019/00
출원번호 US-0907417 (2014-07-25)
등록번호 US-9663373 (2017-05-30)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2014/048261 (2014-07-25)
국제공개번호 WO2015/013655 (2015-01-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gautam, Pankaj Singh
  • Hollar, Jr., William E.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Cantor Colburn LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 28


A reactor for producing phosgene, the reactor comprising: tube located in a shell and a space located between the tube and the shell; a cooling medium located in the space and a catalyst located in the tube or cooling medium located in the tube and a catalyst located in the space; a feed inlet; and


1. A method of producing phosgene, comprising: reacting carbon monoxide and chlorine in a phosgene reactor in the presence of a catalyst to produce a final product composition comprising phosgene;wherein carbon tetrachloride is present in the final product composition in an amount of 0 to 10 ppm by

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Makoto Ishida JP; Koji Ishihata JP; Koji Maeda JP; Wataru Funakoshi JP; Hiroaki Kaneko JP; Yuichi Kageyama JP; Katsushi Sasaki JP, Aromatic polycarbonate, production method and molded products thereof.
  2. Paulik Frank E. (St. Louis MO) Hershman Arnold (Frontenac MO) Knox Walter R. (Town & Country MO) Roth James F. (Allentown PA), Carbonylation catalysts.
  3. Pews R. Garth (Midland MI) Bowman Robert G. (Midland MI), Catalytic formation of diarylcarbonates.
  4. Chrisochoou, Andreas; Kuhling, Steffen; Eynde, Johan Vanden, Continuous process for producing carbonic acid diaryl ester.
  5. Alewelt, Wolfgang; Kuhling, Steffen; Vanden Eynde, Johan; Van Meirvenne, Dirk, Continuous process for the production of carboxylic acid diaryl esters.
  6. Mullins Michael J. (Midland MI) Galvan Rafael (Midland MI) Chamberlin Thomas A. (Midland MI), Diaryl carbonate process.
  7. Fukuoka, Shinsuke; Hachiya, Hiroshi; Matsuzaki, Kazuhiko; Miyaji, Hironori, Industrial process for production of high-purity diphenyl carbonate.
  8. Francis Anthony Via ; Grigorii Lev Soloveichik ; Philip George Kosky ; Walter Vladimir Cicha, Method for producing phosgene.
  9. Francis Anthony Via ; Grigorii Lev Soloveichlk ; Philip George Kosky ; Walter Vladimir Cicha, Method for producing phosgene.
  10. Olbert, Gerhard; Thiele, Kai; Kim, Byoung-Yeon; Schelling, Heiner, Method for producing phosgene.
  11. Suzuta, Tetsuya; Mori, Yasuhiko; Tanaka, Takaaki; Abe, Tadashi, Multitubular reaction apparatus for contact gas-phase reaction.
  12. Heuser, J?rgen; Kauth, Hermann; Kords, Christian, Phosgene having low content of carbon tetrachloride.
  13. Cicha Walter V. ; Manzer Leo Ernest, Phosgene manufacturing process.
  14. Cicha Walter Vladimir ; Manzer Leo Ernest, Phosgene manufacturing process.
  15. Keggenhoff,Berthold; Lokum,Heinrich; M��nnig,J��rgen, Process and apparatus for the production of phosgene.
  16. Janatpour Mojtaba (Evansville IN) Shafer Sheldon J. (Pittsfield MA), Process for making diaryl carbonates.
  17. Ooms, Pieter; Bulan, Andreas, Process for preparing diaryl carbonates and polycarbonates.
  18. Ooms Pieter (Krefeld DEX) Schn Norbert (Darmstadt DEX) Buysch Hans-Josef (Krefeld DEX), Process for preparting aryl carbonates.
  19. Alewelt, Wolfgang; Kuhling, Steffen, Process for producing carbonic acid diaryl ester.
  20. Masaaki Miyamoto JP; Narutoshi Hyoudou JP, Process for producing diaryl carbonate.
  21. Ooms, Pieter; Bulan, Andreas; Rechner, Johann; Weber, Rainer; Buts, Marc; Vanden Eynde, Johan, Process for production of diaryl carbonate.
  22. Fukuoka, Shinsuke; Miyaji, Hironori; Hachiya, Hiroshi; Matsuzaki, Kazuhiko, Process for production of high-purity diaryl carbonate.
  23. Ooms Pieter,DEX ; Buysch Hans-Josef,DEX ; Kuhling Steffen,DEX ; Zaby Gottfried,DEX, Process for the continuous production of aryl carbonates.
  24. Galvan Rafael (Midland MI) Mullins Michael J. (Midland MI), Process for the preparation of aryl haloformates and diaryl carbonates.
  25. Rand Cynthia L. (Sanford MI), Process for the preparation of diaryl carbonates.
  26. Bockmann August (Krefeld DT) Wulff Claus (Krefeld DT) Vernaleken Hugo (Krefeld DT) Alewelt Wolfgang (Krefeld DT) Hucks Uwe (Alpen DT), Process for the preparation of diarylcarbonates.
  27. Kuhling Steffen,DEX ; Hallenberger Kaspar,DEX ; Ooms Pieter,DEX ; Buysch Hans-Josef,DEX ; Jeromin Gunther,DEX, Process for the purification of carbonic acid diaryl ester.
  28. Olbert, Gerhard; Mattke, Torsten; Vanderwaeren, Luc; Nevejans, Filip; Hammenecker, Jan, Reactor and method for producing phosgene.

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